Japan Today

David Chang comments

Posted in: In memory See in context

The only thing I have to say about America bombing the japanese is why did they go back and help them after the bombing... Why bomb them in the first place if you're going to go back and help??? waste of time and money and LIVES.... proves that what war is GOOD FOR .. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!! but who knows what might have happened if America chose not to bomb...

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Posted in: Woman arrested for beating 8-year-old son See in context

people don't know the whole story and make one of their own...!! yeahh... how do you know the husband didn't first give the wife a hard time at home... maybe she might be bothered by something else... maybe she it be her fault ...maybe the kid needs to be beat...

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: France deplores Japan executions See in context

execution is what it is...someone who doesn't deserve to live in society...someone who takes another life away. If you do the crime you must pay...America should be swift in their efforts to execute prisoners for killing or raping... and Im talking mindless killing and doing harm to others on purpose...critics ACLU will argue ...but you tell most people I raped and killed your own daughter they would want me dead too... simple as that... France shouldn't talk because they got their own problems... you telling me its inhuman to execute... What about my daughter ...??!! what about her life... killers don't deserve to live French or not....

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Posted in: Shiga police question 3 boys accused of bullying suicide victim See in context

People who bully should be caned....just like singapore...cane em... Nuff said

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Apple's next iPhone to feature slimmer screen See in context

iPhone sucks... I know because I have one.....

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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