Posted in: Japan's schools 'hateful' places for LGBT students: rights group See in context
Remember, children do not raise themselves. Hate & bigotry are learned at home, not inborn. Parents should accept personal responsibility for how their children treat others.
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: Scores feared trapped as death toll from 2 Kyushu quakes hits 37 See in context
I would rather be without power than knowing the facility sending me that power was irradiating the surrounding area.
1 ( +5 / -3 )
Posted in: O'Barry ordered deported from Japan See in context
I do not like him, nor do I eat dolphin, but this is ethnic profiling on the basis it places Japan in bad lights. One should not kill anything unless it is self defense or you intend to consume as much of it as possible, after all it cost that being its life. As for immigration, 90% of the world requires you to have a valid visa, passport or work permit. In Japan, it is wise for visitors to keep it on your person because you may be legally ask to provide proof at any time.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Gunman opens fire at Oregon college; at least 9 killed, 7 wounded See in context
Notice these maniacs always choose a location where guns are not allowed? See a pattern?
3 ( +8 / -5 )
Posted in: Which offers the best sound quality for listening to music? See in context
We hear in analogue and what is actually "drawn" on vinyl is an actual analogue waveform. The music that is on CD's and digital downloads are a sliced up representation of that waveform in ones and zeros. Sliced up thousands of times per second, you can "see" how you may easily lose nuances that may not be consciously perceptible. Vinyl may be an inconvenient medium, but it is and always will be my favorite because the music is "right there" in the grooves. The actual representation of what the compression waves that will eventually hit your ear drums look like.
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Posted in: Windows 10 tries blending new with familiar See in context
XP rules and is the most stable version. So many companies, Microsoft included, like to repair what was never broken. Google is another major example.
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Posted in: LG bets on pricey OLED technology as future of TVs See in context
The only trouble I have ever seen with Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) is the "blue". They are known to go out earlier than the "Red" and "Green" producing an incomplete colour gamut. I do want this technology to come through as there is no need for backighting, making the TV thinner and more power efficient.
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Posted in: ANA pilot posts insulting remarks on JAL Facebook page See in context
I want freedom of speech, but as with all freedoms there are responsibilities that go with them (like saying BOMB on an airplane or FIRE in a theater). If you speak a brutal truth though, you better be ready to accept some trolling. "People deserve to know the truth, even if it destroys their illusions of reality".
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Posted in: Google: Driverless cars are mastering city streets See in context
One thing a young adult has that a computer still doesn't is a will to live, even with the distractions that often accompany young adult drivers, they may STILL be safer at this point in development.
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Posted in: Sony, Universal, Warner sue SiriusXM for royalties See in context
I have many, many friends tell me they have horror stories about SiruisXM in that they offer a "free" 3 or 6 month trial if you give them your credit or checking information. Then, they charge you during the trial and after you cancel. The medium and service is cool but the business SiruisXM itself is corrupt.
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Posted in: Thieves target religious offerings in tsunami-damaged town See in context
We as living beings find this upsetting, but I firmly believe the children's spirits understand and look over this incident. If my grave is of any value to someone living then so be it. I find it difficult to determine what value these stolen items may have to anyone other than those connected to the families of the children. Forgive the thieves for they have lost their way.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: ANA, JAL ground Dreamliner fleet after emergency landing See in context
I have said it before and I will say it again. Lithium Ion batteries have no business as critical components in these planes. They are volatile and a bit dangerous in in pressurized air. They are OK in cell phones and laptops, but not as power supplies on jets.
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Posted in: Google's Schmidt urges N Korea to let citizens use Internet See in context
While communism is actually a noble concept of "pooling" resources for the good of all, it does NOT take into account human greed nor laziness and therefore is flawed. I think this visit to North Korea was merely to gain insight for a book & anyone travelling to such dictator-ruled countries should have their motives examined completely. As a leader, if you indeed want your country to remain communist, use China as an example and allow limited use to the internet or suffer economic, social, & technological set-backs for years or even decades to come.
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Posted in: Boeing defends Dreamliner, but safety questions remain See in context
If they choose to go ahead with this, single out this model for an inspection after every flight for at least a year (cost going to Boeing) if they do not want to do a voluntary recall. As for these batteries, I know how they are. Light-weight, high power, fast charging but yes are flammable. This type of battery has proven itself viable in products on the ground in non-life threatening situations. I am a bit "on the fence" in this regard. Consider hurling yourself through the air in a can with wings at several hundred kilometres per hour using flammable batteries difficult to extinguish if caught fire. They are not cheap. I am completely open to advisement on my opinion.
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Posted in: Taiwan pledges chip talks and investment to mollify Trump
Posted in: Japan 2024 growth slows despite stronger fourth quarter
Posted in: Baby in state of cardiac arrest after minivan and truck collide in Saitama Prefecture
Pukey2Feb. 17 10:13 pm JST It will ruin America. So, yes. That jealous of your betters, huh?