Japan Today

dasyhard comments

Posted in: Man hits woman with car in front of 10 police officers See in context

So 10 officers were just focusing on the women and not the guy? Typical J-cops, they probably wanted to have a show with females fighting each other.

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Posted in: Deputy police chief questioned over suspected shoplifting in Hiroshima See in context

This cop reminds me of my fomer boss who was making over 90k annually doing nothing and sitting pretty until he got busted in a sting operation soliciting prostitutes. What a BOZO, he lost his federal government job because of this.

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Posted in: Senior Chiba police officer arrested for indecent exposure on train See in context

I just can't understand why he did this after earning a high ranking position, making big bucks and sitting pretty just for his so-called moments pleasure.

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Posted in: 9-year-old girl slashed in face and neck in Osaka See in context

It makes you want to be a vigilante and act like Charles Bronson in "Death Wish".

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Posted in: 52-year-old man tricks high school girl into sending naked photos of herself See in context

The big bad wolf image is a sucker play for these girls to take advantage of and prey on these men. Too bad this incident just focuses on getting tricked by this man instead of a possible prostitution also.

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Posted in: AKB48's Atsuko Maeda mans police call center See in context

That is one perfect present arms.

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Posted in: 8 youths arrested for 'hunting old men' in Yokohama See in context

8 against 1, how can these thugs live with themselves and be proud of what they do? The JP should harass all raunchy looking gangs as they travel or congregate in packs.

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Posted in: Ehime man secretly films over 1,000 women with collection of hidden cameras See in context

What amazes me is that these pervs work so hard and spend so much just to satisfy their sexual desires. They probably know by now that people are aware of these men with cameras, cell phones, etc. and yet they still drive on with their perverted actions. Why not go to a red light district or get friendly in the bars instead?

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Posted in: Man held for stabbing 15-year-old boy in Ibaraki hardware store car park See in context

Such a crazy country and it's going to get crazier. The potential of senseless violence is scarier than being in a war zone. Start wearing fatigues with body armor, protective mask, bayonet, and a XM25 rifle. The right to bear arms is here.

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Posted in: SDF member flashes staff at drive-through restaurant in Saitama See in context

Maybe if he's lucky, in the next life he'll turn into a well endowed male Chihuahua and get to expose himself without breaking the law.

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Posted in: SDF member flashes staff at drive-through restaurant in Saitama See in context

This is their version of "shock&awe", not even endowed, only a couple of centimeters in width and length.

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Posted in: 65-year-old man charged with attempted murder of neighbor in fight over cats See in context

A mental institution would not work for this country because the person that knows he/she needs help chooses not to seek it. Violence happens after the fact of discovering this type of person is either crazy or insane. Temper tantrums and emotional breakdowns are beginning to escalate more than ever due to hard times. Why can't this country wake up and smell the roses by doing something about it instead of focusing on other issues.

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Posted in: 66-year-old woman found dead at home; daughter hospitalized See in context

Seems like all the violence are being committed by using knives and sharp objects. This bad side of their culture will never decline and just get worse. The government should start a new law to track all knives by having serial numbers engraved on them and the names of the owners.

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Posted in: Chiba cop arrested for allegedly groping woman on train See in context

Why make this an issue any more since no one at the top is giving a damn about it. It happens so often in this screwed up culture so they will never put an end to it. Groping has been a long time trend for the J-cops and the men with uncontrollable desires to grope for decades. They must think of females as a piece of meat which they can feel before purchasing.

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Posted in: Woman allegedly killed by neighbor after seeking police help on 5 occasions See in context

I would never live in a country where the cops are this bad unless I'm authorized to always have firearms by my side. Japan's top officials should know that their law enforcement is shitty by now but they seem to sweeping this issue under the mat. Bottom line, they just don't care about their people. I'm Japanese/Okinawan and I would never travel there not if my life depended on it.

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Posted in: Panty-thieving cop caught in the act See in context

I have the solution....make it mandatory for every J-cop to wear a panty over his head while on duty. That way, he'll be sick of just the thought of holding it.

