Japan Today

dendychou comments

Posted in: Ice festival See in context

wow,nice picture!

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Posted in: Google threat a rare show of defiance in China See in context

google plz don't leave,chinese people really need you but communist party in china.

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Posted in: Google to end China censorship after e-mail breach See in context

PRAISE THE LORD! or whatever you might praise at a time like this. the division that made the decision, perhaps. China has an economy. Now they need a government. This isn't the 11th century. Censor THAT, Hu Jintao.

new government will never be born in china because of brutal repression by current government.you know the demonstration in our country is also regarded as an illegal activity that participants will be arrest by polices.all these scandal and tragedy is just result of a corrupt party!

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Posted in: Google to end China censorship after e-mail breach See in context

new government will never be born in china because of brutal repression by current government.you know the demonstration in our country is also regarded as an illegal activity that participants will be arrest by polices.all these scandal and tragedy is just result of a corrupt party!

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Posted in: Google to end China censorship after e-mail breach See in context

hi,everyone, i am chinese,i am really really sick of what our government do! in face ,as a chinese citizen we do never feel the rich life our government bring us even through they always advocate that dramatic economic growth.we actually found price inflation and pay remains the same!i am shamed to be a chinese!

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Posted in: Expert says capital punishment dying out in Asia See in context

i don't agree with death should be canceled in ansia ,it will bring a lot of trouble.criminal gang will be more crazy.in this news ,it is said China last year executed more than 5,000 of its citizens, more than any other country.of courrse ,chinese population is the largest,so crimes cases are more than any other countries!a japanese friend also told me that murders happen frequently in japan,and these criminals are inhumane!but japanese government not sentence them to death publishment.she said she was panic about murders with no reason happen in japan.she said japanese shold not cancel death punlishment.now japan murders cases increase quickly because of japanese government cancel the death punblishment,so it is also a not good news to cancel the death punblishment in some countries

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Posted in: Apple's iPhone goes on sale in Japan to cheering crowd See in context

hongkong is a country?i don't think so!i don't think iphone is pretty good to use

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