Posted in: Men arrested over alleged prostitution for inbound tourists in Tokyo See in context
If the Japanese government is seriously serious about rising prostitution and girls being stuck with heavy debt, they should be targeting the upstream host clubs, with the top hosts making 1900M last year in publicly disclosed earnings.
Instead by targeting the downstream shops will only push the girls into the more dangerous overseas prostitution in SEA etc.
However, outside of a few for show laws that never see enforcements, host clubs and hosts pretty much are a protected class with heavy positive press promoting their use to young girls
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Men arrested over alleged prostitution for inbound tourists in Tokyo See in context
Where in the world does this come from? It would be really nice to see some facts to actually support this theory.
Already the host army have mobilized to defend hosts. This is how you know how powerful they are in Japan. In fact, in here anything negative regarding hosts are deleted. Across reddit, hosts have a ton of people defending hosts as the good people in Japan, with multiple youtubers promoting host clubs in Japan as well.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Men arrested over alleged prostitution for inbound tourists in Tokyo See in context
Vast majority of money in Japanese prostitution goes to hosts. But they are so influential in media and entertainment that any negative press is quickly suppressed.
Even here, few people are allowed to speak any ill about hosts, who now likely make up the majority of Japanese who make over 500M a year in annual income and much of the new rich
3 ( +12 / -9 )
Posted in: South Korean investigators arrest impeached President Yoon See in context
The future of east Asia depends on China
In this future, the neighbors would be conquered and its culture and people destroyed.
-1 ( +4 / -5 )
Posted in: South Korean investigators arrest impeached President Yoon See in context
Explain how South Korea "joins China" with a new government?
The leader of DPK is staunchly anti-US and anti-Japan and very much pro-China.
"The ruling Democratic Party’s presidential frontrunner, Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myung, sparked controversy by calling the United States an “occupying force” during a visit to a museum dedicated to an independence activist on Thursday."
He have made his intentions very clear that he wants to remove US troops from Korea, distance Korea from US/ Japan alliance, and position Korea to be aligned with China
-3 ( +7 / -10 )
Posted in: South Korean investigators arrest impeached President Yoon See in context
The arrest is a sad event for you?I
get off your moral high ground and have some sense of self preservation if you live in Japan.
This effectively puts another hostile nation right on the door steps, making Japan face Russia, China, North Korea and South Korea. This have completely changed the power balance and therefore makes peace harder to maintain as now the 4 nations can win decisively in a war
-11 ( +5 / -16 )
Posted in: South Korean investigators arrest impeached President Yoon See in context
This marks the beginning of the end of South Korea-US alliance, very likely US troops will be removed from Korea within the next 4 years
Tough times ahead for Japan as South Korea joins China.
-16 ( +7 / -23 )
Posted in: Japan, S Korea seek to strengthen ties before Trump takes office See in context
Meaningless as the PPP is about to lose power, and any agreement Japan had with Korea will be void once DPK comes to power.
There's zero chance DPK would want to stay in the current alliance.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: 8 face charges after employee at girls bar dies from excessive alcohol consumption See in context
This is not uncommon, many women die from this each year. The drink back system is also very cheap, the girls there can only get 10-20%, while a guy host would receive 40-60% with a higher base guaranteed pay.
6 ( +6 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan's largest bank apologizes over theft of more than ¥1 bil from safe deposit boxes See in context
She was using it for host clubs, while the host gets to keep all the money. The same scheme repeats over and over again as Japanese females turn to crime, get caught and ruin their life, while hosts gets to keep hundreds of millions of yen
-11 ( +9 / -20 )
Posted in: Japan asks China to bolster security on Nanjing massacre anniversary See in context
People need to take some personal responsibility as well as it is their choice to stay in an highly hostile environment with great risks to their lives. I understand some may not have a choice due to company requests, but moving their family over and putting them at risk as well is not understandable at all. Japan and China is close enough where there can be regular visits by plane.
-1 ( +4 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan wary South Korea turmoil may hurt improving bilateral ties See in context
The opposition is known for being very anti-japan, anti-US and pro china and north korea
The alliance will almost certainly fall apart within the next year. US troops may even withdraw if South Korea asks trump or just stop paying
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Man arrested for stealing ¥600,000 in cash from bag left in convenience store toilet See in context
This amount of money is very common in Japan. People here are mostly expats who dont realize just how wealthy Tokyo is as a city.
Despite constant propaganda on "low wages" most Japanese have no problems dropping 500k regularly on night outs
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: Young women preying on older cash-flush men in Japan: How can men fight back? See in context
Most of these women still live poverty lives, because most are making money to pay for hosts.
The only beneficiary from this entire scheme are hosts who are the main drivers of female criminality over the past decade. With continued exponential growth of host markets and many hosts making over 100M annually, lack of serious government enforcement, and massive influence the top host groups have on politics and entertainment industry, these problems will get worse
8 ( +13 / -5 )
Posted in: China expanding visa-free entry to more countries, including Japan See in context
Any Japanese who goes to china should take full self responsibility if they get attacked by the nationalists there. The conditions in China is very hostile for Japanese to visit
3 ( +8 / -5 )
Posted in: Gov't eyes ¥30,000 cash handouts to stimulate Japan's economy See in context
Wrong target. They should be supporting the working populations.
