Japan Today

Dangerousjisan comments

Posted in: Japan labor leader vows to fight for stable, better work conditions See in context

All said; that’s why I left. Earn considerably more as a truck driver here in the UK than an English Teacher does in Japan.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 925 new coronavirus cases; record 578 in Aichi See in context

I hate that feeling of things getting out of hand especially if it risks you, or your family’s well being. Nature can punish us in severe ways and then add human nature to the equation - what do you get? Your fate is not in your hands, but if you do get the chance to see it coming you could try running. You come to a crossroad and are lost. Whatever path you take will lead to a different outcome, but ultimately fate will catch you when it can.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan's proposed immigration law revisions deal fresh blow to refugees See in context

Japan has the sovereign right to pass legislation for which feels fit. Objectively, though, one compares how refugees are treated in their home countries. If you feel it is unfair, and this being not only the subject of unfairness foreign nationals face in Japan then you should seriously consider you own position that the future may behold to continue to live there. You will never be on a level playing field in Japan and face a continual up-hill struggle in various aspects of Japan life.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Posted in: Narita airport starts facial recognition trial for faster travel See in context

I do believe facial recognition technology is widely used by the Chinese Government to monitor closely their citizens. Believe what you want, but the benefits are heavily weighted towards government snooping. Gone are the days of CEO’s such as the like of Ghosen escaping trial and sneakily fleeing Japan. Gotcha!!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 249 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 1,563 See in context

Thank you Cleo, but as Japan does limited testing can we really say that is the real picture of infection. There are of course asymptomatic carriers, which would be detected via screening more of the population. Screening only those who show symptoms, where really they should finding those super spreaders, and through contact tracing.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 249 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 1,563 See in context

The way Covid cases are reported in the Japanese media is weird! Daily tally? Citizens need to know the whole picture not only the daily total infection rates. First, there should be an indication of the total number of cases since the pandemic started and the total number of deaths throughout the county and NOT ONLY DAILY FIGURES OF INFECTIONS, which is all you seem to have. This does not give you THE FULL PICTURE. It also, gives the impression that reality has been watered down, - softened maybe to prevent SHOCK, or DISTRESS to its citizens, cleverly painting a different picture to the real situation although not to the extent of misleading. What is the Total Tally does anyone know?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: British citizen arrested for dumping bento trash in mailbox See in context

I enjoy my well paid job picking up dog poo and litter for the local council here in the UK after having spent many years involved with education in Japan for which I have not prospered. Others litter provides a livelihood, but I wouldn't want to do that in Japan - far too many people over there!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Swiss to vote on whether to ban full facial coverings in public See in context

Muslims invited to live in your countries by your own governments will always exploit the new freedoms available to them, and play the discrimination card when it suits them.

However, take China for example; they will not put up with it, and forcefully whisk them off to work in the shoe factory and re-educate them to be good communist party supporting comrades.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Gov't OKs bill to release asylum seekers from detention See in context

Finally rich. In response to your comments above I do not challenge their ways. But, canon balls did once challenge their ways, and maybe again something on the horizon will challenge their ways. I can see China and Korea doing so already.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Gov't OKs bill to release asylum seekers from detention See in context

Immigration has always been a thorn in the side for foreigners in Japan. One only has to look at the history of Japan, and evolving mentality of the Japanese over time. Sakoku the period where Japan cut itself from the rest of the world (300 years??) only to open again with the threat of canon ball fire. The Japanese are quite happy to be by themselves. Foreigners will always be seen as a threat.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Posted in: China fires back at U.S. allegations of lack of transparency over WHO virus probe See in context

I am very fond of a book titled Animal Farm published long ago. China has become a society exactly like Animal Farm by surveilling their own people and by instigating fear of repercussion in their population if one acts against the party. CCP needs to vanish. A headless snake can no longer bite, or spread its poison. It’s about time we got to the heads of the CCP, or otherwise the world is in for more chaos! I have thoughts on how to do this, anyone else?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: A look at what quarantine is like in Japan See in context

The Olympics during the pandemic shouldn’t be going ahead, who are they kidding!

Not to have it is the sensible thing to do. Athletes aren’t going to feel comfortable under strict controlled conditions. This is looking bad, and seems like a knee jerking response from Japanese officials just to save face. Millions of yen has been lost in the preparation of these games and now even more will be lost as sponsors drop out!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan to spend ¥1.14 tril from reserve funds for virus subsidies See in context

Just give me Money! And a Abe mask please! It’s all about the money and less about the mask.....As to date UK Covid vaccination figures exceed 12 million......has Japan started vaccinating yet? Are we in Alice’s wonder land?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan expresses concern to UK over new Chinese maritime law See in context

The best, and most simplest way is to boycott all goods made in China. That includes foreign companies exporting their goods made in China. Stop trading with them entirely.

