Posted in: Russell Brand deported from Japan leaving Katy Perry behind See in context
Saw Russell Brand a couple of years ago doing stand up. He produced a fantastic monologue from an article in that days newspaper. The guy definitely has talent, but not as an actor.
He did go overboard on Andrew Sachs but recognised that, apolgised and quit his job to take responsibility.
It is a shame he's gone, he brings some much needed colour but them's the rules.
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Posted in: France's Lagarde launches bid for IMF leadership See in context
She's no laggard.
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Posted in: What should a good crisis management plan for a company involve? See in context
Novenachama - Straight out of the business continuity/HAZOPS manual. The only one here who seems to have understood the question.
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Posted in: Club manager arrested for hiring high school girls to flash underwear for patrons See in context
MrDog - "Willing victims. I do not feel sorry for them at all."
Why, because 16/17/18 year olds really understand what they're starting when they take jobs like this? These kids might have some maturity about them and think they can handle anything but they have no real idea. They simply arent equipped to deal with the kind of pressures the likes of Tanno and his customers can bring to play. Grooming (which is the potential danger here Gurukun) is a subtle and insidious process.
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Posted in: Queen gets standing ovation as Irish trip nears end See in context
Lieberman, most Irish I know just want to get on with the Brits. The communities in Japan are mutually supportive and it's the same back home, barring a very few still mired in sectarian idiocy.
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Posted in: Bomb found on bus in Dublin ahead of British queen's historic visit to Ireland See in context
Luckygohappy, Queen Elizabeth along with the UK and Irish governments is trying to move forward. I'd love to know how abject condemnation of anyone is going to achieve anything but a further reminder of the multiple reasons both sides have for exercising caution.
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Posted in: Report sees sharper sea rise from Arctic melt See in context
Mittsu take a look at some pics of the Arctic and Antarctica. There is an awful lot of ice sitting above sea level. The clues are in the article.
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Posted in: Man arrested for alleged abduction of 9-year-old girl in Saitama See in context
worried, youre overreacting. The full force of the law would be what...a telling off for being inappropriate? Clearly the guy needs help, he should know better.
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Posted in: Asbestos - tsunami's other hidden danger See in context
goddog, only undamaged asbestos is relatively safe. Even the asbestos insulating board commonly used in construction until recently will release fibres when damaged. Asbestos in buildings is as ubiquitous here as elsewhere and not easy to get rid of safely when laying in a massive heap on the floor. In addition to P3 rated masks (warnerbro's right about the drugstore masks) and disposable coveralls, common practise is to damp down the heap and use water sprays when moving large quantities of potential asbestos containing rubble.
Potentially, this could be a big public health 20-40 years time.
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Posted in: NATO airstrike kills Gadhafi's youngest son, 3 grandchildren See in context
Toddo - "Anyone justifying the murder of children is scum."
Under normal circumstances what you say would be true. But your portrayal comes under the "With some people, its like they know they don't have a leg to stand on and just can't win the debate without being completely dishonest" tag.
Bab al-Aziziya is a huge military base. It's well known to foreign forces and has been hit in the past. The death of innocent children is very regretable but they were on a military base in a time of conflict. To call it murder is simply stoking up hatred.
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Posted in: Ice rivals See in context
Sore loser?? Kim Yuna's a world championship silver medalist. Most here can only dream of losing like that. Good on her.
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Posted in: UK mulling royal succession rule change See in context
"some aspects of the succession rule “could be discriminatory.”"
Well, they pick one child from one line. Dont think the Cabinet Office has any problem with 'discrimination'.
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Posted in: Portugal to ask European Union for bailout See in context
Sarge - "Does the EU have any money to give to Portugal?"
Theres plenty of money in the EU. The real question is do those with the money want to loan it to those without? Still, this was expected and its out in the open now. Hopefully they can be pursuaded to live within their means, or we'll see it all over again.
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Posted in: Florida judge strikes down Obama health care overhaul See in context
manfromamerica - I agree on their track record but if they get it wrong they can be voted out. We have no control over bankers and insurers.
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Posted in: Florida judge strikes down Obama health care overhaul See in context
manfromamerica - "I pay for mine, but I don't have to pay for YOUR car insurance too"
I think you probably do. Who do you think covers all those uninsured accidents? You do from your inflated premium.
Theres no free ride. If cover is to be provided someone pays. Better to have some level of control from a state managed system than a free for all that lines the pockets of insurers and leaves some without adequate care.
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Posted in: Job seekers flop at impressing potential employers See in context
tmarie, I agree, in fact not just parents, we're all responsible. My point was the irony of realist complaining, as a university teacher, of lowered student standards while demonstrating those lowered standards in him/herself. "comatosed into accepting the unacceptable"...really??
