Posted in: 6 Docomo execs take pay cuts over network troubles See in context
I agree with Hide Suzuki, look at the UK's RBS nearly 1million GBP payout amid falling share prices... at least the Japanese are doing something about it.
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Posted in: Vending Machines: Coined Consumerism See in context
I like vending machines.
Used panties vending machine sounds like a good business opportunity... NOT!
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Posted in: Body discovered on beach in Nagasaki Pref may be missing student See in context
Is one of the reasons for high level of suicides in Japan anything to do with the culture not wanting to share their issues with even friends I wonder? I know a lot of them keep to themselves, not wanting to 'bother' others with their troubles. Sometimes sharing can help a lot in relieving that pressure and who knows, a way out maybe found too...
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Posted in: Growing number of men have no close friends See in context
I have had run-ins with a number of my 'friends' in Tokyo, a lot of the time because I didn't (and still don't) understand how the friendship thing works here.
Admittedly it is odd, really odd and based on hours and hours of discussion with a friend, it would really seem that all of them after school days are closed to any more close friends. The next level after school days would be to get married to be with the partner. I don't think it's possible to be real close friends with a Japanese person as well (unless they're westernised).
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Posted in: Takahashi's bond with wife 24 years younger is stronger than ever See in context
Interesting... Takahashi met her when she was 13... wow....
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Posted in: Continental Airlines to sell seat assignments See in context
Selling access to toilets? So what if I don't have money and have to do it?
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Posted in: 1-year-old Japanese boy dies on flight to Hawaii See in context
ppl are so quick to find someone to blame... i guess you folks think the parents wanted their kid to die. what is with this blame speculation and blame culture i have no idea.... as a parent how would YOU like it if your kid had a mishap and people started blaming you? think about how others feel before passing judgement...
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Posted in: Man dies after stabbing himself, wife and 6-month-old baby in Aichi See in context
Why everyone is so eager to judge I don't know. Awful story I fully agree but to comment on a story of which full knowledge is absent is unfair.
As most can understand for a person to be driven to kill your own family things must have been pretty bad. What exactly we don't know but one thing is as one person mentioned how strange that a 6 month old kid an mother survived a knife assault could mean that the attack may not as vicious as it might seem... In no way am I for the assailant, but unless there are more concrete details about the incident, all I see is yet another sad incident on this imperfect world.
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Posted in: Two teens arrested for throwing 8-year-old boy into sea See in context
Sad business, I deserted the UK (London) because of similar incidents happening frequently..... In the UK, there's far too many laws protecting underage perps...
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Posted in: Japan to release 210,000 tons from rice reserves due to surging prices
Wallace ,do the rice Fukushima glow in the dark
Posted in: Japan to release 210,000 tons from rice reserves due to surging prices
Wonder if drones can be used to slowly spray the roof with something to melt the snow away.
Posted in: 98-year-old man found dead under eaves of shed after removing snow from roof
His story is being told on NHK tv. See : "58 Stolen Years - Two Siblings on the Road to…
Posted in: Japanese man acquitted of 1966 murders to sue state for defamation