Posted in: Tourism boom sends prices soaring at Niseko ski resort See in context
Make hay while the sun shines. These places are pretty much ghost towns for the other 8 months of the year. If they can't make any money for the other 2/3 of the year it makes perfect sense their prices should be 2/3 higher during the boom period.
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: 17-year-old boy referred to prosecutors for impersonating police officer See in context
Sign him up! Japan could definitely do with some more enthisiastic police officers.
5 ( +12 / -7 )
Posted in: 2,663 people died in traffic accidents in 2024, National Police Agency says See in context
@ P_C - Further, if one looks at per capita fatalities Japan is extremely low at 2.1 fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants. This ranks #184 globally. Per capita fatalities for China = 17, India = 11 and USA = 13.
Do these global per-capita statistics take into account that less than 50% of the adult population drives and most drive less than 5,000 kilometers per year? This makes those statistics a load of crap.
-14 ( +12 / -26 )
Posted in: Japanese firms working to attract, retain skilled foreign workers See in context
These is a lot more to it than just low pay. The prejudices and xenophobia contribute greatly to how these workers are treated. It is good to see this company promoting education but the education should match the level necessary to complete their jobs. A person does not need a JLPT1 to sort gyoza.
-5 ( +15 / -20 )
Posted in: Japan to maximize nuclear power in clean-energy push as electricity demand grows See in context
Does that mean they will extend the life span of the 60 year old reactors again? Or, do they intend to build new reactors to use modern tech and modern fuel to achieve this? This is just something to say to the reporters to feed the masses. It's easy to sell to the reporters but Japan does not have the resources (or the money) to build new reactors. The only way to achieve this is to extend the lives of the existing reactors again. They'll be relying on 50+ year old technology. How wonderful!
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: 52-year-old man arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting teenage girl he met on social media See in context
I'm not victim blaming but why do so many young girls go to love hotels with older men? What do they think they are going to do there? Make green tea or flash for cash? Stop going to love hotels with older men and this problem will go away.
Moderator: Thanks for your contribution. Your comment has been featured in the latest episode of the Japan This Week podcast. Visit the Japan Today top page to listen.
6 ( +21 / -15 )
Posted in: Planned Mount Fuji light rail line could transport 3 million hikers per year See in context
This is a great idea. It will open the mountain up to many people. It should decrease the impact on the environment greatly with less people trundling up there and leaving their garbage behind. They can leave it on the train.
-3 ( +4 / -7 )
Posted in: Consumption tax cut unlikely after Sunday's election See in context
Just another vote grubbing lie. The way the Japanse economy is they are more likely to increase it. People are really struggling in Japan with zero wage growth in more than twenty years and an ever increasing cost of living. Add to that 60% of workers are on part time or short term working contracts and the failed pension scam. You quickly realize Japan is not the 'rich country' it continually boasts about.
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: IAEA to have marine sampling near Fukushima plant with China, others See in context
What is going to happen if the results show high levels of radioactivity in the local sealife and seabed? Of course the results will not show this because they have been assurig us all along that it is safe, right?
-7 ( +6 / -13 )
Posted in: Dating apps most common way to meet a spouse in Japan, study finds See in context
Unfortunately, there are also many creepy predators lurking on these sites which have resulted in assaults and deaths.
6 ( +8 / -2 )
Posted in: Man in wheelchair killed after being hit by truck Chiba; driver arrested See in context
sakurasuki - Couldn't blame driver 100%,
Drivers must drive to the conditions and are 100% responsible.
-2 ( +7 / -9 )
Posted in: Whaling: Why the practice will not go away See in context
Tokyo argues that eating whale is part of Japanese culture and an issue of "food security" in the resource-poor country, which imports large amounts of animal meat.
This is not an answer to the whaling issue. Japanese people do not rely on whale meat to sustain themselves. In fact, very few people eat it regularly. The majority of the population do not eat it all. It is served as a special menu in specialised restaurants at ridiculous prices. This has nothing to do with 'food security'. It is only about profiting from the slaughter of whales. The answer to the question is, Japan has billions of dollars invested in their whaling industry and they will not let it go. It's not culture or food security. It's money!
15 ( +18 / -3 )
Posted in: Hotels, Japanese inns hit by cancellations after megaquake alert See in context
You have more chance of winning the Lotto than predicting where and when an earthquake will happen somewhere in the Japanese archipelago. I admire their diligence but this has cost the tourist industry ¥¥¥¥.
5 ( +9 / -4 )
Posted in: Japan sees higher-than-usual risk of megaquake off Pacific Coast See in context
Earthquakes happen in Japan and have been happening for thousadns of years. Stating a megaquake is coming Is a bit of a given. The likelyhood is no more today than it was 10 years ago, 100 years ago or 1,000 years ago. None of the previous 'megaquakes' in Japan have been predicted so why should anyone believe the next one will be. Being prepared for the inevitable is a good thing though.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Trump discusses U.S. wiping Iran 'off the face of the Earth' See in context
It's pretty clear that Trump's agenda is only to leave his mark on history and not to be the leader of a nation. Hopefully, Americans will have the common sense not to vote for this fool.
18 ( +24 / -6 )
Posted in: Barrier at popular vantage point for viewing Mount Fuji going up See in context
Which came first? The mountain or the convenience store? Get rid of the convenience store and create a viewing platform for an excellent view of Mt. Fuji.
2 ( +10 / -8 )
Posted in: Japan saw over 16,000 deaths from COVID-19 in May-Nov 2023 See in context
Yey, there are still those in the community who believe Covid is a scam and refuse to get vaccinations.
