Japan Today

Derrick Smith comments

Posted in: Health insurance cards to no longer be issued as info will be integrated with My Number cards See in context

This will only hobble the people that work through the system. The people outside the system will still be there working in the shadows with no healthcare. They will tie this to the digital surveillance system in Tokyo for the police for sure but anyone can use ir led face masking to block cameras. Until they wipe out physical money, there will always be people getting treated under the table. They have been anti-foreigner since the pandemic, but they don't want to give up the money, so they will continue to make their purge subtle.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Posted in: Expert laments delays in dementia diagnosis in Japan See in context

It's sad too because unless you are keeping track of it yourself, your friends and family are the only ones that can initiate the process. I noticed this with my father and I and my sister tried to get my dad reviewed by his doctor and it was like they refused to consider the fact even though it was obvious if you asked the right questions because he could hold a normal conversation that did not require precise information. He could tell you stories all day or remember events that happened in the past but medicine, food he ate last week, or mundane things that he should be able to remember were non-existant unless what he needed to remember caused him stress.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S., UK, other envoys to skip Nagasaki A-bomb ceremony because Israel not invited See in context

This is like spitting in someones eye. The US needs to stay out of these countries business and let them handle it themselves. Japan already has China wanting to invade and these guys are mad about Israel when they were the ones that started it.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Posted in: Japan jobless rate falls to 2.5% in June; 1st improvement in 5 months See in context

Numbers manipulation is grand. This is the same situation with the homeless.

The job market around the world is in the dumps.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Posted in: Ex-Japanese Red Army member imprisoned over Jakarta attack dies at 76 See in context

They really wanted him.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Monument to commemorate victims of Kyoto Animation arson-murders completed See in context

No word about the fact they all died because the company didn't update their fire protection. 36 birds don't mean nothing if they are just going to ignore the fact that they all would have survived had the fire suppression been current. Not to mention locking the door to the roof was pretty ridiculous as well.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Posted in: Only 8% of religious group followers' kids back gov't remedy steps See in context

120 people is not large enough for a valid survey.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: XR bus See in context

Why are the photos so small?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: More Japanese workers turning to job resignation services See in context

When you treat people's lives like trash and expect to step on the necks of your employees like slaves then you will get what you deserve. It doesn't matter where you are in the world. Corporate Slavery is a problem for everyone. Your children could by dying and they will still want to lord over their little kingdoms and you. These services need to spread around the world so that people will stop being abused by their employers. HR departments will not help, you so somebody has to do it. Every second of your life is worth more than a few dollars every 60 minutes.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Men with high academic credentials: Very little seems to go right for them See in context

Y'all don't want to respect them or pay them what they are worth. You can't enslave the educated. You can't manipulate them if they decide to tell you to gent bent. If they are lawyers you are in real trouble. The majority of these men in this article had no role models or support. Successful men need mentors. You can be ugly and still come out on top. You don't think there are women out here like this? You haven't been online dating. 

There are millions of educated people without common sense out here doing the same thing. They get trapped by careers that they never needed and only have horrible lol quality fair weather friends. Then add some mental illness on top and you have an easy failure to launch. Their friends and parents allow them to fall into these roles telling them everything is alright.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump meets former Japanese PM Aso; criticizes strong dollar against yen See in context

Meanwhile, everyplace else is burning down from all the inflation. The banks are preventing Americans and Canadians from moving their money around. Crime has gone through the roof. The homeless are high-jacking peoples homes. 1.9 Million people were laid off in just December and millions more got laid off after the new year and they are claiming jobs increased when most of them were federal jobs. Tech is eating itself and they just mentioned the FTC is banning non-competes. I don't see any of this helping anyone.

