Japan Today

Dom Palmer comments

Posted in: Nuclear watchdog approves restart of Miyagi reactor hit by 2011 tsunami See in context

Provide links when you make statements of facts like this. Or do you expect people to believe everything you write?



Now you will complain everytime anyone, including those you agree with, doesn't provide a link to facts to support any claim they make, right?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Posted in: Nuclear watchdog approves restart of Miyagi reactor hit by 2011 tsunami See in context

I call BS on that ..20,000 additional deaths in Japan since 2011 due to Japan,s use of extra imported LNG / fossil fuels... who funded the researchers " for this paper?

You can call BS on anything you want. But doing so based on zero evidence shows you have a massive bias.

The underlying paper is from The IZA Institute of Labor Economics in Bonn Germany funded by the Deutsche Post Foundation.

Bet it was some research tank / university expert with a grant that can be traced to N power interests as usual.

And you would be wrong, as usual.

Nuclear waste. I don’t know anything about it except it seems to be common knowledge that it’s a mess to dispose of.

And common knowledge, as is often the case, is wrong.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Nuclear watchdog approves restart of Miyagi reactor hit by 2011 tsunami See in context

marcelito, the costs of the extra LNG that Japan has had to buy to cover the shuttered nuclear reactors runs to between 10 and 15 trillion yen per year, 30 to 45 times the total Tohoku Electric will spend.

Also, a recent research paper found that over 20,000 additional deaths have resulted from the increased use of fossil fuels in Japan since the reactors were all shut down, mostly due to increased air pollution.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Posted in: U.S. exit from climate accord very disappointing: Japan See in context

I'm no tree-hugger but even I can see that America just pumps out smoke and gas like the Industrial Revolution only just happened.

That must be why America has been steadily decreasing its CO2 emissions since 2005.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Drug cartel gunmen kill 9 U.S. citizens, including 6 children, in ambush in Mexico See in context

So Trump is offering military intervention into another country's crime problem? What did Trump do after 58 people were killed and 851 injured by the Las Vegas shooter?

Google the Posse Comitatus Act.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Drug cartel gunmen kill 9 U.S. citizens, including 6 children, in ambush in Mexico See in context

dozens of bullets and apparently hit the gas tank, causing it to explode.

Someone watches to many movies. Shooting a gas tank does not cause it to explode.

But Mexico's president said: "The worst thing you can have is war."

But Mexico already has a war with the cartels. Refusing to acknowledge it or fight back will doom Mexico to increasing horrors and a decline of the rule of law and the power of it's government.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Posted in: Japan Atomic Power to get ¥350 bil to reboot plant See in context

All figures and facts are easily obtained by starting from the post, which I did. There are sources for all figures and facts

OK. So no source. Thanks.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan Atomic Power to get ¥350 bil to reboot plant See in context

TEPCO own 28% of the stock

If so then TEPCO's share should only be ¥98 billion not ¥140 billion.

Is there a source for the capacity and availability factors? They seem low even for a BWR and if they are pre-Fukushima then especially the availability factor is probably not a good estimate of what the reality will be after restart.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Researchers find second Japanese warship sunk in Battle of Midway See in context

That is not my understanding of the battle at all.

I thought it was clear that BigYen's comment was referencing all the battles AFTER Midway because Japan lost so many carriers at Midway they no longer had enough carriers to provide sufficient air cover..

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan Atomic Power to get ¥350 bil to reboot plant See in context

The effects of the fallout from Fukushima has impacted living things.

I never said it didn't

Research has found genetic changes in insects and plants.

Again, I never said there weren't. Of course genetic changes occur in insects and plants (along with every other living thing) from all sorts of causes, including natural background radiation. Definitively attributing changes to fallout from Fukushima is quite a stretch.

To what extent have humans been impacted by radiation has been evident in children with thyroid growths.

Most of which had nothing to do with Fukushima.

What will become apparent in years to come?

Based on the best current science, nothing.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan Atomic Power to get ¥350 bil to reboot plant See in context

except I didn't post that they don't, I was responding to the comment reactors have zero emissions.

Except I didn't say that you did. I was pointing out that none of our current large scale technologies have zero emissions.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan Atomic Power to get ¥350 bil to reboot plant See in context

Nuclear reactors in themselves might be near zero emissions but nuclear energy isn't since it also requires external power supplies to operate it. Construction. Many aspects involve fossil. fuels.

And all of those issues also apply to wind, solar, geothermal, hydro, wave and biomass.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan Atomic Power to get ¥350 bil to reboot plant See in context

Did you forget about Chernobyl and Fukushima Daiichi?

