Japan Today

crouching$amuraiHiddenNinja comments

Posted in: Do you agree with Donald Trump's view that Japan should arm itself with nuclear weapons to deter a threat from North Korea rather than have the U.S. military protect it? See in context

First off I like to say that the US military has in the past deployed in secret WMDs and nuclear arsenal on submarines and warships deployed to Okinawa, Japan, Guam, and S Korea.

1) Japan should only obtain Nuclear weapons as a last resort if in the future US is unable to protect its Pacific Allies or if their presence is greatly reduced due to budget cuts, constraints of US military weapons and naval units being shipped to other regions of the world to engage in a US conflict overseas.

2) Japan's development of it's nuclear weapons should only be justified as a defensive measure. It would act as a great deterrent if Russia, North Korea, or Russia is every engaged in a conflict with Japan. Japan has already develop nuclear energy and already has the knowledge to build it's own arsenal of nuclear weapons, the only issue is if whether Japan can protect its nuclear arsenal from sabotage

3) Japan should maintain an arsenal of nuclear weapons AS LONG as it maintains its same stance of peaceful stability within the pacific region. With Abe amended the SDF to aide US military overseas, I believe Japan would be endangering its sovereignty and the safety of its people if Japan is engaged in an overseas conflict with nuclear proliferation.

4) Japan should firstly be concerned with building its naval, air, and land power and have them mutually replace US naval, air, and marine forces based within Japan's territories. A pull back of US forces to GUAM, Australia, and Hawaii will provide US military the flexibility, mobility, and safety of its expeditionary forces to patrol the Pacific region without being vulnerable of being attacked while based in Okinawa and Japan.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: 1,152 hate speech rallies reported in Japan since 2012: Justice Ministry See in context

If we live in a democratic society, then respect their freedom of speech and say whatever the hell they want to say. We got KKK, Neo-Nazism, Anti-White movement, Trumpism, and all these other hate groups in the US. If anything, we're experiencing our own form of hate-speech issues domestically too.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: 910,000 new recruits start work across Japan See in context

gogogo -

like what? Enjoying life and living young and care free? Because to be honest I didn't learn anything outside the field of focus that I studied in. Most of my Life learning experience came from me doing things outside of school and learning things that I like to learn about by myself.

I would rather be part of a society where I go to class to pass, and get into that club that'll help me get a job, than living in a "do-it-yourself" society where the strongest survives the employment world and weak stay in the minimum wage and entry level position without any kind of significant networking skills.

In East Asia, we all have a system where our parents tell us to study hard in school so you can pass to go to a good college, and than get a good job.

In America, we just say: get a job doing whatever it is your interested in. Oh and it'll help a lot if you have a connection whose working in said career field to get you in.

That's how the employment works in America. lol most people get jobs through a friend, family member, or connect. Even if it's an internship. And if you don't have a friend or connect, than most the self-made successful people wouldve been like how most young japanese kids do it and attend job fair conventions to meet and network around.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Posted in: Obama calls on journalists to hold candidates accountable See in context

obama is the best president?

Oh well let's see how he dealt with the outside world:

1) Putin's Russia annexes Eastern Ukraine and threatens nuclear war if Nato or US-led forces intervenes. Obama's administration does nothing, and Russia now has strengthen it's international presence. This can be seen with Russia's increased influences in the Arctic, Syria, and Ukraine.

2) Arab spring: Obama administration leads a coalition of US allies in overthrowing a variety of government regimes in the form of economic, military aide to rebels and providing air dominance in regions such as Libya and Syria; without providing nation-building plan to restore each newly-regime overthrown country back to stability.

The result: More countries falling into disorder and anarchy, militant islamic movement has increased throughout the globe, the Rise of ISIS, and the flood of Refugees into Europe continues to this day, US air force munitions and weapons are depleting faster than being manufactured. US air divisions from the Marines, Navy, and Air force have desperately asked congress and the Senate house for more military funding, and have resulted to scrounging for spare parts and supplies to bolster their depleted air resources.

3) Asia: With China's claims to the South China sea, Obama administration decides it's a better idea to antagonize with China by diverting more military resources into the South China Sea rather than dealing with ISIS, working stronger alliance between US, Russia, Iran, and Syrian Al-Assad led government forces, bolster NATO defense, or providing Naval assistance to Refugees.

