Posted in: Goddess of Mercy See in context
That's amazing. Can't remember the last time I saw a lump of reinforced concrete...
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Posted in: Taliban use child bomber at start of offensive See in context
On second thoughts, it was probably the enormous amount of money on his head that did him in.
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Posted in: Taliban use child bomber at start of offensive See in context
Seems the CIA got things right for a change. I would prefer "cull", "put down", rather than murder.
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Posted in: Signs of the times See in context
Interesting that one of their selling points (that deserved its own sign) is a working toilet. I couldn't imagine even using a porta-potty for a month!
A few weeks ago they were handing out poop bags to people. Poop bags! The bags were even colored brown, so nobody dared to, say, barf in them. How on earth one is to use one of those is beyond me. Hope one has enough time to read the printed instructions. Anyway, I only pay attention when I see people waving flags or somebody in a bunny suit jumping on the sidewalk.
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Posted in: Why did those foreigners who decided to leave Japan in the aftermath of the March 11 disaster come in for so much derision from some people who labeled them with words like 'flyjin?' See in context
Where does this term "fly jin" originate from anyway? Well, not from any gaijin. And the news picked up on it. Of course, they never mentioned any of their own so called brave and courageous having fled to deemed safer places. Bunch of hypocrites. And I am sick and tired of gaijin claiming they stayed for this and that reason. Good for you, but don't criticize people who for whatever reason left Fukushima or Japan. Yeah, when they interviewed a couple of gaijin why they were leaving and saying they heard it was dangerous etc., I thought 'you nitwits'. And when I got emails from the embassy mentioning they had arranged seats on planes leaving Japan, I thought 'you nitwits'. But people are not all the same. I didn't even consider leaving my town or Japan for that matter and I am not a hero. It just didn't come up. You know what? It's my experience that people with big mouths are usually the biggest cowards when sh!t really hits the fan.
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Posted in: Gov't bans rice planting in contaminated soil See in context
The japanese govement must make sure the price of rice, our staple, does not rise. Penalties for shops trying to rise the price. Because the people will not eat foreign rice, japanese rice is the only one accepted by japanese people.
Shops trying to raise the price? Don't worry, doesn't happen in Japan. You all fell into a kettle of hinkaku when babies, so you're all so full of dignity that you're immune to dishonesty. For crying out loud man, change your diaper. What are you people going to eat if there ever wasn't enough Japanese rice? Hmm? Like when there was a rice shortage in this country, people lining up to buy this foreign rice? It is obvious that you never ate this "foreign" rice. Or was that before you were born? It's quite tasty actually if you would try it and you won't get anything nasty from it.
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Posted in: Safe sushi See in context
Yes, yes, wasabi is well known for it's anti-radiationalnalnal properties, but only when applied into the nasal and anal cavities, so if you see somebody running down the street, wildly gesticulating and screaming, you what the cause is. Anyway, the local kaiten sushi looks real quiet during the early evening, let alone late night, but that has been since the quake. I find this whole area (Y'hama) more subdued during the evening, less light and less cars on the road.
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Posted in: Gigantic concrete pumps from U.S. to help in Japan's nuclear crisis See in context
I thought they had already 2 of these Putzmeisters complete with Betonpumpe Führer pumping water at Fukushima and that they are going to send 4 more.
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Posted in: Radiation test See in context
Tested for possible radiation. Think it was mentioned before that they test anybody entering evacuation centers in that area, otherwise they won't let you in. Still sad that it has come to this.
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Posted in: Edano criticizes TEPCO for series of mistakes on nuclear plant See in context
Yes, the building of nuclear power plants has been a regular feature on JT. I take it, that the people from the IAEA are no arm chair experts and from what I have been reading, it was the IAEA, that in 2008 warned their Japanese counterparts of the dangers of eartquakes and tsunamis along the Pacific coast. It was brushed aside. Also, since this particular plant started operating in 1971, the fascilities were upgraded exactly 3 times.
