Japan Today

dgail comments

Posted in: Thousands rally against nuclear power See in context

Nuclear power is a way to boil water to create steam that turns turbines to generate electricity. Surely we can find a better way to boil water.

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Posted in: Would legalized gambling ease Japan's economic woes? See in context

Before encouraging casinos, consider quality of life issues for the long term. Study what has happened to cities in other parts of the world after legalized gambling was instituted. The casino infrastructure will displace private property owners. People in nearby neighborhoods may find that they can no longer afford to pay property taxes. Often, large chain hotels and restaurants unfairly compete and many small businesses will disappear. This will happen locally and in the surrounding communities. Police departments will be faced with an increase in crime. This is true because of increased numbers and because of money laundering which often follows casinos. Earthquake-caused problems are ongoing and the outcome is unknown. If something goes wrong, the people will end up paying for a failed operation.

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