Japan Today

Cricky comments

Posted in: Zelenskyy: Ukraine needs more weapons, faster See in context

Russia should be happy they are stuck in the Ukraine, should they actually tangle with a legitimate NATO member, oh my that’s going to get huge sad face from Russia. Nuclear option? Yep go for it? England, France, America might just respond.? Then think Russia is isolated now, hell use a nuclear weapon? It won’t be hug time for Russia.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Posted in: Company uses whale meat vending machines to promote sales in Japan See in context

Hilarious trying to promote a product very few people want, except the decrepit elderly and it’s like in their youth one of the foods they can afford. And as we know the decrepit are dying out let’s hope they do before they consume freezers full of whale offal. Then perhaps tasty foods might be on the menu.

-11 ( +9 / -20 )

Posted in: Company uses whale meat vending machines to promote sales in Japan See in context

Well it is the third largest economy in the world, butter shortages, potato shortages, food costs skyrocketing it does makes sense to release offal that’s been in freezers for decades. I will worry when vending machines have packets of grass as a choice.

-21 ( +17 / -38 )

Posted in: 34% of Japan's small, mid-sized firms intend to hike pay: survey See in context

The peasants are revolting……yes they are.

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

Posted in: Japan to uphold apology if South Korea settles wartime labor issue See in context

Can you withdraw an apology? And if so doesn’t that make the apology a fleeting thing rather the an actually real apology in the fist place? Sorry I apologize for burning your house down…..thought about it and no I did it on purpose. So I withdraw my apology. Seems fair now I say it out loud. Boy are my kids going to get it tonight.

-9 ( +9 / -18 )

Posted in: Japan gov't spokesman's secretary to quit over drink-driving ticket See in context

He is a government employee at a high level so a driver service is provided, I don’t know that’s why I termed my comment as a question. Sometimes asking as I did is seeking answers not knowing,? I like being able to make a decision with as many facts as I can.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Activists fight Tokyo gov't over historic Jingu Stadium demolition See in context

It’s just a stadium that’s at its use by date. Build a new one and the games can continue, in a modern stadium, more toilets better evacuation exits?, don’t like the cutting down of trees though. There are few enough as it is in Tokyo

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Posted in: Japan gov't spokesman's secretary to quit over drink-driving ticket See in context

There is so much that’s just wrong in this short story.

his "supervision and management did not go far enough." He is an adult how far should you manage an Adult?

making the return drive home of less than a kilometer when a police officer stopped him for questioning. Less than a kilometer, walk home you idiot.

but because he could not connect a call with a designated driver service?

two points is that a tax payer funded driver service?, because that’s a story on its own. And he can call a designated driver service for a trip that’s under a kilometer in length? Oh my lord these people are so entitled.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Posted in: Why do people spend so long in jail without going to trial in Japan? See in context

Do you remember the young 19yo who was arrested for breaking a lamp? 9 months in detention, on his first night in Japan? 9 months in jail? Nobody bothered to actually investigate how this unconscious jet lagged boy managed to damage a lamp while being unconscious. That’s the North Korean, sorry Japanese system of justice.

0 ( +13 / -13 )

Posted in: Why do people spend so long in jail without going to trial in Japan? See in context

Just avoid any contact with japans “legal” version of justice, you could end up on death row for breaking 2or 3 lightbulbs, that after two or three months of detention before you confess. Try not to catch a policeman’s eye. Don’t ride a bike, that’s bait. If by some miracle you are found innocent of anything you have lost you job your friends probably family and suicide is understandable. Prosecutors should carry a scythe just to warn you the are death on two legs.

-9 ( +9 / -18 )

Posted in: Fighting heats up in Ukraine's east and north after tank pledges See in context

With the USA, European, British security services watching gathering intelligence I’d have to go with them. Russian intelligence said Ukraine would fall in weeks. And here we a a year latter with convicts and conscripts getting slaughtered. Not the best look for any country.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Posted in: Kishida says return to deflation can't be ruled out See in context

Every time it’s always outside causes never the LDPs inability to restructure an out dated business model.

-2 ( +10 / -12 )

Posted in: Fighting heats up in Ukraine's east and north after tank pledges See in context

Patriot system hasn’t arrived yet, might explain why it hasn’t stopped missiles. I also loved the Russian military spokesman saying “ we have destroyed 4 Bradly fighting vehicles” that have not been deployed yet. Or the constant claim of destroying HMARS so far if you believe the Russians they have destroyed more than were produced let alone sent to the Ukraine.

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

Posted in: Kishida cautious about same-sex marriage See in context

And yet in Japan you can marry your own cousin. I know but it does explains the LDP.? Japan is one if not only country that allows inter family breading, But same sex relationships? That’s only for law makers a paid for service.. They are not gay they are curious.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Posted in: Kishida cautious about same-sex marriage See in context

Ummmm he is going to Hiroshima soon maybe he could talk about relationship’s with his wife, if she is home? After all he has a fantastic normal relationship with his never see wife. He is a beacon of married bliss.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Posted in: Russia unleashes missiles, drones at Ukraine after Kyiv secures tanks; 11 dead See in context

Oh my god, Kursk tank battle references? then “it’s not fare” we only want to demilitarize Ukrainian, de-nazi the Ukrainian but on YouTube Russian troops are seen waving nazi flags? Starting to think Russia is a decade or two several behind the rest of the world. We will burn the latest western tanks? Good luck with that. The game is up Mr Putin, like Hitler time is up. Putin is a sick old man desperate to leave a legacy, sorry you pale next Stalin Mr Putin you are destined to be No2.