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Posted in: Job seekers flop at impressing potential employers See in context
realist - "As a teacher in university, I have to agree", "they literally give up, and become comatosed into accepting the unacceptable"
Whos to blame? It seems university teachers must accept at least some of the responsibility. How can anyone be 'comatosed' into anything???
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Posted in: Silence greets calls for changes in U.S. gun laws See in context
The US has definately got something wrong. The genie is out of the lamp now of course. Even if there were the will, I doubt the politicians could find a way to gain control.
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Posted in: Japanese whalers, activists clash off Antarctica See in context
mikehuntex - "So Keiko SS are free to attack Whalers but if Whalers do it first you cry about it? Aren't we the spoiled child now".
The whalers are there to hunt whale or Sea Shepherd? Can the whalers maintain the sham of the aggrieved party after a preemptive strike? You cant have it both ways.
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Posted in: Japanese whalers, activists clash off Antarctica See in context
davidattokyo - "as a neutral observer to this discussion I have to let you know that you lost the argument"
Interesting that this first statement this time is a misrepresentation. Explain your blog and multiple contributions to simuilar articles here and elswhere purporting to provide Japans perspective on whaling?
Japans misrepresentation of its motives and research results have lost it the argument. All we have from the whalers, albeit with a depleted fleet, is the annual display of stubbornness and prevarication that draws Japans reputation as an honest business partner further into disrepute.
Every whale Sea Shepherd prevents from being taken is a win. Every whale the whalers take in the now farcical research programme is another nail in the coffin of Japans whalers.
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Posted in: Unemployed 30-yr-old man arrested for kidnapping 5-yr-old girl in Chiba See in context
Zenny, didnt say youre defending him for the kidnapping, just think its a mistake to criticise people for making assumptions by making one yourself.
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Posted in: Unemployed 30-yr-old man arrested for kidnapping 5-yr-old girl in Chiba See in context
As far as I can see no-one has outright called the guy a paedophile either. What seems to be demonstrable is that he's admitted taking a small child without permission. No-one deserves castration, but this guy deserves little by way of your defense. He's a wrong un.
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Posted in: Fisheries agency warned not to accept whale meat gifts See in context
Tacit recognition of the sensitivity attached to whaling.
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Posted in: Tokyo to host international laughter competition See in context
"plus an appearance by the film’s Canadian director, Albert Nerenberg"
They should rename the event the Albert Rally.......or have I got that wrong??
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Posted in: Winter disruptions turn travel bitter and chaotic See in context
mikehuntez - Seems to me the article is referring to those that want to get away from the UK. Youve pointed out many times the Brits dont need snow to be up for a bit of argy bargy.
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Posted in: Heavy snow continues to disrupt travel across Europe See in context
"they stopped calling it "global warming" when the cooling became too obvious."
So how much has the globe cooled this year? I'st interesting when people get localised changes against the trend the short sighted simply forget the last thirty years.
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Posted in: The dismay of discovering you're working for organized crime See in context
frungy - "the police can't actually prove any crime committed then it strikes me as a bit insane to just shut them down because they suspect something might be going on. There's a global economic recession and people are desperate for work"
Youre being naive matey. These businesses launder gang money gained from their criminal activity. That criminal activity is huge and holds the legit economy back. If the police can suceed in restricting gang money being turned into legit money it effectively makes their illegal works less profitable.
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Posted in: Retailer Don Quijote pulls Nazi outfit after complaint See in context
"who cares if I were to listen to Slayer and wear an SS jacket, as long as I'm not going around gassing people, others should just leave me be"
Of course you'd love to just do as you please, we all would. Unfortunatly our actions arent independant of each other, what we say and do impacts other people. The behaviour you describe makes light of one of the darkest periods of history and memories are still fresh and very raw. Presenting yourself in Nazi symbols isnt leaving other people be.
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Posted in: 'Naked Gun,' 'Airplane' star Leslie Nielsen dies at 84 See in context
"Wilma, I promise you; whatever scum did this, not one man on this force will rest one minute until he's behind bars. Now, let's grab a bite to eat."
Enjoy your doughnuts fella.
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Posted in: UK imposes new permanent immigration quota See in context
The UK is asking for nothing from anyone but those that want to live in the UK. Its not ciltural imperialism, it's common sense. To speak the language of the country you want to spend your life in will help keep people from being isolated from mainstream society. UK local authorities even provide free language, basic literacy and maths classes for newcomers.
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As soon as Gohn left I knew they would go down the toilet
Posted in: Honda, Nissan and Mitsubishi drop their talks on business integration
Posted in: Man arrested for scouting Japanese woman to be prostitute in U.S.
Not to dis Karate which I have also done, but my Kung Fu teacher used to say "belts are for…
Posted in: All-Japan Taekwondo Championships to be held in Tokyo this weekend
Posted in: Why so many marriages in Japan are sexless – and what you can do about it