Posted in: Computer home theater system See in context
h'mmm wonder where they got that idea from? iMac possibly?
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Posted in: Railway geeks wearing out their welcome See in context
yeah - only in Japan. If a trainspotter gets on your carriage in the UK you would probably want to get off without being asked due to the smell!!!!
Never did get train/plain/etc spotting - weird!
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Posted in: Why Japanese property managers are so strict on renting apartments See in context
key money still exists because the realtors charge one months rent as a fee - for renewal as well... This when you have probably done all the work for them!
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Posted in: Two Somali soccer fans executed, 30 arrested for watching World Cup See in context
A state that outlaw the WC - there is hope for the world. Should really change my name to "BoredOfTheWC" and I have not even watched any of it yet!
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Posted in: Pair sustain minor injuries after tumble down Ginza subway escalator See in context
must have been a slow news day yesterday - and my first thoughts after reading the headline was someone must have been drunk...
good job the escalators down to the hibiya line at ginza are short or he might have taken more out.
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Posted in: Jetstar to trial iPad for in-flight entertainment See in context
It's a LOT more practical than what they currently have going on airlines. If they have ONE problem with the current entertainment system it affects EVERYONE on board. If you have an iPad with a problem they can hand you another one.
On Jetstar they already do something similar where they give you a console so this make perfect sense for them as the current console is about 3 times the thickness of an iPad so it will give them more storage space. But they would get even more if they gave everyone a seatback system like other airlines...
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Posted in: Jetstar to trial iPad for in-flight entertainment See in context
they must have read my posts elsewhere - this is about the only way I can see an iPad being useful and I am a big Apple fan
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Posted in: World Cup probably already over for Japan See in context
I think it's important to remember that it's just a game
which is why they have already lost.... Try telling that to the Brazillians, Argentinians, French, English etc
Japan simply does not have the population base to be able to produce winners.
But doesn't Japan have one of the largest populations of the competing countries? What am I missing?!?!?
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Posted in: Bureaucrats dig in for fight to the finish with anti-digital TV diehards See in context
I left the UK 10 years ago and there were 5 channels - come back and with digital there appears to be hundreds! Guess that will happen too in Japan.
When I bought my last TV in Japan 7 years ago they were warning about the need to buy a digital compliant TV. Seeing as most gadgets like TV's have an intended useful life of 5 years I think they have been reasonable in their approach to the switchover.
Wait till after Japan flop out of the WC and TV prices will reduce significantly again.
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Posted in: Awaiting the iPad See in context
I'm with tkoind2 - I am a big apple fan and will always promote MacBook, iMac etc but I really do not see the point in the iPad.
Even if I had the money, which I don't, I would not buy one.
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Posted in: Telephone fraudsters' ill-gotten gains don't last long See in context
the first guy is so funny - I the conman gets conned!!! :-)
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Posted in: Dear Angry Western Guy See in context
wow! where does she hang out that she does not see Japanese men screaming at their wives? But worse than that is a Japanese "fishwife" going for it.
She really should try getting out of Ginza and Omotesando and discovering the real Japan
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Posted in: Laptop coolers See in context
nothing new - these kind of things have been around for years
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Posted in: How healthy is Japanese cuisine? See in context
Cleo beat me to the punch - too much salt in it for it to be healthy for me, not good for my blood pressure!
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Posted in: Trucker, trying to smoke, causes 5-vehicle pileup in Tokyo See in context
Instead of banning smoking in all sorts of public places with plenty of space, they should ban smoking for drivers of vehicles. It is dangerous, period.
Smoking should be banned at a place of work and in the UK where it is that includes your lorry or your cab etc as that is your place of work.
Never understood why smoking is allowed whilst driving - if you smoke enough you are going to cause a problem some time or other whilst paying more attention to a live flame than the road.
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Posted in: Matsuzaka: Where the beef is See in context
Was lucky enough to be taken to a matsuzaka beef restaurant in shimbashi a few years back. Delicious and not as pricey as I thought (even though I was not paying)
Can't for the life of me remember the name of the place as I would happily tell you all.