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Posted in: Edano criticizes TEPCO for series of mistakes on nuclear plant See in context
“An extremely urgent” request, is that a euphemism for g@d damned bungling idiots? And why is it the US Navy that ships in fresh water. Has all fresh water been bottled here?
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Posted in: Taking precautions See in context
It's cute. Cute and very Japanese. Better to be prepared at all times and having them wear this now is probably to make them aware of the current serious situation. Guess it gives some protection against falling objects and the silver could point to some fire resistant material. It folds up, so they likely carry this stuff with them at all times. Also like the portable bouhan buzzer integrated into the randoseru. Haha, be prepared people, I want a set. And the funny thing is, if I am going to wear this outfit today in public, nobody is going to blink an eye, think about that.
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Posted in: What do you think of the Japanese government's response to the earthquake-tsunami disaster so far? See in context
It's all a bit chaotic, which is in my opinion not unexpected in these extraordinary circumstances. Interesting news story developing, seemingly originating from Wikileaks..., in that the IAEA had warned Japan several years ago about the trouble they are facing right now with the Fukushima plant and that Japan's own nuclear safety agency, as well as the government played down the concerns of the IAEA.
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Posted in: Panic buying leaves shelves empty following earthquake See in context
Is this really necessary, all this hoarding of food? Here in Yokohama everything is just fine, quake wise I mean, so why the long lines at gas stations? I went to the supermarket early this morning at opening time, expecting it to be quiet as usual, but it was mayhem, the store was packed with folks. There is no rice, no canned food, no oatmeal (sniff), no bread. I don't get it. It was quiet though, nobody was saying a thing.
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Posted in: Kan calls quake worst crisis since World War II; OKs power outages See in context
I dont understand this at all. I saw my area in yokohama in 3 or 4 groups. means i have no power all day???
For Yokohama check TVK. It is a bit confusing. Teiden tomorrow for some wards in Yokohama is 9.20~13.00 and 18.20~22.00 Yokohama (all wards) either 13.50~17.50 and/or 15.20~19.00
I am not whining or anything, but for years Tepco ran those commercials where they were proudly proclaiming how diversified their power supply system is, ready for any contingency, as opposed to other countries, but one plant is more or less out and the whole system is in disarray.
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Posted in: 'Cove' director gives free DVDs to Taiji residents See in context
This must be the only movie/documentary, where it mentions at the end, "animals were hurt during filming"
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Posted in: Honda recalls nearly 700,000 vehicles worldwide due to faulty engines See in context
"Spring placed improperly in a small box inside the engine". Interesting. Improperly, small box, could break, might stop, it all sounds rather harmless. I checked this and it seems they mean "the lost motion springs, which are compressed by rocker arms in normal engine use, and that may bend or break over time resulting in abnormal engine noise and potentially causing engine damage or stalling". In short, bad valve springs. Which is a rather serious defect.
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Posted in: 150 years of dieting fads and still no quick fix See in context
Try preparing your meals with generous amounts of (mono)unsaturated fats, like olive oil. The first thing people do when trying to loose weight is skipping on fats, but there are fats and fats and the good fats are actually very powerful (and natural) metabolism boosters. I have to splurge on food now and then in order to gain weight. And apart from taking a walk every day, I don't exercise much and I eat what I like, but prepare it myself.
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Posted in: Savoy savvy See in context
Did Hoshino deflate herself? She might look 16 to some people, she certainly acts like a teenager. Inflating, deflating, I can't follow. The other girl however is good in the kitchen I hear and can squeal in soprano, mezzo-soprano, contralto and possibly still treble, which is probably the reason why she made it into AKB48.
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Posted in: Doors' Jim Morrison pardoned for indecent exposure in 1971 See in context
I like the Doors, but not particularly interested in their private parts. The story does however disprove a woman's side of the story as having been at that concert and claiming that Jim had a "small one". She might have been there, but it now appears that she couldn't see "anything", for there was nothing to be seen^^.
