Posted in: GLOBIS aims to create visionary leaders See in context
you've got to love this. GLOBIS head comes on Japan Today trying to hawk his MBA course and ends up being schooled by tkoind2's comments. Amen tkoind2 - MBA graduates just turn everything into spreadsheets which look good on paper but don't work in real life
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Posted in: Food for thought – future of food See in context
**meanngliess eco-policies
Yeah this sums it up really.
Japan will never have any problem procuring food though because it has the technology that the rest of the world needs.
The future is about MUTUALITY not rugged independence.
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Posted in: I’m shut out of my daughter’s life See in context
I would say that this is an example of how the value of life is different for Japanese and non-Japanese.
The child has a Japanese parent and therefore should be with that parent.
The rights of the other parent just don't exist. Japanese people first. Protect the emperor and expell the barbarians.
This way of thinking still exists very strongly.
There is also a rigidity in Japanese thinking that is imbued by the education system that allows no flexibility. There is no flexibility. Hence a woman separated from her husband can feel no compassion or understanding from her husband.
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Posted in: High school boy arrested for running child porno site See in context
look it is common unfortunately, a human abberation. of course it is disgusting. he needs help
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Posted in: How well founded is Japan's gastronomic pride? See in context
ha ha best italian food Japan ?
you have to be joking. everything here is created like an exhibit.
you can just imagine the chef in a french restaurant going
"France pan to iu no ha" and measuring the slices of bread with a ruler
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Posted in: How well founded is Japan's gastronomic pride? See in context
Japanese food is nice, yes. sometimes.
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Posted in: How well founded is Japan's gastronomic pride? See in context
they treat food as almost pornographic content -
it's sustenance, remember.
And millions of Japanese eating raw fish everyday comes at a price, i.e the pillage of the world's oceans and the buying of fishing rights in poor countries like Fiji etc.
U.S. = beef and meat extravagance Japan = fish extravagance.
Wait till China and India get hold of these tastes and see what happens !!
gotta love Japanese food but I think the Greeks had it right - bread, vegetables, wine and of course a pack of malboro for breakfast
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Posted in: How well founded is Japan's gastronomic pride? See in context
you are forgetting one thing - how they eat. Japanese sit down and scoff down their food in 10 minutes with slurping and squelching noises.
The Europeans have the joie de vivre in their eating with laughter, bonhomie, humour and camaraderie. I'd far rather sit around a table with the French or Italians and actually enjoy the experience rather than just be surrounded by a sea of "oishii" "sugoi!" over and over again
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Posted in: Over 70 dogs perish in Nara pet shop fire See in context
these dogs were liberated. those pet shops make me sick
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Posted in: U.S. warns Japan child custody laws could harm bilateral ties See in context
People - fight together on this one - 'cos its one fight worth winning.
I have two children here in Japan and I sympathise with the fathers.
Thanks JT for taking this up.
Children need both the male and the female to develop into balanced humans. Too many Japanese people, in my opinion, have been over-feminized by too much mollycoddling and not enough tough love from Dad.
Kids need Mum and Dad, or Mum and Mum if Mum is a very butch lesbian.
This issue is gaining ground now. Keep up the fight !!
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Posted in: What can be done by the community and authorities to reduce child abuse by parents? See in context
Maybe, it must just be a good idea, perhaps, to erm.. ban pornographic material with children in from corner shops ?
naah, that's just me being old-fashioned.
they are only cartoons after all.
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Posted in: Living sustainably easier than you might think See in context
My actual experience has been that Japan remains a nation of "talkers" not "do-ers" in terms of actual lifestyle change
Yes this would seem to be the case. Hence in Tokyo the emergence of people using "my chopsticks" and wearing hemp hats. It's a fashion statement.
Would they give up their car or flying around the world ? Not likely. It's just trendy to give a crap, you know
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Posted in: Living sustainably easier than you might think See in context
lobby the governments to stop making plastics and petrochemical derived products. that's real action with a good result. not eco trendy though, and therefore not so good for self-aggrandisment
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Posted in: Living sustainably easier than you might think See in context
Hmm this all seems very well except that the author drives a car and flies internationally several times a year according to the blog on website. Perhaps if she set an example other people might follow ?
the usual eco hypocrisy - it's a fashion statement at the end of the day
What is ? looks like a front for greenwashing to me
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Posted in: Study group set up to deal with rise in child abuse See in context
I wonder if they'd consider banning child porn ? I could take you to several high street shops in Shinjuku and Shibuya tomorrow that are openly selling videos of minors engaged in sexual activities. It is incredibly hard to prevent child abuse while these sorts of materials are available - and it legitamizes child abuse in the eyes of the abusers !
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Posted in: Tokyo's live house music scene set to go global See in context
What does "Live House" mean ? Is this an English word ?
