Japan Today

Da_Realist comments

Posted in: Thousands surround Diet to protest at U.S. base relocation plan See in context

I don't think all of the protestors are getting paid. But good number of them are. This is common knowledge.

BertieWooster, the flaw is your logic is easy to spot. You're assuming the money is coming from within Okinawa. It's not. It's comes from NGO's, China, hippie peace organizations, etc. Again, common knowledge.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

Posted in: U.S. military kept nuclear weapons on Okinawa prior to 1972: Pentagon See in context

Not talking about Kadena AFB, but that seldom used back road on Camp Schwab to a bunker that had extra security posted INSIDE the base and was off limits to unauthorized personnel.

That's an ASP...Ammunition Supply Point. There are dozens of those bunkers that store ammunition of all shapes and sizes. Was it has extra security and is off-limits to unauthorized personnel is self-explanatory. It's not a state secret in the least. Google it.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Thousands surround Diet to protest at U.S. base relocation plan See in context

Okinawa wil always be a location for army bases. It's just the way it is. American or Japanese.

Or, if Beijing has its way......Chinese bases.

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

Posted in: Sanders, Trump win in New Hampshire See in context

Sanders is a fraud promising all you lazy wannabe's a bunch of goodies he knows he can't deliver. You clowns are pumping his dope straight into your veins.

Uh...Laguana....he's not my guy, so what "difference"? Compared to what? Whom? FYI. I was belittling him. FYI. And, he won't win the DNC bid. FYI. They'll oust him first. FYI. He'll end up running as an independent. FYI. And when he does, FYI, he'll cipher votes to the GOP. FYI.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: Sanders, Trump win in New Hampshire See in context

There's just a tad of irony in hem hawing about the GOP candidates.

The Dems are being throat-punched by a lifelong "independent" that became a Democrat like 5 minutes ago, one who accomplished precisely nothing in his very obscure political career, and has been relative political nobody--other than being commie union agitator--his entire life.

And the GOP is a debacle?! Pffffftttttt!

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Posted in: Yen surges as global market rout continues See in context

In the U.S. the economy has now gained nearly five times more jobs under President Barack Obama than it did during the presidency of George W. Bush, and the unemployment rate has dropped to just below the historical average

....because those on government bennies don't count as "looking for work" or "unemployed." In other words, with some 93 million Americans "out of the work force", the unemployment figures are skewed. Everyone knows this. Don't get hooked on Obama's government cheese.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Sanders, Trump win in New Hampshire See in context

It might mean finding ways to improve the economy such as keeping more jobs onshore. It might mean relying less on perpetual war, constantly feeding the military-industrial-academic complex. It might mean cutting back on the size of the military and bringing most troops back to the US to protect its borders. It might mean finding ways to rely less on petroleum, and then developing alternatives to burning it. It might mean reducing the control of those running the Republican and Democratic parties and not marginalizing political parties that can offer alternatives to them. It might mean more term limits for elected officials at all levels. It might mean meaningful restrictions on campaign contributions. It might mean many things: it's up to US citizens to decide

Shhh......don't stop now....you almost sound like a conservative (other than cutting the military, of course).

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Yen surges as global market rout continues See in context

Japan's problems are fiscal. Quite simply the Japanese government spends/wastes too much money.

In other words....the problem is an over-reliance on Keynesian economics run amok? Agreed. Hence, a policy recommendation that shifts towards a market-centered economy and away from government manipulation and over regulation.

But, let's not full ourselves into thinking this problem that resides solely in Japan.

Such action would quickly be followed by US and European emergency tariffs on Japanese imports and we would soon be back to the 1930s.

I think this is a bit dramatic. Different world, different circumstances. Neither the U.S. or E.U. has any interest in watching Japan collapse. They'll work to prevent such an occurrence rather than foment it. Just my opinion, though.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Yen surges as global market rout continues See in context

Yea, that's more or less what I said.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Yen surges as global market rout continues See in context


The Yen is actually relatively weak compared to other reserve currencies...artificially so.

Japan already has massive foreign currency reserves. Second only to China.

Negative interest rate is having the opposite affect BOJ though it would. Investors are using the yen as a safe haven to shield themselves from the volatile market, causing the Yen to strengthen rather than weaken.

Bottom Line = Japan's economic advisors have been looking for the quick, easy fix for years. It's not working. What's needed is a transition from a bank centered economy to a market centered economy that STOPS rewarding losers and propping up failed companies.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Posted in: Yen surges as global market rout continues See in context

There is no easy fix, Japan.

Brace yourself for the long haul, bite the bullets and finally institute the deep structural overhaul that has been needed for decades.

All this manipulation is just making things worse. Blind fools.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

Posted in: Obama visits U.S. mosque; says impression of Muslims distorted See in context

Obama doesn't give two shizz about Muslim's. Just more divided and conquer tactics intended to deflect from the bigger issues and get us fighting amongst ourselves.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Where are Japan's women leaders? See in context

Judging from the seriousness of Japan's demographic decline, the vast majority of women are still living at home with their families, working temp jobs, and spending what little disposable income they have on Coach bags and trips to Bali with the rest of their single women friends.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Cruz defeats Trump in Iowa; Clinton, Sanders in tight race See in context

it is nauseating to see Cruz win something.

Suck it up. It's likely Cruz will start to dominate and pull away with this thing. I imagine Trump doesn't handle losing well and is bound to lash out and self-destruct.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

Posted in: Trump faces first test in Iowa See in context

Trump lost. He was humble in defeat, but that massive ego is most certainly bruised. Let the self-destruction begin.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

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