Posted in: Trump jokes to Putin: 'Don't meddle in the election, please' See in context
Google and YouTube are doing more to meddle in the 2020 election.
I know, neocon balogny video compilations promoting violence towards minorities and calling liberal Americans terrorists from fox news, da blaze, infowars etc videos have flooded across youtube servers. Surprised they allow that stuff on there.
-4 ( +9 / -13 )
Posted in: Trump jokes to Putin: 'Don't meddle in the election, please' See in context
Neither. It means Trump doesn't take the "meddling " seriously as he likely knows it's a political ploy.
You mean, he doesn't care if the US elections are rigged by Russians? Just the illegal immigrants who manage to vote?
0 ( +13 / -13 )
Posted in: Trump jokes to Putin: 'Don't meddle in the election, please' See in context
If it was a joke, then does he mean he really wants Putin to meddle in the elections? Or that he knows Putin really did and he's being sarcastic?
4 ( +13 / -9 )
Posted in: Newborn baby’s body found in grass near river in Tokyo See in context
Still a living human. Very sad.
It is. Hope they can prosecute the mother...
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Trump on rape accuser: 'She's not my type' See in context
rapists would rape men about as much as women
Hmmm, that doesn't make any sense. There are more straight men in the world. So clearly, there are more women raped then men.
1 ( +5 / -4 )
Posted in: Trump on rape accuser: 'She's not my type' See in context
If it were true, we could expect that rape happens to traditionally unappealing women, such as the old and obese, as much as others. Statistics are not going to bear that out
Huh? LAST I checked, rape statistics don't include things like "was she a 9 or a 10"...Jesus christ
Obviously, physical attraction toward the victim plays a strong role in rape, if not the main role.
Based upon what, how you feel? The main factor that comes into play when someone is raped is lack of control and violence. Not physical attraction.
Besides, what else can he say to defend himself?
How about, just saying it didn't happen. He did say that, but he had to say, "first off, shes not my type"
0 ( +4 / -4 )
Posted in: Trump on rape accuser: 'She's not my type' See in context
I'd say the same thing about democrats accused of rape. Nobody gets a free rape pass, no matter whose party you're on....I've said it before, Trump supporters would deny murder charges, even if he blew someone's brains out with a colt .45 on live TV. They don't care.
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: Trump on rape accuser: 'She's not my type' See in context
my question was she has the right to say it, but he doesn’t?
We aren't arguing about whether or not saying "you are attracted to someone physically" is wrong or not..we are arguing about saying whether "you raped someone because you are physically attracted to them" is wrong or not. You ARE definitely confused.
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump on rape accuser: 'She's not my type' See in context
Not to mention the salacious details that defy logic. Sorry, not convinced.
I think its less about being convinced and more about the attitude. Regardless of whether he did or not, he admitted the number 1 reason he didn't rape her, was because he wasn't physically attracted...So he basically reinforced his image as a serial rapist, as long as he thinks they are HOT.
2 ( +5 / -3 )
Posted in: Trump on rape accuser: 'She's not my type' See in context
but if she said, he’s not her type, that’s ok, right?
Huh? He's the one accused of rape. Not her. Are you really that confused about this?
Oh, I doubt that, back in the day, he had the hottest women and it shows, his kids are good looking.
Yea, a little thing called money helps guys who can't do it on their own sometimes.
6 ( +9 / -3 )
Posted in: Trump on rape accuser: 'She's not my type' See in context
You can have sex with someone and they may not be your type, come on now. Lol
Of course you can, otherwise nobody would have sex with Trump. But Trump said you can't rape someone if they aren't your type. This is false. Rape is about control and anger, not just physical attraction. Any adult with half a brain would know this...
3 ( +7 / -4 )
Posted in: Trump on rape accuser: 'She's not my type' See in context
She definitely sounds like one, in a month from now no one will even remember her.
Regardless, you're now supporting a man who thinks the first step in raping someone is judging whether the victim is one's "type" or not. Its not, by the way.
3 ( +8 / -5 )
Posted in: Trump on rape accuser: 'She's not my type' See in context
Cooper basically cut her off when it was apparent she's just some wingnut,
Yes, defending comments like " I wouldnt rape her because shes not my type" begins.
10 ( +14 / -4 )
Posted in: Trump on rape accuser: 'She's not my type' See in context
Where are the neocons to tell us this is normal pc way of speaking? I guess if she was his "type", he would have admitted to raping her then?
11 ( +17 / -6 )
Posted in: 10 troubled, triumphant years for the Michael Jackson estate See in context
Documentary was creepy AF.
I dunno, maybe he was a paedo, maybe he wasn't. I personally think he is, and its horrifying to think what he was able to get away with because some people saw him as the "second coming" or whatever.
Still, he was a good singer and dancer, even if he liked little boys.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Abe survives censure motion by opposition over pension report See in context
The report came as the Abe administration has been seeking to create a society in which people can live to 100 without financial worries. Abe has said the government has been reforming the pension system to ensure its sustainability and that it can respond to the needs of people with diverse lifestyles.
This is an absolute joke
16 ( +16 / -0 )
Posted in: 8 Islamic State orphans to be repatriated to Australia See in context
17-years-old in those conditions is definitely not a child so it is a huge risk. Let us hope these youngsters will not turn around and bite the hand that feeds them, as their olders and 'betters' did.
2-17. These are still children. No matter what the condition.
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: U.S. prods Iran for talks to ease Gulf tensions; Tehran dismisses sanctions threat See in context
By his decision not to go ahead with killing 150 Iranians because they downed an unmanned plane, he might just have saved the world from nuclear war and he's not going to get any credit for it.
