Japan Today

David Heil comments

Posted in: Abe heckled at ceremony in Okinawa on 70th anniversary of battle See in context

I think that the US should leave Okinawa simply because the Okinawans don't appreciate the fact that Americans are risking their lives to keep that part of the world safe. Move the soldiers and resources to some other location where they are more appreciated. Guam works for me. Perhaps the Philippines might be interested in having US forces, again. Perhaps the US and the Philippines could make their own islands together to counter the Chinese artificial islands. Even Vietnam would work, especially if the US and the Vietnamese are fighting the Chinese and Russians together. America could learn a lot from the Vietnamese about fighting superpowers. Perhaps, the US could move their factories out of China and relocate them to Vietnam and the PI. I'm sure that the Vietnamese and Filipinos would appreciate some additional jobs. Let's give those anti-American Okinawans a break and let them scratch a living out of tourism, fishing, and growing healthy vegetables. If along the way, they have a spat with the Chinese, let them work it out on their own for a change. The US should just walk away from Okinawa and not even bother building a new base. There are other options for the US. Let's get the heck out of Okinawa and move on to brighter horizons!!!

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