The result: China is even more persistent in claiming S China Sea, and has already begun arming and militarizing every artificial island in order to combat growing US military presence. China is also bolstering ties with Vietnam and will continue to maintain a presence in S China Sea indefinitely. US in return must maintain and provide more military expenses in maintaining its military forces in Asia, with plans of building new military bases in Philippines and Australia, as well as providing funds to S. East Asian nations allied to US. The end result is that the winner will need to maintain a strong robust military presence as well as providing ample resources and money to pay for such military presence.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: 910,000 new recruits start work across Japan See in context

For all you critics who calls this system " outdated" or "broken" and needs to be changed soon, I don't see how other nations' youth employment programs rival that of Japan. Most of the kids who graduate school in America, Canada, Australia, or Europe don't even really have a true plan and just get whatever job thats relevant to their field of study, only to quite and change jobs after two or three years. Some who quite can't even get a stable income let alone a career; While others are absolutely so hopelessly unemployed that they become internet intellectuals and yell at other online com mentors on this page. lol

The problem with youth in Western Society today is that the majority of us don't have a plan, and we don't really have a national event or season where everybody starts applying for work in unison. It's quite scary when applying for work as college graduate with little to no work experience, but at least you can take comfort that everyone is undergoing the same process as you. It's like taking the SAT and the college application period for high school graduates in the states, more kids are motivated to participate in the taking the SAT and applying out when their friends and family members are doing it at the same time too.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Posted in: Nations drag heels on Syria refugee resettlement See in context

Thunderbird2 - Yeah i have to agree with you also. Most of these migrants aren't Syrian, Iraqi, Afghani, or Libyans. Many are from Africa, Middle East, Nepal, and Western-Central Asian (Not East Asian). They're mainly in Europe after Merkel opened Europe's borders to welcome in the Syrian War refugees, and assumed they were welcomed as well. Most of them are Economic Migrants. Meaning their only in Europe so they can benefit from the Socialist welfare programs such as free medical and Health care, unemployment welfare, etc.

And yes, Europe is not in any way like America. It's often baffling, amusing, and quite pitiful to see Western European nations like France and Germany try in accept & embrace "Multiculturalism"; using American influence of diversity to make their nations stronger and more robust.

However, Europe is not in anyway like America. America is new country, in which their native inhabitants are relocated to tiny reservations, and with such a huge swath of territory, any foreigner can move in and assimilate into the American society (a nation of all races and religions, etc). Europe isn't like that, for the native inhabitants dominate the continent and have their history and culture engrained into their society. So when you bring muslim foreigners into their land, there's going to be a rift in the difference between European secular Christian society and Middle Eastern Arab-influence Muslim society. And observing how Europe's Muslim population is living and interacting with their host nations in Europe for the past 15 years, it's obvious to see that many of them do assimilate into their host culture, however religion and politics are still very different in their eyes. Many do feel they are discriminated subtly, moderately, or harshly due to their race, religion, language, and customs.

And the majority of European societies never embraced diversity and multiculturalism like that of America. so stop trying to make it work. It's going to cost a lot more time, money, as well as cultural changes within Europe for this process to work along

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Foxconn agrees to Sharp at reduced price See in context

papi2013 - foxconn is taiwanese run and owned not chinese. yes theres a big difference.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Obama calls on journalists to hold candidates accountable See in context

Obama is a terrible president

-10 ( +8 / -18 )

Posted in: Soldier's shooting of Palestinian sets off uproar in Israel See in context

dude just stabbed an army soldier's buddy. How would you have reacted if you were that soldier and someone was doing that to your army buddy. Living in a state of danger since these palestanians are stabbing ppl every other day? Being someone whose between 19-23, im sure every kid wouldve done the same, regardless of your race or ethnicity.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Chinese national admits hacking U.S. defense firms See in context

I find it hard to believe that what he's saying is legitimate. It could just be a forced confession from law enforcement so they can show the public that they are taking steps in combating and preventing corporate espionage.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: N Korea fires ballistic missiles into Sea of Japan See in context

well sure if someone understood what you were talking about and than decided to agree with your point. and what is your point again?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan protests over alleged rape by U.S. sailor on Okinawa See in context

1) Can't believe the number of bloggers here defending rape committed by US servicemen by comparing them to the crime rates of Japanese and Okinawans. seriously? so i guess if Japan won WW2 and have troops stationed in US, it would be ok if japanese bloggers say that the amount of rape commited by japanese troops is nothing compared to the rape rate among US citizens, because that is exactly what it sounds like.

2) Can't believe smithinjapan's comments and stating that if the US finds out this act was true, they will deal with this appropriately... did you forget about the US army general who was recently fired for trying to rape a japanese woman and stated that he will get away with it? Are you not familiar with the cover-ups of crimes committed by US military personel?