Yea, why would anyone give him credit for diffusing a situation he created in the first place. This is stuff you do to toddlers to help enforce their self esteem. NOT men in their late 70's...
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Air Canada passenger falls asleep on plane, wakes up alone See in context
She could have turned the plane engines on and powered her phone to call for commercial jets don't actually require keys to start up.
-5 ( +4 / -9 )
Posted in: Trump: 'Surprise' question about Pence led him to hesitate See in context
You are correct, don’t really care about Pence.
Didn't ask about Biden, but sure, you aren't wrong. So, would you like to see him run in 2024? Would you see yourself voting for him if he did?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump: 'Surprise' question about Pence led him to hesitate See in context
Serious question here. Do Trump supporters actually like Pence? Seems like he's just kind of tagging along for the ride, and nobody would notice if he disappeared today or tomorrow.
Can any of the Trump supporters give us their opinion on him?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. prods Iran for talks to ease Gulf tensions; Tehran dismisses sanctions threat See in context
Now looking a this site, I can almost say the same.
Does it make you feel good to tell people they are sick?
Not really sure what you mean, I don't see why its a disease to disagree with the policies of Trump. Does that mean all the republicans have ODS? Obama derangement syndrome? I don't think so, but according to you, it does.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: U.S. prods Iran for talks to ease Gulf tensions; Tehran dismisses sanctions threat See in context
Beg to differ...
Great, and here is a short list of some of his failures. Not sure what you hope to prove. Funny how his "accomplishments" are all listed as failing later on here too.
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: U.S. prods Iran for talks to ease Gulf tensions; Tehran dismisses sanctions threat See in context
Actually, we could, we have that capability.
Having the capability does not mean we can. And Nuking them justifies them to build nuclear weapons. Doubt the rest of the world would agree with the US either if they did this. You aren't thinking things through.
You had a detailed conversation with both men, that’s what they told you?
SO you had a detailed conversation with both men and they told you that they didn't want war?
The whole neighborhood will race to go nuclear. This deal most likely will accelerate nuclear proliferation. Because if regional powers feel threatened by the possibility of Iran getting a weapon and the penalty for producing nuclear weapons decreases, then why wouldn’t they?
**Tehran gets to keep its vast nuclear infrastructure and its missile program.** And the promises from Iran only confirm the obvious: that the regime definitely has nuclear-weapons ambitions. After all, why have a massive ballistic-missile program and secret military nuclear facilities if the plan isn’t to build nuclear weapons?
Sanctions relief will make the region far less safe. The sanctions relief and the renewed ability to sell more oil on the open market could wind up bringing $300-400 billion into the Iranian economy, bolstering the Iranian government. Essentially, this means the deal will pay for undermining U.S. policy and interests throughout the region.
The deal is temporary, by design. Even the White House doesn’t claim it will permanently keep Iran from getting a bomb. So, what’s the point?
Is there anything in here that isn't hypothetical, and can be proven. Nope. But now thanks to Trump, Iran is getting nuclear! What a deal.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: U.S. prods Iran for talks to ease Gulf tensions; Tehran dismisses sanctions threat See in context
Nooooo, the major threat to the world is the Deep State trying to start another war. Most likely John Kerry is involved. Good thing we have Trump in the White House who said not so fast!
Lol, really? How are the recent events escalating towards war the far lefts fault? Pretty sure every decision made has been Trump. Or are you saying that Trump is incompetent and being pushed around and ordered by the far left?
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: U.S. prods Iran for talks to ease Gulf tensions; Tehran dismisses sanctions threat See in context
Not exactly, but the deal was bad, so it was a good thing.
Why was the deal bad?
Iran is not stupid, I really don’t think so.
So just Trump is stupid. Good, we agree on something.
No, because we can't just nuke the country. A war with Iran would be long, and deadly.
No one wants a war, how absurd, we don’t want a nuclear Iran.
You're captain's team does. Bolton and Pompeo both want to start a war with Iran.
8 ( +9 / -1 )
Posted in: U.S. prods Iran for talks to ease Gulf tensions; Tehran dismisses sanctions threat See in context
which everyone including the UN inspectors said was the case?
They don't know anything. Trump is the only one who is smart enough to inspect the nuclear production facilities in Iran. In fact, he's so smart, he doesn't even need to go or see it. He's like Santa, he knows if you've been bad or good.
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Spousal abuse against husbands more common than it used to be See in context
Another husband who thought of divorce as his only way out is a 39-year-old father of a three-year-old girl. The couple has been married four years. From the start, as Spa tells it, the wife lorded it over her husband because the apartment they lived in was owned by her parents. She was at home in it. He never was. She too, it seems, is obsessed with cleanliness. Smoking and drinking were dirty – her husband must not enter the house within an hour of his last drink or cigarette. She turned their daughter against him. “Daddy’s dirty!” she’d cry; “Don’t touch him!”
Can't really sympathize with this guy. Sounds like he's out working, and drinking everyday after work, leaving the wife to do her "duty". Never home. What's wrong with the wife wanting to keep clean? Cigarettes stink, awfully selfish if he doesn't want to give up smoking for his family...Maybe he made a mistake having kids, sounds like he doesn't really want them.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Iran's Revolutionary Guard shoots down U.S. drone See in context
Go to war after shooting down a drone? Sounds pretty silly. I doubt it.
6 ( +7 / -1 )
Posted in: U.S. Navy says limpet mine in Japanese tanker attack bears Iran hallmarks See in context
Pardon me, *they're right
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Kanye West's account on X goes dark after hate-filled rant
Posted in: Nutrition advice is rife with misinformation
Check Bass trying so hard ( in denial ) not to be fascist but keeps on promoting Trump the fascist.…