Posted in: Honda-Nissan tie-up failure leaves Japanese automakers' future hazy See in context
An unpopular idea I know... but most probalby right.
Don't know why you keep cheering to Ghosn... the guy leaded Nissan for 20 years... that means he is responsible for every bad thing NIssan has and/or Ghosn did nothing or had no real power to change those bad practices of NIssan.
Either way, this only supports that Ghosn was not a good leader or at least he was not managing Nissan as he should have.
5 ( +8 / -3 )
Posted in: Investigators find black boxes after deadly Washington plane crash, continue search for answers See in context
Billions for Ukraine but not enough staff in the control tower.
Air traffic control staff need a lot of training and capacitation to be called so.
Considering that the job by it self is highly strassful and airtraffic controlers "serving life" is relatevely short and that since COVID a lot of airtraffic controlers lost their positions and many didn't come back (because of stress and health conditions).
You need 3 to 5 years of training to become an AC.... Covid ended 2021... we are 2025...
-5 ( +0 / -5 )
Posted in: Toyota group retains crown as world's biggest automaker in 2024 See in context
Is not Tesla!?!?, that's a shock!...(joking)
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Red light therapy shows promise for pain relief, inflammation and skin conditions – but other claims might be hyped See in context
Funny, in that case red light districts should be healthy hot spots.... they are hotspots sure, but not so healthy.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Investigators find black boxes after deadly Washington plane crash, continue search for answers See in context
Whatever the cause for this tragedy was... I am pretty sure DEI is not the cause.
Misscommunication, fault to acknowledge callings and alerts, malfuction of the Helicopter.
I woul not consider much, plane's malfunctions (althouhg it could have happened), given that the plane was on a landing approach; and between a passenger plane and a military helicopter the later is far maneuverabie.
2 ( +7 / -5 )
Posted in: Child suicides in Japan hit record high of 527 in 2024 See in context
Why people are having problems with the phrase "further analysis"?
If the cause of child suicides is not detected how you suggest to prevent it then?
Are you saying that bullying, social media are the main reasons for child suicide? And if so what is your idea of preventing it then?
Some may say "stop bullying"... how? by imprisoning the bullies?
The same for social media... not allow childs to have social media? and with that everything will be cured?
I don't think is that simple.
Also, further analysis is not sinonimous of "not doing anything". The article only covers the data regarding the suicide cases. But there are many iniciative taken by the society in general to counter this phenomena.
That there is much to be done, yes... But again, to do something and for it to be effective "further analysis" is needed.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Trucker still stuck in sinkhole after 24 hours See in context
wow 5 down votes in 10 minutes... apparently the "esmart" people are thin skinned...
Just think, from the rescued back side of the truck, we can assume that the vehicle went head (cabin) first.
If you ever seen an major accident involving a truck, the cabin could crush itself to a point that the driver legs, waist get trapped.
In order to free the driver from that situation, a heavy cutters (basically a big siccsors and/or mechanical saw) are recquired, but those are big and heavy. Taking those tools to vertically down to a whole with unstable ground and other complications may not be as easy as many think. Less operating those tools.
Lifting the cab with cranes and/or helicopter... phisycally is possible yes... but since the driver is potentially trapped (obviously he is, since he hasn't been able to come out) and by moving forcefuly the cab may hurt the driver mortally that option may not be feasible (if it was, again, they may already been done that).
Do you thought about those points when giving your ideas?, Now, if you have on-site information and if you have knoowledge of how to rescue a person in that situation, your ideas are valid... but probably they are not since I am sure you haven't even envisioned those point I mentioned.
-5 ( +4 / -9 )
Posted in: DeepSeek breakthrough raises AI energy questions See in context
(I know this is an oxymoron) but people should calm down and not to hype stuff.
This is a Chinese product... and everyone should know that China is good making "shiny new things". But you just have to scratch it a little and the rust, the cheap and outdated technology, the hollowed systems and the corrupted conections with the Chinese governmet will come out soon (it has already begun)
What the market did (as always) is to freak out at the new shiny thing, drop the "old" thing that you knew it is safe (in this case NVIDIA) and buy the hype. With this only making it easier to the people who know and have the resources to buy the good thing while the masses are dreaming
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Do you think democracy is the best form of government? See in context
I am not smart enough to think of a better system... and based on reality, democracy is the best option.
That does not mean I think this system is the best, just that I don't see a better one.
I think other people (including Winston Churchill) mentioned something similar to this....
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump signs order to pull U.S. from WHO See in context
Well... you have to admit that Trump is keeping his promise in trying to Make America Great Again.... by doing everything to bring the US to somewhere between 1914 to 1925, in regards of health and economy and even global security?
0 ( +5 / -5 )
Posted in: Dozens more firms pull ads from Fuji TV over sex scandal See in context
USA investment firm has effective controlling power over Fuji TV?
Well of course yes. And that is from a few years now (at least a decade or so). But this not only applies for FujiTV (and its parent company), but for many other Japanese compnaies too, Nissan is another one since someone mentioned in a comment before, other media companies (Yomiuri, Asahi, Nikkei), most of food and beverage companies (Asahi, Sapporo included) and so on.
My question is, how come the multinational invertors only mention their concern when this type of crimes come out to the light, but do nothing to prevent or change the culture beforehand?
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan, Australia to push Quad under Trump's second presidency See in context
Yes, initially...then it's buh bye
That is not how business works, specially regarding high tech matters as microchips.
And that is not how Japan and Taiwan works and their relations are. At least from Japan, 恩と義理がある国に対してそのような扱いはしない。
4 ( +7 / -3 )
Posted in: Many major Japanese firms pulling commercials from scandal-hit Fuji TV See in context
1 word, overreaction
No is not.
Nakai rape a woman, because he thinks he is in some way or another superior and he will have support from anyone including the TV station.
FujiTV did wrong in many levels.
First by not condenming inmediatly what Nakai did. It took them a year and a half to do something!!!
They cover this actiions with the justification of "not wanting to hurt even more the victim"... by keepin Nakai on TV for a good while??
Even the current actions they took are lukewarm and not decisive.
That the companies are pulling of their CMs because of this, is not overreaction at all... if anything is the right reaction to make
0 ( +5 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan, Australia to push Quad under Trump's second presidency See in context
Japan is entering the chip sector, so Taiwan will be irrelevant.
Japan is re-entering the chip making sector WITH the help of Taiwan and a compliment of Taiwan production.. so if Taiwan becames irrelevant so will the Japanese efforts.
Just for you to know.
6 ( +9 / -3 )
Posted in: New 'oligarchy' under fire as elites descend on Davos See in context
"I'm afraid that we're going to have civil unrest if we don't change things,"
Basically we are talking about the two countries that are run by the ultra rich, that are not in Africa or South America... mainly the US and Rusia
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: How do you feel when someone you are greeting wants to hug you or kiss you on the cheek? Do you think the custom can be misinterpreted in some cultures, such as Japan? See in context
As a person who was raised in South America, I must say... do not get close to me, don't touch me, don't hug me, unless we are close friends or family (and even in those cases I am not very comfortable with).
So, yes is VERY invasibe that unwanted hugging and kissing and stuff. A hand shake that last more than 2 seconds is too much too
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump names Mel Gibson, Jon Voight, Sylvester Stallone as Hollywood 'ambassadors' See in context
Funny that he names them and not Robert Redford, Clint Eastwood or John Malcovic...
I think this choice is more about his movie taste, rather than politics
-6 ( +0 / -6 )
Posted in: Japan launches independent mission to NATO See in context
China rep (JJE) and Russia rep (FizzBit) are working overtime today.
Diminishing the beligerant actions made by their commanding countries.
Making fun or twistting any action or agreement that goes against their commanders wishes.
Unfortunately for them, up to the moment they are as unnefective as their armies.
Before you say anything, Rusia being all that big and having all that "firepower" has not being able to take control of the Ukrain territories, a country far smaller by population and by military force after 3 years of constant attacks.... and China is a big military with no real experience and a hollow war machinery.
6 ( +9 / -3 )
Posted in: Why are there so many cults in Japan? See in context
I meant " I prefer to be educated and depressed than* ignorant and blissful"... my apologies
-5 ( +0 / -5 )
Posted in: Why are there so many cults in Japan? See in context
Depression tends to be a common thing among people with higher education and inteligent. Reduction of birthrates are directly correlated with higher education.
Is up to each what you choose... but personally I prefer to be educated and depressed and ignorant and blissful
-6 ( +0 / -6 )
Posted in: U.S.-Japan ties strong despite blocked Nippon Steel deal: ambassador See in context
I am saying this as a persons who wants (wishes) that Taiwan is recognized universally as a country, and that Japan should and could defend Taiwan when needed...
You are a bit too thick... to much of a fan of ideas. May be you should take a more balanced road... you should not defend everything that is US because it goes along with your ultimate "wish".
You are very constantly going against with people that basicaly share most of your ideas just because you are turning (or perhaps you already are) into a cheerleader of a certain country.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Japan urges U.S. military to make changes to stop rapes in Okinawa See in context
Sounds like a local problem to me.
A local problem??? a US military member rapes or sexualy abuses women and even minors... local o no it is still a crime that should be punished by the juridiction where it occured and the perpetrator should not be protected by the US military.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: U.S.-Japan ties strong despite blocked Nippon Steel deal: ambassador See in context
Are you under the impression that there is some military power in Japan and Europe that can challenge the US?
No... but I wish so
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan urges U.S. military to make changes to stop rapes in Okinawa See in context
then tell me, how many US military accused of rape have been prosecuted? Sure there are a couple, but not in the numbers of accusation.
I stand by the need to defend and protect Taiwan and even recognize it as its own country. And also the importance of the US military presence for that... But that does not mean that US service personel can go around and do what ever they want and defend their actions as you do.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan urges U.S. military to make changes to stop rapes in Okinawa See in context
If the crime is committed off base they are put in local prisons.
In most cases, if the prepetrator is put in prision is only for a few days, then they are released (almost forcefuly) to be turned to the Base PMs... from there they usually have a demotion and are sent back to the US where they are not prosecuted nor punished for the crime they commited nor pay compensation to the victim (the US military may pay the victim but not the perpetrator).
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: U.S.-Japan ties strong despite blocked Nippon Steel deal: ambassador See in context
I think the people related to the outgoing US administration are aware that the US influence worldwide is dimminishing at a rapid rate.
And even Japan (that I have to admit is basically the lap dog of the US) is begining to distance from the US, even during the Biden administration Japan has been working to became a regional leader that can group other countries against China, Rusia and NK (albeit not so effectively nor eleganlty).
Trump second term only by itself would have made Japan distancing even more, but with the latest Trumpy politics (Take Canada, Usurpate Greenland, Still Panama Canal) In my opinion that will make many allies of the US to become "former" or even "against" countries and Japan who knows... may be?
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: What are some things you once cared about deeply, but no longer matter to you anymore? See in context
human kind.... life in general...
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Thousands of people visit Tokyo shrine to pray for prosperous year See in context
Poorly worded? maybe
but also there could be a unwillingness (or lack of) understandig by the recipient too
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Thousands of people visit Tokyo shrine to pray for prosperous year See in context
Why you feel the need to crisicize and look down to other people beliefs??
That is so immature atheist way of thinking
You see that, right?
hmm... I am an atheist too so, what is your point?
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Thousands of people visit Tokyo shrine to pray for prosperous year See in context
Why you feel the need to crisicize and look down to other people beliefs??
That is so immature atheist way of thinking
-1 ( +5 / -6 )
Posted in: Top climate scientist declares 2-degree C climate goal 'dead'
Posted in: Top climate scientist declares 2-degree C climate goal 'dead'
Posted in: 70-year-old woman arrested after strangling man in his 40s
Posted in: Ishiba, after meeting Trump, voices optimism over averting tariffs