Japan Today

Dazz Dozier comments

Posted in: Hafu2Hafu Project: Photographer turns his lens on Tokyo to capture what it means to be half-Japanese See in context

I hate when people, like towingtheline above, tell us what term to use. Me thinks he's another proponent of that pretentious term "double". Words have no power unless you give them power to be negative or positive. Prima facie, the term ハーフ (haafu) is not negative, it's just a term to describe someone in Japan who has one Japanese parent. If a person is offended by it more than likely it's because that person's parent is pushing for double. :D

Not to say it cannot be said with disdain like the word "gaijin". That's another topic but it resonates closely because many are offended by it like their language doesn't have an equivalent that they've likely used, e.g. foreigner.

Having lived in Japan 20 years, but not growing up there, I found it fascinating to meet so many other haafu from various parts of the world and met a couple who became my best friends, like a younger brother I never had but always wanted, who could relate to sooooo many things growing up in an international household with a Japanese mom and an American father who was most likely a former serviceman in one of the military branches but not all. Some of them have Japanese fathers and the mom was the foreign parent but we still could laugh at the commonalities and share in the good and bad things about Japan. I'm pretty sure almost all would say the GOOD far outweighs the bad when it comes to Japan.

Japan is on its way to racial tolerance, not sure about my own country, I don't have a lot of optimism it ever gets there but we can always hope!

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