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Posted in: Old photos reveal tale of Japan and Jews of WWII See in context
Yes, well, the only thing the Germans and Japanese had in common was that they both faced the same enemies and looked down on certain human races. Japanese certainly did not resemble anything the Nazi's envisioned with their mumbo jumbo of a master race. First time that I read the name of this Dutch fellow Zwartendijk, on JT no less. Of course my first thought was oh well, just another trifling story instigated by the Mossad, but then I looked outside and it was raining and then I actually gathered all my strenght and googled the name Jan Zwartendijk. Interesting to read about him working with Sugihara in getting these Jewish people out of Europe.
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Posted in: Archaeologists find theater box at Herod's palace See in context
isn't the place called Herodium?
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Posted in: Detention of Chinese fishing boat captain extended to Sept 29 See in context
Completely blown out of proportions by those Chinese hicks. It was just a provocation, nothing more and nothing less. These Chinese 'fishy" boats do something similar against US navy vessels, throwing old nets and ropes into the propellers. So yeah, toughen up. Next time shoot at these clowns.
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Posted in: Unsettled nation marks 9/11 with rituals of sorrow See in context
Some Americans need to start getting over 9-11.
Tell that to the people who lost family members.
As I have said about 9/11 before and made me think about the whole thing was on Y/tube loose change, maybe Islam and nothing to do with it in the first place!
I can't belief there are actually people thinking that someone else than Osama bin L. was responsible for these attacks. Silly people. Anyway, that whole Loose Change thing has been debunked already.
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Posted in: What are some of your favorite examples of the way English is misused in products, advertising and pop culture in Japan? See in context
The (adult) guy wearing a sweater with "Diaper Day Memories" printed on the back.
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Posted in: In-debt fireman lies about theft to police See in context
so........did he, or did he not get robbed?
The answer to that can be derived from the last two sentences.
He likely used the 70man for something he thought his next of kin were better to be left unaware of. However, when bonus time came around, he was faced with the same problem, explaining where the bonus went, so he came up with the idea of "being robbed".
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Posted in: Netherlands beats Japan 1-0 See in context
Well, you won't see attractive football if the main objective of the opposing team is a draw. It showed in the first half. Japan got some shots off in the second half, when they had to after falling 1 goal behind, but the Netherlands also had, in my opinion, a couple of far better chances. In the end, it is the win that counts and the Netherlands is still unbeaten. Against Denmark, Japan has to come out and I don't see Japan winning that match.
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Posted in: Japan bribed small nations with cash, call girls to get whaling vote: Sunday Times See in context
The only time it comes on tv is, when it concerns Sea Shepard. I have never seen a meaningful discussion on tv about the necessity of whaling or whaling in general for that matter and I have been here 29 years, but ok, I don't watch tv the whole damned day. Two weeks or so ago, there was a segment in some news program, dealing with the Cove and the Sea Shepard and in the end they said: pretty soon we can't even "kill" plants anymore for plants are living things as well. Go figure. I doubt we will be seeing anything on tv here mentioning this bribing by Japanese officials, using (probably) tax payers money.
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Posted in: Japan bribed small nations with cash, call girls to get whaling vote: Sunday Times See in context
Of course it comes up in times like this, seems there is an important vote coming up this month. But it's only bribing, so what. As long as it's not your own money of course, hm Zenny. You can also donate whatever you can spare. Show some spirit. They should check where this money comes from. I can't imagine that ordinary Japanese folks would be happy to hear that their hard payed taxes are used to bribe people in order to maintain something they are already forking out money for and have little interest in.
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Posted in: Uno Kanda announces separation from husband See in context
You people are forgetting that he still has (or had) to propose to this woman regularly.
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Nope, just stopped eating eggs, just like anything ELSE that costs too much
Posted in: Soaring egg prices in U.S. piquing interest in backyard chickens
Posted in: Trump pressure to boost Japan defense spending could strain alliance
Bad mistake Sir. History shows trump cannot be trusted. trump will abuse you and Japan.
Posted in: Ishiba, after meeting Trump, voices optimism over averting tariffs
Please let all of these losers lose bigly.
Posted in: Trump, Swift join Super Bowl party as Chiefs chase 'three-peat'