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Posted in: Police sergeant arrested for urinating from JR platform See in context

dolphingirl: Exactly! and it's common among men in their 50s and older. Oh hell, I would rather be cited by the law then walk around with my crotch soaked (especially if it's a light colored trousers). To me, that is even more embarrassing. At least he wasn't doing a number 2. So I wonder how many dogs were cited for peeing on the fire hydrants?

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Posted in: Tiger Woods to take 'indefinite' leave from golf See in context

Isn't it ironic that we are entering the "YEAR OF THE TIGER"? I think I'm going to change my Beagle's name to Tiger due to his continous humping of anyone's leg.

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Posted in: Saitama cop arrested for assaulting girl on street See in context

I wonder if the Police Chief is aware of the multitude of crimes his force is committing? It's beginning to be an epidemic on exposing these J-cops sex addicts. Why can't they plan and perform a clean sweep of these characters so they won't be a menace to society?

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Posted in: 15 teenagers arrested for dangerous driving on scooters in Tokyo See in context

Hey guys and gals, this is just the beginning stage. As they mature, they'll make Hell's Angels look like wussies. And the senior citizens will form a prostreet wheechair gang, HA! I wouldn't be surprised to see a post on here indicating kids be detained by the JP for driving radical on the sidewalks. I just had to add my 2 cents in this one but it's disheartening to see an embarrasing post on the cops again. Why can't the J-cops be macho men instead of acting like a bunch of fairies. Start harrassing the Yakuza or something like that.

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Posted in: Woman arrested for selling 1-yr-old daughter to man for obscene acts See in context

People in general will resort to anything in order to survive or support a drug habit. Unfortunately, this route is one of the grocest acts that a parent will do.

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Posted in: Obama to release new strategy on war in Afghanistan next Tues See in context

Since the time the Commander requested for additional troops till now, numerous bombings and assaults have occured resulting in more loss of troops. Could this have been avoidable? I hope these 10 meetings pay the price of sacrificing our comrades in arms.

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Posted in: Bombings, shooting kill 12 around Afghanistan See in context

Just send the 40,000 additional troops and try to end the Taliban's existence. I think "the fine tune strategy" that the President is conducting is actually disrespectful to his 4-star general. Is he doubting or troubleshooting his general's request? Someone, clue me in if I'm off track here.

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Posted in: Wonder Bomb bra See in context

I get it now, the bra will explode upon impact of a groper, good idea.

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Posted in: Republicans blast health bill See in context

Sailwind: Thank you and I really appreciate your comforting feedback. Now I can enjoy the holidays without worries. By the way, I'm in Hawaii, not Japan. I will cut/paste your post and send it to my counterpart. Have a super weekend.

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Posted in: Republicans blast health bill See in context

I just heard from my retired counterparts that this cutback will also affect TRICARE insurance. So now us veterans are going to suck wind and pay a much higher fee for health care. WTF! just sweep us under the rug.

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Posted in: Cop arrested for molesting woman on train See in context

Something is inspiring these J-males to act this way and I think it's all due to the porno shops and J-movies. The government/J-cops needs to find a resolution as to why their minds are focused in commiting these types of crimes and interrogate these individuals to see what leads them to do this. So the objective would be to find the roots and kill it.

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Posted in: Cop arrested for breaking into female cop’s apartment in Chiba See in context

dolphingirl: I didn't mean to sound like a stereotypical and gender biased pig but with the history of these J-Cops causing so much these sexual in nature crimes, it led me to say this. And with that said, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the cops are gay too.

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Posted in: 19 killed in Pakistan courthouse bombing See in context

Seems like these bombings are increasing and will never dissipate. I'm thinking twice about working in Afghanistan now.

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Posted in: Cop arrested for breaking into female cop’s apartment in Chiba See in context

He just had a sexual awakening (as males normally have) by thinking he could score using this method but unfortunately it turned sour. Look on the bright side, at least there's no fags in the force; that would be really shocking.

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