A lot of these people are not working because they are already extremely wealthy and does not need to work or working a cash based job that is not paying taxes.
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: Toxic work environments in Japan: What to do if you find yourself in one See in context
I have no idea why anyone with other options would want to work for a Japanese company. Long hours, bullying, exploitation, all come as standard.
Having worked in Japanese and Western companies, western companies can be a lot worse in Japan.
80+ hour weeks are extremely. It is rare we get any weekend days off, and working to 2-4am in weekdays is common. Despite the late hours, we are expected to show up to work in early hours.
While this happens in Japanese companies as well, you have little sense of job security as there's constant talk of PIPs and you often see entire teams PIPed every few months.
2 ( +6 / -4 )
Posted in: Toxic work environments in Japan: What to do if you find yourself in one See in context
Simple just change job, ask your prospective employer what work life balance do they have. Nobody force you to work in those company.
You obviously have no idea how bad the current job market is for office workers. Unless you want to go take a front line service worker job or manufacturing job and take a 70% price cut, many office workers are trapped.
With hundreds to thousands of applicants to choose from for a single opening, asking WLB will probably fail you the interview.
8 ( +10 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan jobless rate falls to 2.4% as fewer workers dismissed See in context
This is only true for front-line service and manufacturing workers.
For office jobs, there's barely any demand and layoffs will continue to accelerate.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: 7-Eleven owner confirms new takeover offer from Couche-Tard See in context
Businesses' main priorities are profits and ROI. Why wouldn't they be?
Circle K was bankrupt in the early 90's and bought by Couche Tard. It's now 2nd only to 7-11. Sounds like it underwent an upgrade and improved.
The RoI will only look at quarterly or at most 1 year.
What will happen will be massive downgrade of service level and product quality, and removal of CAPEX and other investments. This will result in degraded competitive advantage in the market which lead to closing of stores and rapid loss of market share 10 years down the road.
Everyone planning this will know that this will happen, but they will do it anyways, because if they do not maximize RoI for the quarter even at significant future risk, they won't be around the next quarter. The rules that most of these companies operate is that even if you significantly downgrade service or quality, the customer will not react fast enough to affect the next fiscal period results
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: 7-Eleven owner confirms new takeover offer from Couche-Tard See in context
Western companies may drive up profits, but they are horrible at customer service as everything will be evaluated based on RoI.
I would expect significant downgrade in customer service and product variety/quality upon this acquisition.
1 ( +7 / -6 )
Posted in: How to rest as fatigue soars in Japan See in context
Easy for people to suggest things to do but most of us have zero time.
Ever since promotion to management class, we are expected to work from 7:30 to well past midnight every day, in addition to weekend work as management positions are not covered by any labor law. Lucky to get half a day off each week to do basic house work. With how difficult it is to change jobs in this job market, people are stuck working longer and longer hours well past 100 hours weekly unless they want to risk termination and joblessness
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan designates 7-Eleven owner 'core' industry, complicating takeover See in context
Win for the consumers though. You know that once a takeover happen, profits will go up but there would be massive cutbacks to product quality and service quality. Western companies simply dont run B2C businesses with the consumers in mind.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Man arrested for stabbing employee because ‘he was lazy at work’ See in context
He at most gets probation. Bosses have a lot of leeway on what they can do to employees
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan PM hopefuls agree on Kishida's economic push; differ on how See in context
Supporting the working class who are paying taxes, not low income. Many "low income" dont pay taxes but have either massive assets or working cash jobs. Government should not be handing out more cash to them.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan wants its hardworking citizens to try a 4-day workweek See in context
Horrible idea, all it will result in is that employees will get a 20% in pay with zero reduction in workload.
Even now, I work at least 1 weekend days and many of my co-workers working on both weekends days, all as a service. The PIPs are being more and more common now as companies are actively looking to shed more people, and the job market is so horrid that you are pretty much done for if you leave.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Woman dies after being hit by 3 cars one after the other on Mie expressway See in context
The thing in Japan is that drivers of all 3 cars that hit her will face criminal charges and civil lawsuits, as some blame is almost always assigned to each of the parties
13 ( +16 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan small, mid-sized firms offer 3.62% pay hike, falling below major firms See in context
Im getting promoted to manager and my raise is less than 3%, most people at company getting 0-0.5% or salary decreases if bad review. Which company is giving these raises? I cannot believe these numbers
-6 ( +4 / -10 )
Posted in: Man on trial for child prostitution, arrested for allegedly having sex with 14-year-old girl See in context
They should arrest the host who made the 14 year old needing to prostitute herself to make oshi payments as well
-16 ( +2 / -18 )
Posted in: Japan's birthrate falls to record low as number of marriages also drops See in context
The key driver to reduced marriages is the proliferation of host clubs in recent years, with more and more young women addicted to hosts and carrying tens or hundreds of millions in debt. There need to be more regulations on hosts who are now the top earners in japan with many earning over 100M yen a month, often through illegal means such as international sex trafficking of their indebted customers
-13 ( +3 / -16 )
low expectation or so pessimistic forecast before summit are its reason.
Posted in: 50.1% of Japanese give high marks to Ishiba-Trump summit: poll
Posted in: Japan 2024 growth slows despite stronger fourth quarter
Posted in: Japan's private rice imports hit record high
Posted in: Taiwan pledges chip talks and investment to mollify Trump