No I didn't. Chernobyl wasn't a western design and the reactor meltdown at Fukushima didn't kill anyone, it was the tsunami and the government ordered evacuation.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Images projected on floor guide people at event sites and train stations See in context

otherwise you are projecting this on peoples heads and casting a shadow.

I believe the white boxes in the photo are the projectors, which would mean they aren't on the ceiling. But the issue of peoples bodies blocking the image would still exist.

The only way to make this work would be if the floor itself generated the images. And even then, if the area was crowded people couldn't really see the floor/image.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan Atomic Power to get ¥350 bil to reboot plant See in context

All of these are public utilities whose rates are set by the government and who derive their profits from the taxpayer, correct?

Incorrect. Their profits come from the people who voluntarily buy their product. Just because the government sets their rates it doesn't make their profits any different than any other company. And it doesn't force anyone to use their product.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan Atomic Power to get ¥350 bil to reboot plant See in context

Never heard of a geothermal electric plant melting down and killing people.

Never heard of any western design reactor melting down and killing people either.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Starbucks Japan offers Red Night Masquerade frappuccino for Halloween See in context

The source is my high school chemistry classes...

Your high school chemistry classes dealt with the science of food coloring? And reached a different conclusion than the US EPA, the UK FSA and the EU FSA?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Using electric buses in climate fight faces hurdles, report finds See in context

Electric buses are better. There's been too much dependence on petroleum and too many lives lost for it. Time for cleaner energy NOW.

Electric buses don't equal cleaner energy. In fact, depending on the source of the electricity, they can actually be dirtier. Although they do move the pollution outside the city.

They also cause more pollution in the manufacturing and disposal of their batteries. And if, as the article says, the battery life is shorter than expected that means more replacements meaning more pollution.

To make them truly cleaner would first require powering them from overhead lines, which removes batteries and their problems from the equation. Then second, generating large quantities of electricity from the lowest polluting sources. Which in today's world means Gen IV reactors.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Rihanna blasts Trump in new Vogue interview See in context

Rihanna has more fans that Trump with voters so that is a substantial number so ignore these people at your own peril.

And even more than Trump's followers, hers are a bunch of brainless sheep. She could drive a gas-guzzling SUV over a nest of endangered owls while eating roasted dog meat and her followers would praise her for being edgy.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Posted in: Japanese whalers complete first commercial hunt in 31 years See in context

who do you think does the testing of the fish caught off the coast of Fukushima

Third party testing is being done by locals and by various international groups.

Its take decades for whale numbers to recover,

Like Humpbacks, which have been removed from the endangered species list and Sei whales which are on their way to being removed.

do you think Korea, Taiwan China will sit back at let Japan do it alone!? Do you think whaling will be immune to over exploitation of the resource, history has shown it isnt. Just look at every other fish species Japan touches almost all are at a fraction of the numbers they were 50yrs ago many now are either endangered or threatened.

So if Japan is making money with all these other fish species, why are 'Korea, Taiwan China' sitting back and letting Japan do it alone!?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese whalers complete first commercial hunt in 31 years See in context

yet the people of Fukushima dont even trust governement testing of products, many get it done by a private companys

Which has nothing to do with whether I would eat it or not.

end of the day it doesn't matter what you or I think fact is whale meat will never be a mainstream product

End of the day I never said it would be.

and unless it becomes staple of the pet food industry ( which they've already tried to do, sort of defuncts the whole myth of research/culture doesnt it)

Nope doesn't debunk anything. Culture doesn't mean everybody does it and since the regulations required them to process the meat from research whaling, trying to find markets for the meat is right in line with that.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: At Fukushima plant, a million-ton headache: radioactive water See in context


I noticed you haven't complained about nobody else backing theirs either...

But here you go.





0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese whalers complete first commercial hunt in 31 years See in context

not at all no baleen whales werent being caught in Japanese waters in 2000~2002 , probably why no testing was dont on their meat.

As I already posted, the cited paper specifically mentions samples and testing on baleen whales.

now if you think its logical to say baleen whales are somehow free of contamination that toothed whales arent then go right ahead dig in.

I never said that. In fact I specifically posted from the paper where it says otherwise. Now if you think it is logical to lie about what the cited paper (and other commenters) said then go right ahead, dig in.

just a thought maybe you should try some whale meat caught in waters near Fukushima!?

