Posted in: Vietnamese cafes in Calif too racy for some See in context
How ridiciluous. Too racy for some, but the a few are able to ram thier morals onto the majority.
It always amazes how there is never enough money to fix the failing infrastructure, keep the schools open, keep the convicts in prison, or send out the social security checks, but there is always enough money to send an army of police out to chase skantly clad girls over moral issues.
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Posted in: WikiLeaks founder denied bail; jailed on Swedish sex crime charge See in context
So if he had worn a condom, would it have mattered?
I guess if Sweden outlaws all sex without a condom, we are going to see fewer and fewer Sweds in years to come.
Sweden has some very radical sex laws. You almost need a signed affidavid from the woman. Thier laws are aimed at criminalizing all men and making the women victims regardless of thier participation. This was the intent of the radical feminism that influence the law development.
In Sweden, they blame prostitution solely on men. The women, who advertize themselves for sex, are considered "victims" after they are busted.
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Posted in: Aguilera caps topsy-turvy year with 'Burlesque' See in context
I find it odd that the USA is waging a War on Sex to stamp out pornography, prostitution, and basically all sex and references to it, but the country embraces a blockbuster movie about a Burlesque show. Could it all be more hypocritical?
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Posted in: Burlesque See in context
I find it so ridiculous that US culture, and all levels of the US govt are waging a War on Sex against pornography, prostitution, and basically all sex, but yet the country is embracing a blockbuster movie about a Burlesque show.
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Posted in: 'Shallow-brained bureaucrats' crackdown on love hotels unlikely to thwart teen prostitution See in context
It's a War on Sex.
If they were not trying to legislate morality, they would need to worry about distinguishing between regular hotels and love hotels.
I agree that chasing the hotel owners around is not going to stop it. It is similar to outlawing cellphones or trains because poeple are indirectly using them for sex.
But in America, regardless of how absurd the law is, it usually passes because.....its a War on Sex.
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Posted in: Why are Japanese women so eager to bare themselves? See in context
I dont think it is exclusive to Japanese women. Celebrity American women (and the wanna bees) are nude all over magazines and in strip clubs too. The only difference is Japanese women have a much better package to see because they are all natural.
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Posted in: Ueno massage shop operators suspected of being N Korean operatives See in context
This is typical of the US govt....get so excited over the sexual component that they forget about espionage, terrorism, and illegal immigration… try to irrationally blame all three on sex.
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Posted in: Ueno massage shop operators suspected of being N Korean operatives See in context
The War on Sex is worldwide.
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Posted in: Common misconceptions about the opposite sex in Japan See in context
Why not use an equal number of men and women in the survey? Maybe they just took whoever responded.
Anyway, as a man, I love Japanese women more than any other because:
Most of them are all natural. No shaving. No tattooes. No piercings. The whole world thinks it is necessary to shave off all hair from thier bodies. I think body hair, in the rigth place :), adds all the character. Most dont have fake breasts either. And I agree the figure is more important than the breast size. There is an AV star named Akari. Cant find a last name. Tiny breasts, but she is sooooo beautiful and lovely. Japanese women have very healthy looking skin texture and color. Probably because the Japanese diet is so much better than McDonalds. I love those deep brown eyes.I have seem some Japanese girls online that I dont know how they could be more beautiful and attactive. The trouble is....I just dont know them.
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Posted in: In Triumph See in context
Japanese girls are to shelf. I love thier eyes, bodies, hair, skin, etc. etc.
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Posted in: Girls, girls, girls See in context
Hooters is a joke.
There is always someone out there to hypersensitize something like this into a "degrading thing for women". These poeple dont want to understand that the women who work there do it willingly, but are the first to tell you a woman own's "her body" when it comes to abortion. They cant decide who should own it....them or the government.
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Posted in: Spray fresh See in context
Smartacus, you are exactly right. I think it was really rude to spray her. Spray the crowd. I would not have done this to as a visiting fact I would not have done this at all.
