Posted in: Honda, Nissan and Mitsubishi drop their talks on business integration See in context
Nissan is already a bankrupt company and there are only 2 solutions. That a foreign multinational company buys it in a takeover or the simple dissolution thus leading to the total disappearance of the company itself.
There is no other alternative. The bad news is that many people will lose their jobs regardless of Nissan's own decision.
-5 ( +1 / -6 )
Posted in: Credit card ticketing on public transport nationwide planned for 2026 See in context
From the buses it is still something credible, because I am precisely a bus driver. And in fact the company where I work is already in the process of implementing bank card payment with POS machines.
Card payment on trains has been implemented since 2011 (in Spain).
But I find it hard to believe that Japan has not yet implemented a contactless card banking payment system in the middle of 2025. That is such an absurd delay that it makes me feel ashamed.
And the most curious thing is that Osaka will implement it before Tokyo itself. Using the Expo as an excuse to appear modern.
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Handbook looks at Shinzo Abe's impact on domestic and foreign policy See in context
Abe amended Japan's military doctrine in 2015, without changing Article 9. Passing laws that border on or are clearly unconstitutional. Whether people like it or not, that is Shinzo Abe's greatest victorious merit.
Then there is also the education reform, which also eliminated mandatory forced school visits to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, also in 2015. A measure very well received by parent and student organizations for its savings on the high cost for families with school-age children. In addition to eliminating the last measure imposed by the United States on the Japanese population after World War II. A totally anachronistic reminiscence that no longer had a reason to exist.
In my opinion, Abe was a good Prime Minister.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Ishiba formally reelected Japan's prime minister, setting stage for minority gov't See in context
changamangaliay Nov. 11 09:29 pm JST
This Govt will hardly last for an year
That will depend on the next Senate elections. At the moment there is only one viable choice of government. which is Ishiba's LDP.
Either a tripartite LDP, Komeito and DPP or the LDP, Komeito and Ishin.
There is no other possibility.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Spain flood survivors hurl mud at royals and top government officials See in context
By the way. In my previous post, I said that my relatives arrived at 14:00 in the afternoon. But it was the next day, when the water went down at 8 am.
Their workshop no longer exists and they are now out of work. They were self-employed as a small business. Fortunately no one in my family died.
This is what I wanted to clarify.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Spain flood survivors hurl mud at royals and top government officials See in context
My aunt's husband and her son escaped death by minutes. They were working in their workshop and the tsunami hit at 6:30 in the evening. They had to take refuge in the first tall building when the water was up to their bellies. The emergency alarm did not sound until 20:10 pm. My relatives did not return home with great difficulty until 14:00 in the afternoon. It took them 6 hours to travel the 4 and a half kilometers from their workshop to their home. And thanks to anonymous neighbors who gave them dry clothes and shoes.
How not to be angry about this. In addition to the fact that the Central government is refusing international aid. And if that were not enough, they are deploying very few army units, causing massive looting in unserviceable cars, businesses and even robberies with violence, in the homes themselves.
Everyone failed here, both the regional and central governments, and they are still failing right now. The army has 65,000 troops ready to be deployed. But by direct orders of the president of the government and the council of ministers. They refuse to do so. All to bring down the autonomous government of Mazón, which is of a different political sign from the Central Government. No more and no less. And the Mazón government is guilty for activating the emergency alarms too late.
By the way. The provisional death toll is 217 at the time of writing this post.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Spanish floods kill 95 as year of rain falls in a day in Valencia See in context
I live 100Km from the disaster area and I have direct family in that area.
I spoke to my aunt last night and fortunately no one died, but they have been without electricity and drinking water in their house for 48 hours and their cell phone battery is dead. His car was dragged along with others. The muddy water came down so suddenly and out of nowhere just like a tsunami.
Together with another uncle of mine, we are preparing a family house where no one lives to rehouse them. At least so that they have the minimum essential supplies, which they do not have now. Although their house has not been damaged because they live on a 6th floor. But the elevator doesn't work, and they are very old people.