-10 ( +9 / -19 )

Posted in: Death sentence likely in Japan anime arson trial See in context

At the end of the day they skirted the fraud allegations and the fact that their building was inadequate to handle any kind of fire. Those people died because of management not just because he set the place on fire. They should have had an exist strategy and training. Corporations don't get hung.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Posted in: Japan says there is possibility moon lander power can be restored See in context

There has to be very little quality control if they couldn't plan for anything like this happening.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Posted in: Yoshiki's day See in context

Yoshiki plays piano and drums. Avid X fan since the 90s.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Couple in their 80s, son in his 50s found dead in apparent murder-suicide See in context

That is a rough way to end. He probably couldn't get any help. He wasted his entire life just to be a slave to the end of his parents lives. At some point he had enough. The fact that the neighbor didn't do anything probably accelerated the process. Keep an eye on your elderly neighbors.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: 82-year-old man arrested for driving without license, says he had one 60 years ago See in context

They don't automatically take your car in the US. There are people here doing the same thing. The license system is more to make money and to keep poor people from being able to travel. People that live in the country in TX drive on their own property for years. some before they even got out of school. At his age they should just test him and make him pay a fine he can actually afford. We have people that have no license buying cars in TX. It used to be anything under 50CC required no license. Now they want you to have a class C. You only get a class M for motorcycles when you go beyond 50cc and the cost and time requirement to do safety courses is more than what most poor people can handle.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: Half of unmarried people under 30 in Japan do not want kids: survey See in context

Too small of a sample size to be considered valid. They are reporting errors as facts. The issue is that people aren't being educated on how to handle children on the budgets they currently survive on. Inflation isn't helping but people are doing it. It will never be a priority as long as people believe they can live forever with no offspring and not suffer for it.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese musician, actor Ryuichi Sakamoto dies of cancer at 71 See in context

RIP You brought us some amazing tracks!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: WHO director in Asia accused of racism, abuse indefinitely put on leave See in context

This dude isn't the only one to say this. The director at the beginning was accused but the WHO loed and ran cover for him even though he had actively allowed villages of infected people to die because it benefited a local warlord. They also buried the first SARS outbreak in 2002 per CBC investigation that is still posted online saying they couldn't tell the CCP how to run their own country. The documents are still on the WHO website sitting a refusal by the doctor working with the bats to provide samples from the beginning of the outbreak. This was intentional. The release was in February stating that all counties were having a hard time growing samples but no mention of the WHO having issues via twitter only a lone PDF posted on their site.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Power-saving reward points worth ¥2,000 to be given to households See in context

Point systems for power savings has always been a scam. Especially when the grid is about to be overloaded or the cost of fuel has gone up. Are you asking poor people to from sweltering heat? Every kilowatt-hour saved just means suffering for those that are only trying to stay cool and keep their food from spoiling. Solar will only help them if you provide them the equipment and support. In California they are already screwing over all the homeowners who are selling power back to the grid. They aren't even the only ones allowing the providers to do whatever they want.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Personal 'hishaku' ladles keep traditions alive See in context

Outside those ladles aren't going to be a problem. Seems like a gimmick.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Want to live in an abandoned house in Japan? Here’s why it’s not really ‘free’ See in context

Man I have seen worse homes in the hood. They need to really make an effort to keep these homes up by changing the laws around homes that are abandoned.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Posted in: French father goes on hunger strike for children 'abducted' by Japanese wife See in context

This dude needs to get the embassies involved and have the twitter mob descend on their offices until something happens.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Posted in: If you’re reading pirated manga, one artist would prefer you just not read their work at all See in context

In 2008 Todai University released a paper stating that piracy did not cost loss of income but in fact caused income from people spreading the word about shows and manga that wouldn't have been created otherwise. Shinichi Watanabe got drug for calling fans thieves and he apologized at Oni-Con 2007 because of this same attitude and literally the next year he was proven wrong. The industry sent him to the US to do panels about piracy and he made a mistake in thinking there would be no blow-back. People from all over the world were at the panels and they all explained why it was a bad idea to attack fans. There is anime that has fallen into obscurity because it wasn't widely shared and curated properly. There were fans in countries that had no high speed internet access, no money and no way of ever experiencing it that spread the word and caused others to spend money in the industry.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: New Ford models can get over-the-internet software updates See in context

This would have happened in the 90s had developers been prevented from adding PC features to cars then would have had alot better support than we do now.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: TV news anchors wearing masks on camera ignites discussion See in context

Acrylic panels don't prevent virus laden dust from the HVAC system from being spread throughout the building. There's not a commercial building anywhere meant for broadcasting that has filtration at the nanoparticle level. If they wanted to wear masks they would need those see through bubble suits if they wanted to keep from psychologically being scarred by seeing unmasked people having a conversation. The international theatrical union I work for isn't letting talent anywhere near them without testing but you can still pass the test and be infected because PCR testing is not reliable.