4 ( +9 / -5 )
Posted in: 45-year-old man arrested for arson after argument with mother over breakfast See in context
So, now this unemployed brat doesn't have anywhere to live as well. 46 years old and carries on like a spoiuled teenager.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: New families sought for children with disabilities via adoption See in context
Each year in Japan there are over 200,000 abortions. Every two weeks, a newborn infant dies of abandonment. And each year, more than 50 children lose their lives to physical abuse at the hands of their parents.
Some pretty disturbing statistics there.
10 ( +14 / -4 )
Posted in: Japanese gov't to submit bill to introduce joint custody after divorce See in context
It's only taken 50 years for Japan to start to catch up with the modern world. Hopefully, they will structure child support as well. Currently, there is no structure. It's only what the ex says (usually the mother). My ex-wife demanded I pay her ¥200,000 per month and she would let me see my kids to take them out to lunch once a month. I told her I couldn't afford to pay it and wanted to negotiate to an affordable amount. I also told he I wanted to see my kids every second weekend. She refused to negotiate and cut me off completely. I haven't seen my kids for ten years and there is nothing I can do about it. I approached the family court and was told that was no way of getting to see my kids unless she agreed to it. I went to the apartment to beg her to let me see my kids through the intercom and she called the cops. I waited outside my kids' school so I could see them. I saw them, they told their mother and she put a restraining order on me. I did nothing to this woman to make her act like this. The only reason she did it is, because she could. Hopefully, this new structure will stop these unruly tyrants making their kids become estranged from their fathers.
19 ( +25 / -6 )
Posted in: Parents arrested over fatal poisoning, drugging of 4-year-old daughter in Tokyo See in context
Articles like this evoke a lot of emotion. Anger, sadness, sorrow, confusion and resentment. As much as it sounds very callous, this poor child is in a better place now.
9 ( +11 / -2 )
Posted in: Woman arrested for abandoning body of newborn infant in trash can See in context
More fuel for the move to make all international trainees use contraception.
-1 ( +4 / -5 )
Posted in: Foreign firefighters stifled by Japanese gov't bureaucratic restrictions See in context
The guidelines, issued in 1953 by the Cabinet Legislation Bureau
That one statement explains the system very well. Japan doesn't want those pesky foreigners telling Japanese people what tp do.
-14 ( +26 / -40 )
Posted in: 1 in 5 Japanese university students do not want children: survey See in context
"There is a possibility that economic concerns are impacting their views on life,"
A possibility? Considering their fathers are likely earning less or the same as they were twenty years ago makes these kids pretty smart. Hopefully, these kids will follow through with their views and use appropriate contraception.
5 ( +8 / -3 )
Posted in: China overtook Japan as world's top vehicle exporter in 2023 See in context
Wow! That must hurt the Japanese car manufacturers, both financially and their pride. Perhaps all the scandals involving Japanese car manufacturers falsifying data are starting to catch up with them.
There are many Chinese and Korean brands of cars in Australia. The Korean cars are (KIA & Hyundai) excellent!
-14 ( +16 / -30 )
Posted in: Thousands protest Australia Day holiday with 'Invasion Day' rallies See in context
Protester James Cummings, a Sydney local, said it was "not the right day to be celebrating a national day".
Sadly, this article is quite sensationalistic with many untruths. The date of Australia is not the actual date Australia became a nation. It was January 18. This 'Invasion Day' banner is also sensationalistic. It's true the first Australians were persicuted in the first 150 years of settlement and many resoration efforts have been made. These protest rallies are organised by troublemakers who are intent on disrupting any and all negotiations of resorations. It wouldn't matter what date it was, they would still protest. Many were complaining that Australia should not have a public holiday to celebrate its national day. There was some joker on the news this evening exclaiming everybody should move out of Sydney and give it back to the first Australians. This article does not mention anything about what has been for the first Australian people. They have been given a lot of land and landmarks. All their culturally significant areas have been recognised, most of which have been protected by law. They are given free housing, which is abused. They are given interest free loans for vehicles that never get paid back.
By the way, these people are not indigenous to Australia. They are indigenous to Africa and came to Australia some 40,000 years ago.
-5 ( +5 / -10 )
Posted in: 33-year-old woman arrested over deaths of sons aged 4 and 2 at home in Tochigi Prefecture See in context
Just kill yourself! The kids don't deserve to die;
4 ( +9 / -5 )
Posted in: Tokyo bus operator banks on foreign drivers as shortage looms See in context
Japanese employers just don't get it. This labor shortage they keep going on about is for low paying jobs with long hours. It's not a shortage of labor. It's a shortage of people who want to work long hours for a pittance. Now, they believe people will come from overseas to work for next to nothing and still have to contribute the pension scam. If they were serious they would make all foreigners exempt from the scam, which would give them more money in their pockets and make the jobs more appealing.
18 ( +29 / -11 )
Posted in: Kishida put into corner as secret slush funds scandal falls on him See in context
The whole LDP are as crooked as the day is long. They have been scamming Japanese people for over 70 years. The only reasons they stay in power are vote buying, grafting, the 50-60% of people who vote are brainwashed and the opposition party are useless. TIJ! You can't help people who won't help themselves.
-1 ( +10 / -11 )
Posted in: Man arrested for assaulting woman, trying to steal her underwear See in context
No words! Just shaking my head in disbelief.
20 ( +21 / -1 )
Posted in: Do Japanese kids need to wear special slippers at school? One part of Tokyo doesn’t think so
Posted in: IAEA chief visits Fukushima as Japan returns to nuclear power
Posted in: More than 150 false killer whales stranded on a beach in Australia's Tasmania state