She really handled herself very well and I am sorry she had to be endure this needless embarassment.
And she is stunning beautiful too.
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Posted in: Paris Hilton leaves for U.S. after being denied entry into Japan See in context
Celebrities like her are often activists for all these laws. They think it is only men who will have to comply, but then they get caught in thier own snare of hate.
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Posted in: Comedian Masako Ohara goes nude for book on love See in context
She probably also opposes the objectification of women in pornography.
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Posted in: Well done ladies See in context
I think they just caught Mao at a moment when she was not smiling. The other girl has a smirk on her face too. The media does this purposefully.
Mao is still a world class skater and will remain there for a long time, but there was no beating Kim last night.
They both are fabulously beautiful and I will always have a soft spot in my heart for Mao.
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Posted in: Sexless in Japan See in context
It is pathetic. Give me a report that says one thing….and I will give another report that says another. This is probably a lot of journalistic wishing and scientific manipulation instead of reality. I find it hard to believe the species has lost interest in sex and reproduction in one generation. Sigmund Freud says sex is a man’s primary motivation for everything he does. I tend to believe that. A man seeks to be financially successful to attract a woman (or women).
I guess they have become so fascinated with electronic gadgets that they forget about living a real life. All this really says is that there a great deal of animosity between men and women in the there is in America culture….which is deeply entrenched in a War on Sex. The only perspective politically correct in America is a woman’s perspective. A man’s is not allowed.
Sex is extremely rewarding part of life. Anyone who goes through life abstinent is missing out tremendously and will regret it later….when the are too old to enjoy sex. There will be no special marker on your grave.
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Posted in: Okayama teacher arrested for taking nude pictures of 15-year-old girl See in context
Does Japan spend more police resources on the War on Sex than the War on Terror. America sure does.
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Posted in: Beauties for a cause See in context
Why would I turn out the lights when she is around. I want to see every square inch of that.
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Posted in: Sign of the times See in context
The song goes:
Sign, Sign, everywhere a sign. Blocking out the scenery. Breaking my mind. DONT DO THIS. DONT DO THAT. CANT YOU READ THE SIGN?
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Posted in: Triumph of the spirit See in context
The only thing better than a beautiful Japanese girl is two beautiful Japanese girls.
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Posted in: Year-end gift-giving season See in context
Yes, nowhere is customer service any worse than in the U.S.
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Posted in: Man arrested for abducting four young girls for 17 hours See in context
It's an odd situation, but abduction? It doesn't sound like anything actually happened! The girls went willingly. They were not help against thier will. Were not harmed. They were not molested.
Wow! And I thought the US was hysterical over everything sex. This didn't even involve sex.....just a stretched presumption of it.
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Posted in: Aya Sugimoto See in context
The last thing we need is another romantic comedy. It's worn out more than westerns.
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Posted in: Tattoos See in context
She WAS a beautiful girl. Now she looks terrible. Japanese girls! Dont get tattoos
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Posted in: Supersize me See in context
All the boy has to do is keeping eating McDonalds and he will be as fat as the wrestler.....something great to aspire too right?
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Posted in: Legal loopholes give rise to bars, salons employing underage girls See in context
The more I read this, the less content I really see what they allege. Sadly, American sensationalistic journalism has crept all over the world as normal.
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Posted in: Legal loopholes give rise to bars, salons employing underage girls See in context
Underage girls should not be involved in sexual services.....however, the rendering of sexual services (for money) between consenting adults should not be illegal. No country can call itself "free" if it bars consenting adults from willfully engaging in sex.
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Posted in: Anti-far-right protest draws 250,000 in Munich
Posted in: Iran supreme leader says U.S. talks 'not intelligent, wise or honorable' but doesn't rule them out
Posted in: Anti-far-right protest draws 250,000 in Munich
Snow in Hokuriku---in February!??!?!?!?!
Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall