Japan Today

DarkKnightNine comments

Posted in: 70,000 commuters delayed by quarrel over cell phone on train in Chiba See in context

Japan is full of childish idiots and their laws support this idiotic baby crying. Touched on the wrist? This is madness. I swear Japanese men get more feminine everyday because they know they can shout off their big mouths and not get punched in it.

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Posted in: Obama makes unannounced visit to Afghanistan to cheer soldiers See in context

As far as cheering the troops, I think that this is the arrogance of every Commander-In-Chief. What would really make the troops happy is knowing they will be with their families soon and/or know that the government is taking care of their families while they're deployed.

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Posted in: Tokyo Sky Tree mascot Sorakara-chan introduced See in context

Beyond stupid! This is the best that 28 different advertising agencies could come up with? At the very least they could have given her attractive looking legs.

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Posted in: Tokyo Sky Tree mascot Sorakara-chan introduced See in context

Why does everything in Japan require a stupid cartoonish looking mascot? Couldn't it just be Tokyo Sky Tree and that be the end of it?

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Posted in: Tom Cruise goes with the flow See in context

"Oprah couch jumping cult freak"

or not, Tom Cruise is an awesome actor and his religious beliefs are his business. I bet he's a helluva nice guy too. Let the dinosaurs of the past die please. Tom Cruise keep shining! There are very few actors in your league.

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Posted in: Man attacks high school girl with stun gun in Fukuoka Pref See in context

This definitely sounds like a prelude to something more devious. I hope the police catch this psycho and quick! Lucky that wasn't my daughter, the police would be arresting two people after he got out of the hospital.

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Posted in: Legs, legs, legs See in context

The judges have terrible taste in legs because Meisa (the one on the far left) is the only one who has even decent looking legs. I've dated women (including a Miss Universe Japan finalist) who would blow all three of them out of the running.

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Posted in: Dragging child abuse out into the open See in context

I've been fighting a hard up hill battle trying to do this and I for one am so happy that it's finally being brought out into the open. Japanese seem to think that ignoring a problem will make it go away. I've never seen such a passive society in all of the many countries I've visited. The sad thing is I actually live HERE and wanted to see something done about it. Bravo to Miss Shiina for getting the ball rolling but I still think there is much more work to be done.

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Posted in: Akihabara morphing into a Sextoys 'R' Us See in context

OK Professor Morinaga you and the other 49% of single Japanese men play with you skin sensitive dolls, I'll be playing with the abundance of beautiful Japanese women you don't have nuggets to communicate with. In a recent poll I read somewhere it was discovered that Japanese women are among the most desirable in the world and Japanese men ranked at the very bottom. Hmmm... wonder why.

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Posted in: How the iPad won over an unbeliever See in context

Apple make wonderful gadgets for real, but what annoys me is the deliberate trickling of new features to justify a new model. You mean to tell me that Apple wasn't able to put a USB port on the first model? No camera on the former iTouch? Another case of corporate greedy, pure and simple.

@DamoSuzuki Not that is a legitimate argument and one I'm inclined to agree with.

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Posted in: How the iPad won over an unbeliever See in context

So the fact that people can't think for themselves and buy something useless based on a logo isn't a dismaying fact? Speaks volumes for peoples' intelligence.

@chotto no, your lack of intelligence and blatant ignorance is shown when you assume that every Apple user buys Apple products because of marketing hype or in your own words 'a logo'. I buy Apple products because they serve my needs; well. Apparently I'm not alone since a large part the creative community also uses Apple products. For the most part, Apple products do what they're supposed to do which is make my creative process easier so that I can focus on the art rather than the machine. If I have to pay a little extra to get that piece of mind so be it, but that argument has been made and disproved so many times that you just sound like a troll. Apple products are no more expensive than alternatives when you install everything you need to achieve the exact same results. You get what you pay for in the long run so your argument holds no water. Now go troll someplace else.

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Posted in: How the iPad won over an unbeliever See in context

UPDATE Just out of curiosity, I tried using iPhoto for the above mentioned problem and the photos downloaded without a hitch, so the problem must be Aperture 3 and how it communicates with the iPad. It's a workaround but it doesn't solve the problem as it introduces an extra step to my workflow. Aperture is a professional RAW image editing tool. Having to first use iPhoto to import images from my iPad is cumbersome. As I stated before things should just work especially since they are all Apple products and 'ease of use' is what Apple has built it's reputation on.

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Posted in: How the iPad won over an unbeliever See in context

OK here's a legitimate gripe. Apple has advertised for years that their superiority over other OS/Hardware combinations is that because of their closed ecosystem, 'Stuff just works'. That is no longer the case as Apple has spread itself waaay too thin. My iPad doesn't just work. I'm a professional Director/Photographer and I recently used the the iPad with camera connector to take RAW images off of my Canon 1D Mark IV to show to a client on location because (according to Apple) that's a great use for the iPad. It's also supposed to be easy to sync those pictures back onto your main computer once you get back to your studio/home office or wherever. Therein lies the problem, after 3 attempts to sync with Aperture 3 (each just leaving my iPad connected for many hours), I have not been able to successfully get those pictures off of my iPad. Since RAW files from a Canon 1D Mark IV are quite large (15 ~ 30MB each), they eat up a lot of space on my iPad. Aperture 3 has also been a complete dog on my system constantly crashing so I'm not sure if the problem is Aperture 3 or my iPad. One thing is for sure, things are definitely NOT 'just working'. Before any of you ask YES, I am using a modern Mac (the latest iMac with Core i7 Intel Processors and 16GB of Ram) which should be plenty powerful for the task mentioned above. The point here is that Apple is not always perfect and the iPad is by no means the perfect machine but what company or machine is? For what the iPad does do, it is a great companion to have with me when I don't want to lug around a laptop and want to surf the web and keep in touch with clients while out on the road as well as provide a good source of entertainment when stuck in small hotel rooms which a creative professional/road warrior like myself often finds himself.

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Posted in: How the iPad won over an unbeliever See in context

Don't take the iPad back just yet. It's true that iWork is not bundled, but it's not that expensive. As for printing, at present, you can save your spreadsheet, or whatever, then sync to your computer and then print. Yes, it's a tad clumsy, but only for a while. Apple announced a week ago that "AirPrint" is coming soon to the iPad and it will make it possible to print directly from the iPad.

If you have a recent Epson printer, you can already print anything wirelessly directly from your iPad using Epson's free software "Epson iPrint".

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Posted in: How the iPad won over an unbeliever See in context

People always want more. It's a never ending cycle. 2nd, 3rd, 4th generation iPads and people will still be complaining and saying they want more or that it doesn't have blah, blah, blah.

Let me correct you my friend. I am not a Mac hater. I have an ipod, iphone, powerbook, imac and a second desk top. My internet is managed via MacAir. I am a Mac fan if anything. And yet I still think the iPad is a toy with too little power for its size and potential market. So what will you say now that you have lost your "mac hater" argument?????

@tkoind2 Quite frankly you sound like an idiot to me. First the fact that you had to justify yourself by telling me all the Mac products you have tells me you're probably lying or living in denial. It's like Chris Rock once said, 'if you can count how many black friends you have, you're probably a racist'. Secondly if you do have all of those products, then you have no need of an iPad and it doesn't matter how fast or slow the processor is, it will never be for you. You're just complaining just to complain. Like I said, people always want more no matter how good the product they already have is. If they put a faster processor and graphics card in it, then you'd be complaining that it was too heavy or the battery life was too short or it gets too hot or that it was too expensive. For people like you, the iPad will never be good enough and that's fine with Apple. Like Steve J. said to people whining about the iPhone 4, if you don't like it, don't buy it. Now quit your whining.

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Posted in: Muscle men See in context

I've actually seen the Expendables and it wasn't half bad. Felt like they misused Jet Li's incredible talent though.

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Posted in: Muscle men See in context

You guys are ruthless! Give the old man a break. I grew up being inspired by Rocky movies and Stallone despite what you may think of him has been a great inspiration for making those films.

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Posted in: How the iPad won over an unbeliever See in context

By the way I'm on the train now typing this on my iPad and couldn't be happier with it.

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Posted in: How the iPad won over an unbeliever See in context

Apple addicts are people who prefer form over function, and there's nothing really wrong with that. But I notice that they tend to never accept or tolerate any criticism of an Apple product. And even when the products go wrong (as they do quite often- my MacMini's sound has never worked reliabably) they will blame anything other than the Apple product itself. And they're quite happy to put up with lower performance, high prices, and Jobs-instigated drawbacks (such as the lack of Flash support) because basically the product is stylish, natty and fun.

And Windows addicts seem to think that every single Mac user must be a fanatic or an addict. Yes I use Apple products because they give me the best user experience for the work and needs that I have as a creative professional, but in no way am I an addict. At the same time however, I think it is utterly stupid for someone to complain about products they don't and/or have never used. I don't go on Windows forums complaining about the GUI of Windows although I think it's fugly and gets in the way, nor do I complain about the constant pop-ups telling me to install or upgrade something. Honestly I think Windows users spend more time maintaining the OS than actually getting real work done and that's from my own personal experience of ACTUALLY using Windows. As a matter a fact I have it installed on all seven of my Macs and dread booting it up. In any case, it is idiotic the complain about the iPad or any other Mac product unless you actually own and use the product you are complaining about. Just for the record, I have had numerous complaints over the years about Mac products that are legitimate complains, not stupid crap like the iPad doesn't have a fast enough processor.

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Posted in: How the iPad won over an unbeliever See in context

The iPad is a toy, but could be a wonderfully powerful machine that would gain a lot more users and bury the competition. It purely needs a real processor, at least the same as the ibook and more functions like Skype capability and the capacity to allow people to do real work on it as well as killing time on the commute. If they develop a high end version, it will open up even more sales. And that is good for Apple. So if you don't like negative feedback, don't read it! But Mac needs to hear these things to make a better product.

It's always funny to me that you have these Mac haters complaining about how much Mac products need to have a more powerful this and that but when they go out and buy their Mac alternatives they buy the cheapest configuration because all of a sudden price is the deciding factor. Like the bloke above is saying how the iPad needs to be more powerful but being an iPad owner (which he is probably not) I would have to ask what for? The iPad does everything it's supposed to very well with the processor it has. I've never once wished the iPad was more powerful because it wasn't meeting a certain need. I surf the web, make presentations, read email, edit content, read books, magazines, documents etc..., edit scripts for work, play games, listen to music, watch movies, podcasts etc..., stream content from my home server and have it converted on the fly so the format and/or storage argument is a moot point and so much more, all with a device that fits in one hand and is light enough and thin enough to be carried around in a small bag. Honestly, what more do you need from a portable device that is NOT meant to be a laptop. If you need laptop power then darnit buy a laptop. The iPad is not meant to replace it and it's stupid to compare the two.

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Posted in: Android worker See in context

has anybody seen the movie " i robot " make sure the robot has the three laws

@whiskeysour: Have you ever worked with the Japanese. I think they'll have the rules and laws covered. They'll probably have 3,720,500 rules embedded in their memory chips (of which only 5 of them make any sense) and have to carry around a pocket manual that they absolutely cannot deviate from in any way and have to ask they head robot (who is reading from the same manual) if they ever have an original thought. Oh wait a minute were still talking about the robots right?

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Posted in: Android worker See in context

Typical Japanese response. Take the hardest route to an easily solvable problem. If they really want to solve the labor shortage, they should stop being so racist and ease their anal immigration laws. Instead they spend millions trying to build robots that will never be able to move and/or reason like a real human. When we get to the point that they can, we'll either have Battlestar Galactica, Terminator, The Matrix or an iRobot like world. Don't these scientist watch movies?

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Posted in: Osaka man arrested for employing 50 high school girls as prostitutes See in context

What type of morality are these girls' parents imparting to them that they'd sell their bodies just so they can buy the latest iPhone or a fashionable skirt. Pathetic :(

@netrek The whole world is pimping themselves for the latest "isomething" including probably YOU! We work to feed our desire to consume stuff that most of us don't need but want just to fit in and/or to justify our existence. This peer pressure is even more intense among the teenage demographic. But it can't be denied that it exists everywhere. The difference is now teenagers are being directly targeted by heavy marketing campaigns, so it can't all be blamed on parents. Kids are constantly being bombarded by marketing to the point where they feel like they need the newest latest whatever just feel some level of self worth.

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Posted in: Osaka man arrested for employing 50 high school girls as prostitutes See in context

It's sad that these girls grow up in a society where they believe true happiness is about money, beauty, and plastic surgery, and material goods.

@skipbeat what fantasy country do you live in? That sounds like almost every country in the world. Materialism is what drives the entire modernized world. People work to consume; it's a never ending cycle.

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Posted in: Osaka man arrested for employing 50 high school girls as prostitutes See in context

This is all BS. I'm only offended if the girls were forced into this life. To say that they were underaged and didn't know what they were doing is pure BS. More young girls know how, when and why to seduce a man by the time they're 15. In the U.S. girls are having babies by that age if not younger. These girls knowing made a decision to pursue this line of work so IMO they are not victims of any wrong doing. Not to mention the age on consent in Japan is legally 13.

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Posted in: 5 most impressive movie women who kick butt See in context

To add to the growing list: Geena Davis - Long Kiss Goodnight & Cut Throat Island, Rhona Mitra & Kate Beckinsale - Underworld, Lori Petty - Tank Girl, Pamela Anderson Lee - Barb Wire, Sharon Stone - Quick & the Dead, Charlize Theron - Aeon Flux, Kathleen Turner - Undercover Blues & V.I. Warshawski and yes I do watch a lot of movies.

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Posted in: 5 most impressive movie women who kick butt See in context

Jane Fonda out Scarlett Johansson from Ironman 2, Rebecca Romijn - Mystique X-Men series, Matrix-Trinity Carrie-Anne Moss Barberella is and was a bad movie. Nothing cool about it !!!!

@whiskeysour: I like your choices. I forgot all about Ironman 2. Scarlett Johansson definitely kicked some serious butt in that movie.

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Posted in: 5 most impressive movie women who kick butt See in context

How could limit this to only five movies, lest you forget Demi Moore in G.I. Jane and her famous one liner "Suck my.....". Then there's Milla Jovovich in the Resident Evil (Bio Hazard) movies who just rocks! We can also go way back to Cynthia Rothrock who was one of the baddest western females to ever star in a Hong Kong action flick.

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Posted in: Reaching for the universe See in context

Beautiful photograph! Nice make-up and lighting but that costume design is just a little too much. Maybe it would be better without the overstated stick growing out the back.

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Posted in: ANA becomes 1st airline to make draft beer available in-flight See in context

Pressurized Beer Canisters on a flight?! No thanks! I think I'll fly JAL from now on.

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