Posted in: Japanese media blasts 'cowardly' Ghosn after escape See in context
Isn't it more cowardly to never speak up or to never rebel against the sytem.
22 ( +25 / -3 )
Posted in: Japanese teacher punches high school boy in face; social media on his side See in context
Yubaru, if a student would be allowed to yell and shout at his teacher, what kind of nation is that ?
Its called assault and if you do it as an adult to another adult you would be in jail - so why is it OK to assault a student.
-3 ( +2 / -5 )
Posted in: World's 26 richest people own same as poorest half of humanity: Oxfam See in context
But how much do those richest people donate to the poor - we know 2 of the top 5 (Gates and Buffett) donate a LOT of money. But lets ignore that fact and keep attacking the poor.
Look, if you had (just guessing) $100, you would probably be better off than 1% of the people.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Ghosn again asks for bail; promises not to flee, pay for security guards See in context
And you know for sure that he is guilty?
I think most of us are disagreeing with his treatment, when plenty of Japanese executives (Toshiba, Olympus, Kobe Steel, Takata, TEPCO, etc) went through mush worse scandals and never spent this much time in detention.
7 ( +20 / -13 )
Posted in: Ghosn again asks for bail; promises not to flee, pay for security guards See in context
Look we don't know if he is innocent or guilty. But the thing that upsets me is that there isn't a single Japanese executive in detention - because if Ghosn did order all of these wrong doings then SOMEONE knowingly helped him. So if he is guilty there is NO WAY he was able to do everything single-handedly - he would have had the help of a Japanese BOD member of Japanese executive.
5 ( +17 / -12 )
Posted in: Female imperial family members to be barred from key succession rite See in context
What we need, for some real change towards women, is to have some Japanese man pick up his sack and say, "My mother, wife and daughter are all equal to me." And the new Emperor Naruhito should be the first to say this.
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: Female imperial family members to be barred from key succession rite See in context
You do know that Japan has had several female Empresses in the past - what were they not allowed to attend there own ascension ceremonies.
I love the counter arguments about "If you don't like it leave..." - well my counter argument to that would be that times do eventually change (even in Japan)...we are no longer living in a shogun era, are we? Why?? because times change.
3 ( +7 / -4 )
Posted in: Ghosn indicted on 2 new charges; Nissan cancels lease on his Tokyo apartment See in context
And yet none of the executives of Olympus, Toshiba, Tanaka, Kobe Steel, TEPCO spent any time in jail.
I ask you what is worse, some of the crimes committed by the above companies, or allegedly hiding some salary or losses - it is not even comparable (read up on those companies, and the things they did are 100 time worse).
This is becoming comically sad.
21 ( +24 / -3 )
Posted in: Ghosn case rattles Japan's expat business community See in context
I have a question:
How many J executives were detained and subsequently jailed for there (much worse) crimes against society - Olympus (read this case it is absolutely disgusting how deep and long this corruption went on), Kobe Steel, Toshiba, TEPCO, Takata - and to a lesser degree: the boxing scandal, all the sumo scandals, and the Japanese medical school scandals.
All I could find was Kikukawa (from Olympus) spent about two weeks in detention and released on 30 million yen bond.
7 ( +8 / -1 )
Posted in: Ghosn admits he signed papers on post-retirement pay; Saikawa also questioned See in context
What is "it"? "denied it", "admitted it"? I don't see anywhere he lied, please tell us exactly what this lie is?
Also, so because he was the CEO at the time, he deserves to be in detention center for this long? How about all of the other CEO's of Japanese companies, Toshiba, Olympus, Takata, Kobe Steel - did they spend any time in detention center?
-4 ( +9 / -13 )
Posted in: Ghosn admits he signed papers on post-retirement pay; Saikawa also questioned See in context
Please explain these incredible crimes - do you believe he told the IR team to not report his deferred compensation package?
-4 ( +9 / -13 )
Posted in: Ghosn admits he signed papers on post-retirement pay; Saikawa also questioned See in context
Akie, "multiple crimes" name me one. Signing a contract is not a crime - which is what he admitted to.
4 ( +15 / -11 )
Posted in: Ghosn admits he signed papers on post-retirement pay; Saikawa also questioned See in context
How is this strike one? Did you sign a contract when you entered the Marines? I think most people sign an employment contract.
-2 ( +5 / -7 )
Posted in: Ghosn admits he signed papers on post-retirement pay; Saikawa also questioned See in context
Akie; If indeed he denied it before he admitted it, then he committed crime.
What is your take on this issue - What crime do you think Ghosn actually committed?
2 ( +7 / -5 )
Posted in: Ghosn admits he signed papers on post-retirement pay; Saikawa also questioned See in context
So, to me this just sounds like he "admitted" to signing his employee contract ... which most all of us do when we agree to our pay at a company.
Keep in mind that Ghosn is not part of the IR team ... they are the ones to be culpable.
Unless there is some proof (email, video) that Ghosn actually told the IR team to purposefully not report the portion of deferred compensation, then he should be freed.