Sure. Since they just lifted restrictions on all but two species of seafood off the Fukushima coast I am more than willing. Just point me to where I can get some.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: At Fukushima plant, a million-ton headache: radioactive water See in context

Might cost a lot at the beginning

Might lead to lots of death because they can't currently support a modern society and a massive reduction in the global economy.

So long term, cheaper, cleaner and much safer.

Not cheaper, not cleaner (except maybe hydro and geothermal but they can't supply enough) and not safer.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: At Fukushima plant, a million-ton headache: radioactive water See in context

let me ask you this: if the water evaporates, are the elements left behind

Tritium, being water just with a different isotope of hydrogen, would evaporate along with the rest of the water. Other dissolved impurities would (mostly) remain behind.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese whalers complete first commercial hunt in 31 years See in context

137 samples out of 137 samples that were tested , all were available for human consumption ,we over the limit, they're not odds Id be willing to gamble with.

And they were all toothed whales. While all the whales caught in this hunt are baleen whales.

Seems you are determined to misrepresent the paper you cited.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: At Fukushima plant, a million-ton headache: radioactive water See in context

The water in the tanks settles into two layers. the bottom heavy layer with the contamination and the lighter top layer which is technical pure water and safe to drink.

No, it doesn't. Just the heating by the sun each day followed by cooling at night is enough to keep the water mixed. Also tritium, being water itself, will be well mixed throughout the tank even if left to sit for centuries.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Japanese whalers complete first commercial hunt in 31 years See in context

mercury levels in those fish/plankton and waters havent got any less over the last 16yrs since the testing was done if anything theyre more polluted.

The cited paper specifically says the high levels were in toothed whales. Toothed whales eat food much higher on the food chain than do baleen whales, food that has itself concentrated mercury and thus toothed whales have high levels of mercury as do apex predator fish like tuna and swordfish. Baleen whales eat small prey, like plankton, which have low levels of mercury and thus baleen whales do not have anywhere near the levels of mercury seen in toothed whales.

This is the cited paper. It says that all except one sample of baleen whales were BELOW the permitted level.


On the other hand, T-Hg concentrations in all mystecete red meat samples except for one (0.01-0.54 microg/ wet g, n = 62) were below the permitted level of T-Hg, probably reflecting their lower trophic levels.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: Japanese whalers complete first commercial hunt in 31 years See in context

I've never eaten whale, and never shall.

Good, making choices for yourself.

I've never eaten sushi, but I don't try and stop others from eating it.

For some of you that curious why recently Japanese increase their tax from 8% to 10%, that's one of the reason. So if you purchase an item and being taxed, that's where it goes.

For some of you that are curious, in 2017 Japan collected 101,007 billion yen in taxes. 5.1 billion represents 0.005%. So if you paid 2,500,000 yen ($23375) in taxes, your share was 126 yen ($1.18).

The North Pacific Sei whale is still on the critically endangered list.

The IUCN does not list it as critically endangered. In fact they say the population is increasing and that the species is likely to be raised to Vulnerable from Endangered within the next 5 years.

Japan will start petitioning to hunt whales in the southern oceans again. That will be a fight to see.

Japan, no longer being a member of the IWC does not need to petion to hunt in the southern oceans. They can just decided to do it. If they so decided there would not be any fight to see.

and history has shown that any whale that has been caught commercially has been pushed into endangered territory

Japan has hunted Sei whales for over 30 years and their population is increasing to the point where the IUCN expects to remove them from the Endangered category to Vulnerable. Your claimed history is wrong.

down vote these FACTS

"...every single slice of toothed whale red meat..."

"...they caught 187 Bryde's, 25 sei and 11 minke whales..."

None of which are toothed whales.

...meat that stinks of fish?

Lots of people eat fish directly, so why would meat that smells like fish not also be accepted?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: NZ student's body found in university room two months after he died See in context

Did the university not care that he hadn't turned up for lectures, tutorials? They have a duty of care towards their students.

No they don't, or at least not as applies to whether they go to class or not. Students are adults and if one decides to stop going to class, and students drop out all the time, it is not the schools responsibility to investigate.

but if there no sign of the person in the DORM for two months

Students have different schedules, not seeing a particular student for months is not unusual especially if the student isn't social.

and no sound of doors closing,

It is a dorm with doors all over opening and closing all day (and night) long.

no attendance in class,

Students drop out and stop going to class all the time.

How does the school, his classmates, and his family miss this?

Students drop out every day. And with the often large class sizes it isn't strange that other students missed him. But I agree that his family not getting worried after two months without any contact is odd.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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