0 ( +10 / -10 )

Posted in: Japanese power firms seek price hikes, adding to household burden See in context

30% ? Aso was right, cup noodles for everyone,, buy candles and Blankets in the third largest economy in the World.? Heating your house is a balancing act with buying food. Yep can afford children.

-7 ( +12 / -19 )

Posted in: Toyota to replace Akio Toyoda as president and CEO See in context

Toyoda, 66, is the grandson of company founder Kiichiro Toyoda. His father Shoichiro Toyoda also led Toyota, in the 1980s and '90s. Nepotism, and to claim youth at 66 . Oh my god.

The company pioneered hybrid cars, but some critics say it has been slow to make the shift to battery-powered engines even as demand soars for low-emission automobiles.

isn’t this the guy who said Toyota has no interest in electric vehicles? No surprise then.


-22 ( +1 / -23 )

Posted in: Trial of Abe shooter to face issue of sympathy for church 'victim' See in context

Japan's longest-serving prime minister, ok by 1 day, then the next day he after breaking the “record” he left office.

 I assume Yamagami's personal circumstances will not much influence the court's decision on the degree of punishment,"  WHAT! doesn’t justice take into account circumstance, oh! it’s Japanese justice so the government gets a say.

Leaders around the world also expressed shock and outrage, That must be why so many turned up for the memorial service?

He might be a murderer, certainly not a threat to society. Death penalty would be a political lust for retribution. Not a matter of justice, but it’s Japan!

-10 ( +11 / -21 )

Posted in: Opposition questions Kishida in Diet over tax hike plan See in context

I think as do the LDP, if people can afford heating in their house they can afford a tax rise.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Posted in: U.S., Germany sending battle tanks to aid Ukraine war effort See in context

Kursk tank battle was a defensive battle for Russia and come on!, it was a long time ago. Things have changed. The Ukrainian people fought against Nazis with bravery and determination. To now slather them with suddenly being Nazi? That is just stupid. Every Ukrainian family lost a family member to nazi atrocities, and Stalins purges, forced deportation. You can’t pick and choose history. What is happening now is a page in history that will not make Russia look good.

12 ( +22 / -10 )

Posted in: U.S., Germany sending battle tanks to aid Ukraine war effort See in context

Been, as I do watching Russian Tv, first they were saying we should nuclear attack England, now saying Berlin? Down playing the Tank transfers, “we will destroy them” ,”not a problem” I don’t think so. Russian tanks looses even by conservative figures are catastrophic.. on top of that Western equipment is a generation or two ahead of Russian equipment. And as an aside they continue to say that everyone who supports the Ukraine is a satanist? It’s just so stupid.

12 ( +25 / -13 )

Posted in: Ex-PM Mori casts doubt on Japan's excessive support for Ukraine See in context

The only thing he has any right to comment on is answering the question, “where did the money go?” Answer that then I might listen. With this man’s history of corruption I would not be surprised if the Russian are paying him, under the table of course.

6 ( +42 / -36 )

Posted in: Kishida to consider visiting Ukraine if right conditions are met See in context

Kishida to consider visiting Ukraine if right conditions are met

Those conditions being the comfort of Kishida. We support the Ukrainians in there struggle for freedom…..wait I have to actually go there?

-7 ( +15 / -22 )

Posted in: Heavy snow continues across much of Japan as cold snap maintains grip See in context

It’s a matter of pride, what prefecture can get the coldest temperatures, the deepest snow fall. “Last year we had over 2 meters but this year just 1.5, But deaths are up due to fiscal austerity so not all bad. Well done dead people.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Posted in: Heavy snow continues across much of Japan as cold snap maintains grip See in context

It’s amazing after 20 years living in Japan never seen snow before, well except for 2003, 2004,2005,2006,2007. ect , It’s amazing what a supper surprise. I going to adjust my tv antenna, I know it’s not a typhoon but still it snowing in winter…didn’t expect that.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

Posted in: Paris Hilton announces birth of first child See in context

Southpark going to have a field day

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Posted in: Nagasaki Prefecture ordered to pay damages to U.S. woman over harassment See in context

Doesn’t matter where she came from, the work environment was male driven sexually charged. It’s disgusting but sadly part of the unique Japanese culture. I disagree with the compensation amount but I’m sure she will tell everybody who will listen about how backwards Japanese thinking and law is.

-4 ( +10 / -14 )

Posted in: Japan defense buildup helps triple primary deficit projection See in context

What is there to defend?, failed economy, old people, youth not interested in children? A tonne of military equipment defending a hollow shell that doesn’t make sense? Make it worth defending first.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

Posted in: One way to keep warm See in context

That concrete floor mimics the natural environment and ensures any body heat is sucked strait out of the body. But what do I know, I don’t have a Masters or a Degree on animal care, like the zoo staff, management. I imagine they will drag dead monkeys with a hook out of their cage regularly.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

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