5 ( +11 / -6 )
Posted in: K-pop group BTS's talent agency apologizes over A-bomb shirt See in context
Instead of the agency apologizing, the members should apologize.
27 ( +27 / -0 )
Posted in: The challenge that is unique in Japan is that domestic help is not as available as it is in Hong Kong and Singapore. That is a very big factor in terms of how easy it is for women to work and have kids. We don’t have that in Japan. That’s a problem. See in context
You do realize that the domestic help in Hong Kong is mostly Filipinos that have extremely long working hours and terrible living conditions. It is borderline abuse. You should look for a better model than Hong Kong.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Tokyo Medical University chooses 1st woman president after sexism scandal See in context
Congratulation, hopefully she can institute same changes and help to start to fix the bigger issue of female inequality.
On a side note, the Japanese (TV) news needs to report this more, they talk about it for 20 seconds and moved on, and now they are talking about this weirdo 7/11 employee for 20 minutes. Where is the priorities Japanese (TV)? Ridiculous.
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: Mother indicted after 1-year-old son dies after falling off electric bicycle See in context
Well, if a precedence was set, she won't see jail time - remember a few weeks ago a young woman hit and killed an elderly woman and the judge let her go.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Australian newspaper defies criticism, reprints Serena Williams cartoon See in context
OK, yes I am a white person. But you didn't explain how this is racist? People need to learn to laugh more instead of trying to find fault or be offended by everything.
16 ( +23 / -7 )
Posted in: Head of 2020 Tokyo Olympics supports daylight time for Games See in context
Please explain how "Daylight saving is disruption to farming and rural areas".
There is x number of hours of daylight, does it matter if it 4am-7pm or 6am-9pm? It still the same - people will adjust.
7 ( +7 / -0 )
Posted in: Head of 2020 Tokyo Olympics supports daylight time for Games See in context
I have been saying this for years, Japan is in the wrong time zone. Nobody needs the sun to rise at 4:30 in the morning and set at 7, in the summer, and set at 4:30 in the winter.
11 ( +11 / -0 )
Posted in: Australian newspaper defies criticism, reprints Serena Williams cartoon See in context
I'm sorry I don't see how this is racist, it's a cartoon.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Man indicted for murdering, dismembering 9 people in 2017 See in context
I am all for due process, but when someone has already admitted to the crimes - what purpose or satisfaction do we get by dragging this through the process (the process is used to determine innocence or guilt)?
6 ( +11 / -5 )
Posted in: Court upholds male-only right to deny legal fatherhood See in context
Really, how is this an affair, they are separated. Only a real blowhard or male chauvinist think this is an affair.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Woman killed in 5-vehicle pile-up in Chiba See in context
I wonder if the truck driver will get the same punishment as the woman who killed someone on her bicycle - that is to say no punishment. Hopefully, the driver will be properly punished - as should anyone who takes another live (voluntarily or involuntarily.)
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japanese government separated families by deporting 47 Vietnamese See in context
She came over here illegally to get married and have a baby. And then we are supposed to feel sympathy when the family gets separated, because the authorities finally caught up to her. Where do we draw the line between illegal activities - stealing (or worse) or lying on the immigration forms.
What would we think if the current facts remained the same, but we found out she was running from the police in her home country and hiding out hear in Japan - we would break up the family and send her back.
Just go to another country legally and you never have to worry about breaking up families.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Woman gets suspended term for fatal bicycle crash involving smartphone See in context
It's amazing the lack of common sense people have when riding bicycles. You should follow the flow of traffic, not go against it - stay on the left side of the ride (just like cars). This also applies to one way roads, ride on the left. I can't tell you how many times I have encountered people riding on the right side of the street only to not move when I am riding on the proper left hand side. Also, unless marked, you are not allowed to ride on sidewalks (unless you have a kid on your bicycle or accompanying a child ride their bike.)
Education needed for bike riders.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Woman gets suspended term for fatal bicycle crash involving smartphone See in context
"...defendant was grossly negligent in riding..."
The judge/judicial system should gross negligence in giving this person a slap on the wrist.
"...traveling at the relatively low speed of 9 kilometers per hour..."
While it may be a "slow" speed, it was obviously too fast for this distracted person to be able to stop safely.
If the same thing happened in a car, you would bet they would be going to jail for a minimum of 5-10 years.
0 ( +4 / -4 )
Posted in: Tokyo tests water sprinklers to combat heat at 2020 Olympics See in context
I know, they should create a machine to control the weather over Tokyo.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Russia’s shrinking world: The war in Ukraine and Moscow’s global reach
I doubt it very much, I get itchy eyes and throat pain every evening while walking the dog.
Posted in: Japan targets 60% emissions cut by 2035 from 2013 levels
Posted in: Mizuho Bank says worker stole safe-deposit box valuables in 2019
The megalomaniacal psychopath won't be happy until he has ruined the world.
Posted in: Russia’s shrinking world: The war in Ukraine and Moscow’s global reach