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Posted in: How safe do you think Japanese society is, compared to other countries? See in context
Maybe not as safe as it was but still very safe by comparison to most (if not all)
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Posted in: Nike copping flak over plans to rebrand Shibuya park See in context
I suggest we all refer to it a 'Adidas Park' or 'Puma Park' or ...
If I remember rightly Adidas did bid for the park as well. Actually I am not sure why people call it a park as it is mostly the roof of a car park and seriously shabby. I think the only people truly put out are the homeless who will have to find a new park to ruin
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Posted in: Anti-smoking 'monsters' have smokers on the run See in context
I have never ever seen anyone go up to a smoker and say hey, there's the sign, no smoking here please. Are people actually doing that? Has anyone seen that?
Next to my son's school there is a playground and an art college. Once a bunch of art students where using this playground as their outdoors smoking area. In my pigeon Japanese I pointed out the children and asked if they could not smoke there. They apologetically moved on - so yes it can be done.
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Posted in: Anti-smoking 'monsters' have smokers on the run See in context
Sensing a shift in the way the wind is blowing, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has proposed a bill in the National Diet to ban smoking in the workplace, which it hopes to get enacted by next year. It’s entirely possible this may lead to an eventual ban on smoking in commercial areas such as restaurants and hotels.
most sensible thing to come out of any ministry in years. Due to it's addictive properties I don't understand how tobacco is not classified as a drug and outlawed.
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Posted in: Jessica's Secret See in context
she was certainly looking great after Jenson's win in Melbourne
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Posted in: Ohashi Junction expected to ease traffic congestion in Tokyo See in context
but when will it open?
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Posted in: 'Heroes' actress Hayden Panettiere gets chilly reception in Taiji See in context
As the group arrived, a truck of right-wing nationalists blasted slogans, saying Japan should not be singled out for whaling and dolphin hunts because Westerners “are killing cows.” They also demanded President Barack Obama apologize for the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Was this in Japanese as usual? In which case I am sure the protesters welcome the translation here - maybe they thought they were being welcomed!
I went through taiji by accident and it is a beatiful area but well off the beaten track for western tourists.
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Posted in: JAL expands codeshare with Jetstar on Kansai-Cairns route See in context
JAL is still flying? I was hunting round for tickets yesterday in the UK and operators here will not book JAL or BA at the moment. And JAL did not even show up in my expedia search.
We had a great flight to the Gold Coast last year on Jetstar - much better than our JAL flight to Cairns a few years before. I don't think JAL customers will be too unhappy if they are flying on Jetstar planes. The JAL customers we saw on our flight were all getting served first and their more expensive ticket price included food etc.
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Posted in: Modest civil servant transforms into Miss Universe Japan 2010 See in context
She's a trilingual university graduate and she was a secretary making tea for visitors - what a waste! I hope this opportunity opens some more doors to her - other than the talento rubbish...
good luck to her
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Posted in: SDF museum and PR center in Shibuya closes See in context
there was an SDF museum in shibuya?
actually sounds more like a typical recruitment centre from the description given
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Posted in: Crown Prince Naruhito and Crown Princess Masako told the media in a statement that they feel distress for causing public concern about their 8-year-old daughter Princess Aiko, who stayed away from sch See in context
I support their decision to make a stand against the bullies. Someone needs to do something to educate Japanese institutions that all sorts of bullying no matter who you are will not be tolerated.
But as benhur suggests I recommend they send her to an overseas boarding school.
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Posted in: Why do most Japanese take their holidays at the same time, such as Golden Week, Bon and New Year? See in context
because they enjoy taking holidays all together when prices are hiked
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Posted in: Police recommend charges against driver in Prius crash See in context
I am not surprised that some people are trying to take advantage of the Toyota situation to shift the blame of their reckless driving.
The above article said the data was investigated in the presence of the police - so hopefully they are experts and not just a plod watching them. What am I talking about? This is Japan!!!!! If wishes were fishes...
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Posted in: Japan foreign minister stresses G7 unity toward peace in Ukraine
Posted in: Man stabs 5 people in Austria, killing 1
Posted in: Man stabs 5 people in Austria, killing 1
Posted in: Man stabs 5 people in Austria, killing 1