3) Disillusioned - are you serious?? you actually think because you watch rough japanese porn and hentai, you think you know japanese culture? oh so you watch a couple rough rapey porn on pornhub and now you are suddenly the master of japanese culture? idiot.

In conclusion it's so sad to see all these pro-American bloggers defending the crimes commited by US personnel... and that they continue to support the presence of US troops in Japan and ignore the violence, rape, and other crimes committed by US troops today and in the past.

As an American, I strongly oppose US troop presence in Japan and Okinawa. There has been too many cover-ups, silence from the rape victims, and the history of rape in Okinawa and japan by US servicemen for me to ignore the fact that we need to pull out of Japan and let them maintain their security apparatus.

0 ( +16 / -16 )

Posted in: Toll mounts in Japan's detention centers as foreigners seek asylum See in context

As an American who applied for legal work visa and had to under go the immigration process,

All I can say is that it would've been wise to have applied for refugee, student, work, etc visa in your native country or another host country before landing in Japan and expecting the best outcome..

AND to provide ample review of whichever organization or company that is helping you apply for visa.

Japan is a first world country but it is not like the United States. And don't be naive to think that with decades of American influence of human rights, civil rights, etc. Japan and its society will easily and faithfully indulge in American style thinking and liberal philosophy.

Yes they have an strong economy that spans throughout the globe and is one of the most popular first-world tourist nation, but that doesn't mean they want to accept diversity and the mass influx of immigration.

And what's more important to note is that many of the bloggers in this site who complain and demand reformation in Japan's refugee process need to understand that the violence and deaths of refugees is not as unusual as they think. In many other nations hosting refugee camps throughout the globe, there have been hundreds of thousands of deaths in camps where lack of medical support, food, and clean water is prevalent in many nations.

This issue has no easy solution, and to demand the release of these illegal immigrants will not solve all problems. Work is very difficult for foreigners with legal work visa as it is.

0 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Oscars get 34.3 million viewers, lowest rating since 2008 See in context

The Oscars was pretty racist towards Asians with the whole minion joke plus smart slave children doing math for Chris Rock.

And why is everything always a black vs white when it comes to the topic of "Diversity" and "Color"?

To me, the reason why #OscarsSoWhite and #BLM isn't getting as much momentum is because these movements are focused on one minority race rather than others.

If there was more representation for Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans, Persians, Arab, etc these civil rights movements would be steam rolling throughout our society.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Austria, Balkan nations want full stop to migrant influx See in context

I have a feeling that if this European Migration turns really ugly in the future, everyone's going to be pointing the figure at which country is directly responsible for the influx of refugees from these war-torn countries: USA

yep, who decided to invade Afghanistan? Who rallied their allies to invade and overthrow dictator Saddam Hussein of Iraq? Whose invasion garnered the masses of different countries to create the Arab spring and overthrow their home country's dictators? And whose not taking a direct action in stopping the bloody civil war in Syria?

Yep. If and when the european migration turns ugly, it's inevitable that everyone is going to be pointing the finger at America.

Well no, there's already a lot of angry critiques who are already blaming America, Bush, and Obama for these problems. *Sigh the world we live in today

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: U.S. commander: China seeking control of East Asia See in context

Just another example that America will do everything in it's power to stop the expansion of their rivals vying for influence.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: As Europe opens its doors, Japan considers clamping down harder on asylum seekers See in context

yeah, honestly I agree on Japan and any other nation's border security policy. Letting that many refugees in at that large amount will only spell disaster for the hosting nation. What kind of jobs can be offered to them? Will most of the majority in Germany and Austria be force to live in lower income neighborhoods or ghettos? Will in three years time, crime rate be soaring due to drug abuse, unemployment, prostitution, rape, and theft?

Letting Syrians into Germany and Austria is obviously a complicated issue for them; Germans and Austrians will always be put in the spot light due to their past crimes against humanity during World War 2, therefore many politicians and foreign policy advisers agree to allow them in. But doing so, how many other migrants from escaping warzones and poverty be trying to enter Germany and Austria? Afghanis and Iraqis are surely already making their way to Germany as well as Africans escaping poverty and war.

