Posted in: Pronunciation anxiety: Many Japanese people don’t want to speak English unless it’s perfect See in context
I have been a student of the Japanese language for many years and I have the same fear of trying to speak Japanese but I think that a person whom is trying to learn another language to speak it as often as possible. Practice makes perfect and you can only learn by trying. I personally will not judge though I might chuckle a little which is what I expect when I speak Japanese. good luck !!
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Whiis the victims nationality in the headline while the perpetrators is not? Yet more casual racism.
Posted in: Cambodian trainee to sue farm manager in Japan over repeated rapes
Japan seems to be happy with its kleptocracy, but for how long?
Posted in: Debate over raising ¥1.03 mil tax threshold gains steam in Japan
Posted in: Debate over raising ¥1.03 mil tax threshold gains steam in Japan
Posted in: Price to climb Mount Fuji will double, trail gates will close earlier if new plan is approved