Japan Today

d_spector comments

Posted in: 19-year-old drunk driver arrested after passenger dies in crash See in context

I feel horrible for both the driver and for the family of the boy who perished.

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Posted in: Japan faces longer state of emergency, casting doubt on Olympics See in context

"No vaccine, No games." Sounds like a fair proposal to me.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 621 new coronavirus cases; 668 in Osaka See in context

As a university teacher, I am really concerned about the health of my students. Since the recent SOE, my main uni decided to switch to online learning again. I hope the SOE remains in effect so that some real learning in a safe environment can continue. Young people are our future.

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Posted in: 58 infected with coronavirus at welfare facility in Chiba See in context

Sclerotic Japan Inc

"Sclerotic: grown rigid or unresponsive especially with age: unable or reluctant to adapt or compromise" - Webster

I learned a new word today!! And excellent use, too. Thanks, Bruce Chatwin!

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Posted in: Koike urges cooperation to avoid Tokyo lockdown See in context

"Well at least if the Olympics get called off they don't have to try to cover up the Coronavirus anymore. They might actually be able to deal with it now."

My sentiments exactly!

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Posted in: Beware of false groping charges, rip-off clubs, shakedowns over sex See in context

Papa-katsu?? That's a thing? Who knew! Yikes! Scary story.

On a whole other note, I wonder about true cases resulting in mistaken identity. Surely, some gropers know how to do their "thing" while make it look like it was someone else in the vicinity. The whole app thing just doesn't seem to be enough, and I don't think the cameras in train cars is going to cut it either given how crowded some of those cars get. I would like to see more sensitive ads that appeal to the heart-strings of those would-be perpetrators.

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Posted in: What to do about the Tokyo Olympics? See in context

They should be canceled. The Spanish flu lasted from 1918 until 1920. All our attention and resources should be given to dealing with this world crisis.

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Posted in: Japan finds 15 clusters of coronavirus-infected people See in context


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Posted in: Confirmed new coronavirus infections in Japan now 1,528, including cruise ship cases See in context

Under-reporting is deceiving the general public into thinking that we're OK. According to a friend of mine, Kichijoji, for example, was packed yesterday with shoppers, as it usually is. Not good.

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Posted in: Many schools allowing students to use classrooms after closure See in context

And if the child becomes sick as a result of going to school to do self study, who is to blame? The school, the parents? Or if a sick child goes to school and infects others....?

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