It is nice to show the world that Germany and Austria is taking action to mend its past, but I'm sure this will become a very very big issue in the future if there is no proper compensation or care provided by the state to these people. It's therefore much cheaper to tighten border security than providing housing, medical care, food, clothing, and employment to these migrants who have nothing to do with them. If anything, America should take better steps in allowing them into our country. ISIS is the main cause for the influx, and our wartime adventures into Iraq has led to former Iraqi military officers taking charge over ISIL. We shouldve sent boots into Syria like what russia is doing now, but since our administration cares too much for American lives, they are making other allied countries pay the price for our past mistakes.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Posted in: Ball skills See in context

i would love to play one on one with the chic, she seems pretty good.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Okinawa vote a blow to Japan-U.S. ties, say analysts See in context

Okinawa belongs to Okinawa, Not to US. We Americans love to justify our deployment in what little areas of mainland Japan and Huge Swaths of Okinawa to convince the Japanese that China is a real threat and that will invade them any minute we leave. No matter what you will hear from the "pro-base in Japan" side of us, the conclusion will always be the same: We need to be here for your peace and freedom! We are an imperialistic hegemony, and we use the words "Freedom", "Liberty" , & " Equality" to our occupied host nations and partner states while pressuring their government to concede to our trade pacts. The TPP is wrote majority by corporate lawmakers who are only interested in helping to grow their companies from their advantage. Too bad so few of us Americans are open to see the world from their perspective of us; instead most of us just think we're awesome and we are the world order. Please ask yourself everybody, international waters and airspace... who enforces these laws? Every country? or Every Country that follows them in accordance to OUR American set standard?

Its time for Japanese people to rise up and say enough is enough! No more strong alliance with America. Abe will only lead the Japanese to a dangerous road by amending their military to defend US interests. Itll be a sad time, when America one day decides to go to war with China or Russia, and have all the major cities that are near US bases get blown up and bombed. No more dependancy from us, we are not your protectors. We only in it for ourselves

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Iraq, Iran fighters deployed to defend Damascus See in context

This is time of reckoning. We plough into Iraq over vague ideas that Saddam holds weapons of mass destruction & training grounds for Al Qaida. We destroyed homes, livelihoods, infrastructures, businesses, economies, families, and their national economy. And we tell the world that we achieved mission accomplish against terrorism. Young Servicemen and women were sacraficed by President Bush and his supporters to invade, fight, and become casualties, while we tax payers just deal with the paycheck. Now ten years later, our economy is still in a mess from the trillions of dollars we have spent. We complain and treat the local Iraqi government and their soldiers like their incompetent, lazy, and "lack the will to fight", while we blindly ignore the fact that we destroyed their homes, caused internal warfare between diverse ethnic and religious groups, and through their jobs out the window. We now are broke and we ourselves "lack the will" to complete our committment to Iraq. The whole world is watching and understands that now we are liars when we say are a global force for peace and a global force to combat terrorism and help nations combat terrorism.

And now we are trying to focus more attention on China instead of dealing with this problem. We are promoting the vague idea that China is a force that threatens global peace, as well as promoting that they are behind all the most crucial cyber attacks. What a world we live in. ISIL wil continue to advance and march and destroy while we're busy focusing on the next country to fight. There will be a reckoning. We have sinned for the needless deaths of innocent people, and we as a country will receive punishment for our actions.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Islamic State fighters at the gates of northeast Syrian city See in context

This is time of reckoning. We plough into Iraq over vague ideas that Saddam holds weapons of mass destruction & training grounds for Al Qaida. We destroyed homes, livelihoods, infrastructures, businesses, economies, families, and their national economy. And we tell the world that we achieved mission accomplish against terrorism. Young Servicemen and women were sacraficed by President Bush and his supporters to invade, fight, and become casualties, while we tax payers just deal with the paycheck. Now ten years later, our economy is still in a mess from the trillions of dollars we have spent. We complain and treat the local Iraqi government and their soldiers like their incompetent, lazy, and "lack the will to fight", while we blindly ignore the fact that we destroyed their homes, caused internal warfare between diverse ethnic and religious groups, and through their jobs out the window. We now are broke and we ourselves "lack the will" to complete our committment to Iraq. The whole world is watching and understands that now we are liars when we say are a global force for peace and a global force to combat terrorism and help nations combat terrorism.