In addition bar all Chinese passport holders from Foreign Travel, and close all diplomatic missions, except for one to remain in Switzerland for a life-line diplomatic channel. Countries which continue trade with China to face the same exclusion penalties as China described above. Only societies acting together will turn the tide on China and make them listen! Any other solutions? Anyone?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Lower house OKs bills to introduce fines for those who don't comply with anti-virus measures See in context

And if people, or businesses do no heed to to the regulations? What is next?

Brute Force? Out with the baton!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: ANA posts record net loss of ¥309.58 bil in April-December See in context

ANA and JAL are excellent Airline Companies, if I had a choice of flying with them every time, I would! Only hope they survive the economic consequences of the Pandemic.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan's 2020 job availability logs sharpest drop in 45 years See in context

The Japanese are enough for Japan’s work force but don’t want to do minimum wage jobs without benefits. The Vietnamese will work for the minimum wage, or less with the benefit of working in a better economy of their own. Winner the Employer, loser the Employee!

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Posted in: Japan's 2020 job availability logs sharpest drop in 45 years See in context

I know a company that would have made a loss last year, but had it not been for Covid 19 they made a profit ( due to their Warehouse and Office rent being heftily subsidised by the government) Looking at the company annual report just published the Directors trebled the value of dividends paid out to them for the shares they own in the company. Example of greed in its entirety at the taxpayers expense!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan's probe into alleged Olympic bid bribery flawed: French court See in context

As above; Japan relies on loyalty, faith, conformity and CORRUPTION.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Posted in: Cabinet OKs bills to penalize people who do not comply with antivirus measures See in context

The Covid 19 virus is causing indisputable misery and damage to people’s lives and livelihoods around the world, and we should not forget the root of this problem - China!

Look around! Don’t you think it strange that the Chinese with such an enormous population are not succumbing to large losses on scale as other large economies? How is that? Could this be an orchestrated scheme to elevate its position to a supreme superpower by damaging the worlds economies? Has China suffered as much?

We need to scrutinize China further!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo governor warns of explosion in COVID-19 cases See in context

Wobot.....if only the true figures were available to you. 陰ぺい is a a word you should know as the the Japanese officials are masters of this trait. The Covied Tsunami will hit Japan shortly. My best advise to you is.... Run Wobot......Run now!!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo governor warns of explosion in COVID-19 cases See in context

Have fun Sandy as much as you can.......but don’t catch Crono, or your fun maybe cut short!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo governor warns of explosion in COVID-19 cases See in context

Limited testing in Japan does not show the true numbers of Covid infected. Hospitalization will become a problem as the numbers increase. When overwhelmed, the decision will be made by a Japanese person as to which sick live, or not , and Japan always will prioritize Japanese over foreigners when the the crunch comes to crunch. It is not a good time to be in Japan as a sick foreigner. ‘Japan is, and will always be for the Japanese and that includes its companies and institutions ‘ - quoted by a Japanese national known to myself.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan's economy sinks deeper into worst postwar contraction in Q2 See in context

Under the unprecedented circumstances it is only necessary for The Government to triumph if the the good man stands by and does nothing. This is plausible as Japanese society has designed it’s citizens to be nothing but Patsys.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan, faced with criticism, scrambles to do more coronavirus testing See in context

The morgues are full! Just that you don’t know it......yet.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 23 new coronavirus cases; number below 100 for 5th day in row See in context

There are two possibilities; either you save the Economy, or peoples lives. Both have equally terrifying consequences.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan's March jobless rate rises to one-year high See in context

Waiting for unemployment benefit in Japan can take up to 3 months depending on how you left your job. UK, 5 - weeks regardless of reason for leaving. Amount received around 60% and duration of receipt based on age and length of service. Once a month you have prove and show that you are looking for work to continue receiving it. You may claim for city tax reduction but must continue paying for medical Insurance and 30% medical fee contributions and pension contributions. In the UK you will receive free medical , rent paid for, and free state pension contributions. If you are over 45 in Japan, your chance of finding a good job are slim, and for every 5 years you pass that age your chances to get a decent job get slimmer. Ganbare!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan's March jobless rate rises to one-year high See in context

Lots of Managers here that do not deserve their pay packs. You know who you are!

Low pay, underpaid, contract workers non-paid hours.....it’s about time they had name and shame web sites that jobseekers can refer to......

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Osaka mayor under fire for saying women dawdle at shops See in context

Food shortages will be next!

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Osaka mayor under fire for saying women dawdle at shops See in context

Sexism, ageism, hostility against outsiders is rampant in Japan....I think I’m turning Japanesea I really think so.... does anyone know the true figures of suicidal deaths in this country vs Coronavirus deaths......?? Anybody question the trait of ‘suicidal tendency’ amongst the Kokumin psych!

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