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David Moser comments

Posted in: Japan must release Fukushima water into sea: U.S. adviser See in context

I live in York, Pennsylvania U.S. of A. This is less than 20 miles from TMI (Three Mile Island). I actually laughed out loud when I read above that Mr. Barrett who "led the clean-up operations after the 1979 partial meltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear plant" said "he would feed his grandchildren fish caught off the Fukushima coast if the clean-up proceeds as planned" and "This is healthwise a big nothing".

Researchable facts related to the partial meltdown of TMI:

-Birth defects sky rocketed after 1979 in the surrounding area. One particular mutation was infants being born without anal openings. This required surgery within days of birth to prevent septic death. My own kid sister was one of these.

-Virtually every year the Susquehanna River (which Three Mile Island sits in the middle of) is rated the "Dirtiest River in America". Believe me.....that is a competitive race in my country. The scariest part is it doesn't even look it. As a kid we would catch fish that looked "normal" but when we would cut them open they would have multi-fingered lesions inside or the organs would not be where expected.

-In 1979 when the partial meltdown of TMI occurred the U.S. of A. government had to raise the bar on what was considered "safe exposure" to radiations........so they could say we were safe. Enough said on that.

In summary: There is no way Mr. Barrett or any government should be trusted with this. For all I know there may be no way to safely handle this or maybe it is not considered practical or cost effective to do so. For the world's sake though I would suggest that none be accepted as honest in this debacle and every concern of the citizen be held in the highest priority.

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