And now we are trying to focus more attention on China instead of dealing with this problem. We are promoting the vague idea that China is a force that threatens global peace, as well as promoting that they are behind all the most crucial cyber attacks. What a world we live in. ISIL wil continue to advance and march and destroy while we're busy focusing on the next country to fight. There will be a reckoning. We have sinned for the needless deaths of innocent people, and we as a country will receive punishment for our actions.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Iraq, Iran fighters deployed to defend Damascus See in context

he. Looks like Iran and Saudi Arabia are one of the most helpful nations to curtail ISIL; whereas US is only interested in working with East and South East Asian nations to prevent China from expanding. So much for telling the world that we are a global force for peace. We destroy Iraq, rebuild it the American way, and watch it crumble and consume itself as well as regions surrounding Iraq and do nothing. And now we're planning to focus 60% of our forces to Asia to prevent China from expanding. I feel like I am taking crazy pills. What has our nation become? we were a country founded to the face of preventing tyranny and expanding freedom. Yet now we look at Iraq and say "Hey buddy, you lack the will to fight. This isn't our problem anymore. Go clean up your own mess". yeah. go clean up your own mess. lol hilarious how our leaders say that without blinking and thinking the world think its our mess not theirs.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Chinese weaponry spotted on artificial island, U.S. says See in context

This is another example of American move to isolate and weaken china. Have we not learned anything? Our Economy is in the dumps. The Middle East is a much worse state than ever before. Russia is putting a big front to US and NATO. And now we're instead focusing on preventing China's expansion? shake my head

And what do you think we can accomplish by starting a new cold war with China? A nation that holds our debt, that does actually profitable investments and contributions to the world in terms of economics. Whereas the world only see US as war hungry world police force.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Aquino compares China to Nazi Germany See in context

LOL. Another asinine politician trying to convince the world that his country has fallen victim to China. As if his country hasn't already begun occupying islets and islands around the S. China Sea long before China begun moving investment and interest into the region. All I see are nations' leaders trying to make China out to be a "possible Imperialist Colonial Empire" when they themselves have interests in the region yet cannot compare to the economic, military, and land mass size to China. And does he not realize that Overseas Chinese produce and contribute a sizeable chunk to his nation's economy?

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Chinese weaponry spotted on artificial island, U.S. says See in context

he. Funny how some ppl think that every South East Asian and East Asian Nation bordered to China should unite and fight against china. As if China is some Imperialistic Colonizing Empire. Last I check China was the one that was colonized by almost every European and Japanese Colonial powers and now they're pointing fingers at China and telling China what to do? And Treating China as if it's Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia?? And May I also remind everyone, that almost every South East and East Asian country has historical, cultural, and economic ties with China that have dated FAR LONGER than any European or American trade and culture exchange.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: LDP, Komeito discuss cases where SDF could operate abroad See in context

lol I think it's hilarious how some of you think Japan's SDF will return back to its preWW2 imperial state; may I remind you boys and girls that the Japanese culture was more tied to the Samurai way of thinking in which many do not practice today. Plus whatever Japan does in the future will inevitably bring America to either lead or take over responsibility.

This modification from the Pacist constitution is a way for the U.S. to have their ally to take a more aggressive role along with their other allies against mainland Communist China. Just like how NATO is once again strengthening their alliance with US against big Red Russia. It's all just a power game to pin smaller countries against large states.. In which if a war were to break out, America would hold back and send military aide to their battled allies... Until the time is right again to send a fully organized and coordinated attack against their enemies. Just like how we did in WW1, WW2, And Korea.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Okinawa vote a blow to Japan-U.S. ties, say analysts See in context

About time. There's no point for us to dump our country's tax dollars over the past three decades after the Vietnam war into keeping bases over there that have little to no value other than to combat the perceived "CHINA INFLUENCE". Seriously if the Okinawans and the Japanese people vote to not have our bases there, we don't need to be there. My country fights wars out of the cause of freedom from oppression.. what are we if we ignore our host nation's pleas for us to leave? The only benefit Japan has is maintaining military contracts with us so they can suck our money dry.

-6 ( +12 / -18 )

Posted in: Survey: Asia finds money brings happiness See in context

........... startling news! ... (I say sarcastically) I mean come on, a wife wants to feel secure financially and a family needs to have supporting parents who provides for their children...

The way life works in most parts of America and Asia and I'm sure the rest of the world, in this day of age, is that money will buy comfort, happiness, security, and distractions.

And that's good enough for everyone else. If you disagree, you probably have a very youthful liberal and naive outlook on life. Probably because you're parents pampered you pretty well and provided everything you needed while achieving that liberal arts degree.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: One Japanese man tells why he wanted to fight in Syria See in context

he's not insane he's a thrill seeker. Like how early Colonial Royal British Adventurists, who were polished for a promising career, would put whatever theyre doing down and just go out and explore.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: S Korean safety official commits suicide after concert tragedy kills 16 See in context

this is not reflecting very well on the general safety image of S. Korea towards the world, first the ferry incident now this....

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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