Japan Today

cr0wnJ3wls comments

Posted in: Mormon church to build 5 new temples worldwide, including one in Sapporo See in context

and they don't even ask for money from their congregations. My mission cost me about 10,000.00 out of my own hard-earned cash and I never earned a cent. It's volunteer work pure and simple. Pity some missionaries are such jerks to have people thinking the way they do though.

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Posted in: Mormon church to build 5 new temples worldwide, including one in Sapporo See in context

I dunno guys, I'm pretty stoked. I can understand ur points of views though (I've known some pretty over-zealous, hell-bent, horrible mormon missionaries) but I spent 2 years in Hokkaido as a missionary myself and busted my butt shoveling snow for old people, cleaning public parks, other community service etc. The members of the mormon church...or at least the ones I knew, were awesome and took really good care of me. They've wanted this for so long and so I'm happy for them.

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