You would think that with the amount of celebrities that were infected prior to the lockdown that they would have realized how much of a risk there is doing anything live. A ton of shooting for live events was canceled. They could continue to do everything remotely but I am assuming they don't want the whole room to consist of LCD panels like some of the shows or like the horrible WWE events where they tried to continue with no audience.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: TV news anchors wearing masks on camera ignites discussion See in context

@Ah_so - I am sure you probably read and verified zero scientific literature about SARS since the outbreak started. Maybe you just like being ignorant of published documents or you feel religiously safe behind an item that literally does nothing in the grand scheme of things. There is zero pass-fail testing to support even partial safety and no percentages have been published to support the arguments being made. There is no moral high ground to be had by wearing a mask as it won't prevent aerosols from exiting. If you can test the outside are particles then congratulations you just infected someone.





-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: TV news anchors wearing masks on camera ignites discussion See in context

Per tested peer reviewed scientific testing.

Surgical Masks cannot filter particles below 500nm (nanometers) and N95 masks cannot filter below 300nm nanometers. The average SARS-COV2 related virus particle is 40-70nm with a maximum size of 120nm. None of the recommendations have been based on scientific testing with live particles and there is more than 16 years of SARS research and info about masks and nanoparticles. There is an article that literally states they tried N95 masks in the field with laser sensors, human test subjects and mannequins and they identified that masks didn't stop nanoparticles and wet masks really didn't stop nanoparticles. They were surprised that in a live environment the air pressure itself was causing the particles to be pushed through the masks. Testing with Flu virions has confirmed this and particles could be confirmed on both sides of the masks. What does this mean? This means people with backgrounds in physics should be explaining this to doctors and not the other way around. All it takes is between 1 and 3 virions (virus particles) to infect a healthy person. We have also studied flu virus particles on airplanes and found that people could be infected before they boarded the plane and once they were on the plane by anyone tracking particles back from the bathroom. All the people in AMOY GARDENS that were downwind of the apartment section where patient zero lived were infected via aerosols.

You can be infected by SARS-COV2 virions via the eyes and the skin. Anywhere there are ACE2 particles which in most of the body and the organs. So if you touch the virus you can be infected even if you do not touch or inhale the virus. Don't believe it? Look up 'CIDRAP AMOY GARDENS 2003'. The first person to warn is was an eye doctor in China. Italian opthamologists wrote a paper about it. Why are they ignoring this fact this many months in is ridiculous.

There are no currently available masks on the market for the public that can filter nanoparticles. If you don't believe me then go look at the picture of the lady scientist that works with SARS viruses and ask yourself what she is wearing. Hint. It's not a mask.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Posted in: 'Algorithms of oppression': Big tech urged to combat discrimination See in context

I mean people do look for porn. It's not like human sexuality disappeared with advancements in search technology. They failed to mention how old you have to be before you can search for some terms. Won't show up on my 6 year olds profile these days unless there is a glitch.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Sony's new $500 PlayStation 5 will launch Nov 12 See in context

Don't compare consoles to desktop PC's. It's just a dumb argument as they serve 2 different purposes.

I am not lugging my water cooled dual graphics card desktop PC anywhere.

One graphics card is $700-1800 dollars and you can't play games without the rest of the PC.

I can take a console with me on a trip, to conventions, or anywhere I want to game.

On my desk at work I had a console that I would use when there was nothing going on.

I had a console and a TV in my car so I could play in the parking lot.

I am not building my water cooled desktop PC into my Honda. I wouldn't play it enough.

I buy both consoles because I am not limited in what I can purchase with my own money.

The PS5 sold out on sites last night. People are still watching sites right now trying to get a pre-order.

The XBOX pre-order isn't for another few days. People will still be pre-ordering.

So don't bother trying to act like PC superiority makes sense when it's all about convenience.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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