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Posted in: Taiji sets dolphins free following int'l outcry over 'The Cove' See in context
There is an "eco" fad going round the world at the moment which means the more dolphins and whales you save the cooler you are. it's time to let other fish have a chance
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Posted in: Taiji sets dolphins free following int'l outcry over 'The Cove' See in context
window dressing
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Posted in: Kim Basinger urges designer Yohji Yamamoto to go fur-free See in context
I wish it wasn't about publicity and celebrities for you, but the real issue: that millions of animals are dying every second for no other reason than our selfishness, and you have seem to forgotten that. I will leave you to your fancy ads and naked celebrities, they seem to grab more attention anyways, eh?
Moderator: Please focus your comments on the topic, namely Kim Basinger's letter to Yohji Yamamoto.
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Posted in: Kim Basinger urges designer Yohji Yamamoto to go fur-free See in context
I'd say to Kim Bassinger, if you want to attach yourself to a cause, how about something important
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Posted in: Kim Basinger urges designer Yohji Yamamoto to go fur-free See in context
I might add that anti-fur crusaders are an example of white imperial intrustion, and will end up harming indiginous communities in Canada and Antarctica, just so a load of celebrities can feel important about themselves. Do some research and you will find out that these peoples have relied on fur-trapping and selling it for thousands of years, and in some cases like Aboriginies in Australia are in a spiral of recession and alcoholism.
I'd rather wear fur than see eskimos starve. You'd rather eskimos starve than wear fur. It's clear we have different points of view.
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Posted in: Kim Basinger urges designer Yohji Yamamoto to go fur-free See in context
I am pro animals and also pro human and pro not getting on a high horse about something just because it is trendy and easy to do so.
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Posted in: Kim Basinger urges designer Yohji Yamamoto to go fur-free See in context
You respect famous people like Kim Basinger and Richard Gere. Me too - I also love Meryl Streep and Tom Cruise. We've got something in common.
Paris Hilton has stimulated the economy for years and we have a lot to thank her for. Still, I ask you to tell inuits not to wear fur as well then, as well as models and other people you seem to despise so much.
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Posted in: Kim Basinger urges designer Yohji Yamamoto to go fur-free See in context
I love this fur free thing, and now the Japanese are being harbingered as well as for whaling. It becomes news when you get Kim and Yohji's names on the headline.
What next ? How about some inuit eskimoes?
"We'd rather go naked and starve and cast off thousands of years of tradition than wear fur".
Something tells me that the anti-fur people and the Taji dolphin posse have a lot in common.
They go for easy targets, like Japan They like to fawn about going on about eco this and green that, but only about things that happen to be cool enough for them to be interested, like cute animals, solar powered anti-whaling vessels etc.
Out in the Serengeti, the animals don't start a movement like "we'd rather go hungry than watch crocodile eat emu". They just accept that man is the master of animal in some environments and this is just the way our bacteria prevail. It's ludicrous to just pick out one example of a cute animal and protest against it to make yourself look important.
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Posted in: 8 suspects, including mother, held in rape of 16-yr-old girl in Fukuoka See in context
Just because kids watch violent movies, it doesn't make them violent.
However, if you allow an economy to thrive on porn and vice then don't be surprised if all sorts of odd crime and sex happens. Just don't, OK ?
Japan could be like the Amsterdam of the world, except tourists could come here in their droves to "child porn cafes" where you can have a coffee and a cake and read a comic adorned with 8 year olds in thongs.
Times are changing, If Japan wants to be first world, clear out all the Oyaji scum from politics and publishing and use your army to prop up your might against the yakuzza scum, and make this a progressive nation. At the moment you get the feeling it is just a concrete porn paradise with a few rivers left to go on JR advert campaigns.
Moderator: All readers back on topic please.
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Posted in: 8 suspects, including mother, held in rape of 16-yr-old girl in Fukuoka See in context
who knows they may have been mentally ill ? they must have been.
No sane people would do this. Therefore they were insane. Insane people. Committ them to mental hospital.
Horrible of course. The existence of this kind of crime means that soceities must have well-equipped mental health infrastructure to minimize long-term damage.
Oh, and making child sex videos illegal or even actively outlawing them EVEN though they make a lot of money for some people, (call me old-fashioned here I don'T mind) ... . well could be a good idea maybe for promoting a better moral culture ? Maybe ?
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Posted in: In-flight madness with the kids See in context
it's usually a reflection on the parents. 12 hour flights to Europe and my two sleep pretty well, and if they don't, I walk around and play with them till they sleep.
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Posted in: Which summer blockbuster are you looking forward to seeing most of all? See in context
None of them are remotely interesting to me
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Posted in: Israel will begin negotiations on next phase of Gaza ceasefire this week, minister says
男性は黒色の上着 Here's the Japanese, Mister Kipling . And JT.
Posted in: Man found collapsed, bleeding from head wound, on Nagoya sidewalk
Posted in: Japan records trade deficit of ¥2.76 trillion in January as tariff worries loom
Posted in: Man found collapsed, bleeding from head wound, on Nagoya sidewalk