That is why they need to be rehoused.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan's ruling party braces for blow to its comfortable majority in lower house in elections See in context
What 3rd party does the LDP try to bring into the coalition? I know next to nothing about most of these smaller parties.
I see a situation of ungovernability. Because Komeito does not want to form a government with Ishin, who is closest to the LDP. At the same time the Communists and Reiwa hate Ishin. They want nothing to do with them in a coalition with the PDCJ.
The only stable situation would be a government of support between LDP, Komeito and Ishin. Even if the latter is outside the government and only gives them external support.
Because a left-wing coalition does not make the numbers, with only 209 seats. The ruling coalition LDP + Komeito is 215 seats.
Nippon Ishin no Kai holds the key, in the future government of Japan.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan's ruling party braces for blow to its comfortable majority in lower house in elections See in context
Final results 100%.
LDP: 191, Komeito: 24, CDPJ: 148, Ishin: 38, Communist: 8, DDP: 28, Reiwa: 9, Social Democratic: 1, Sanseitō: 3, Independent non-affiliated: 15.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan's ruling party braces for blow to its comfortable majority in lower house in elections See in context
I'm watching TBS live right now and I'm excited. There may be a change of government, if the trend continues as it is. There is still a lot of night left for the final results.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Campaigning kicks off in Japan for Oct 27 general election See in context
Ishin sharing candidacies with the CDPJ and the Communist Party?
They have gone crazy! Because last year Noda insulted Baba with enormous contempt and they still have the nerve to make joint candidacies in 52 districts.
Not everything goes in politics, and I would never associate with people who despise me. Ishin will lose a lot in this election due to multiple errors. Not counting the Osaka Expo disaster, which is a separate topic from this article. It seems that they deliberately want to destroy the party.
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: LDP pushes for revising Constitution to include mention of SDF See in context
@Yubaru, the Japanese constitution is not one of the most difficult to change. I would say more, most constitutions in the world are even harder to change.
The main problem here is simply political. The Democratic (Socialist) Party has always refused to support the LDP proposal. In fact, the sum of the LDP and CDPJ is sufficient to successfully pass a modification amendment.
The opposition has never allowed a consultative referendum to be held for the entire country. In order to know the opinion of the Japanese public on this issue.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Digital Minister Kono joins ruling party presidential election See in context
"The outspoken Kono, 61, who went close to securing the top job before losing out to incumbent Fumio Kishida in 2021"
Kishida's election in 2021 was a fraud. Taro Kono was the clear winner in the party's primary balloting with 71%. Where delegates and affiliates from each prefecture participated. Kishida was second with 49% and Sanae Takaichi third, already far behind. It was the legislators in the final election who voted for Kishida, against the popular decision issued by the voters.
With the dark precedent in 2021, nothing seems to indicate that Kono will be able to get elected in 2024. Unless there is a real danger that the LDP may clearly lose power and choose Kono as the only last resort trump card.
By my expectations, Kono will never be prime minister. Not with the LDP.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Voters in Tokyo cast ballots to decide whether to reelect incumbent conservative as city's governor See in context
I'm watching TBS live, from home. And so far only the NHK exit poll is coming out.
I ask you to be calm, because the polling stations have just closed and there will be no final results until 11:00 PM.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Osaka Expo pavilion cost may further increase by ¥7.7 bil See in context
International exhibitions and large mass events are becoming obsolete by 2025. Thanks to today's technology, you can see almost everything from home, at the click of a button.
Big mistake on the part of the LDP and Ishin. The opposition will eat them with potatoes in the next elections as there will be no cost benefit in the Osaka Expo. Rather, it is a gigantic public expense, disproportionate as money thrown into the garbage.
What a mess they have gotten themselves into.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Kishida vows to focus on issues that cannot be postponed See in context
deanzaZZR June 22 06:54 am JST
Either Kishida knows no shame (see approval numbers) or the LDP has no better candidate.
Of course, there could be better candidates in the PLD. But unfortunately there is an unwritten law in that party, that in order to gain access to public office with its acrony. That person must necessarily be a descendant of a Japanese aristocratic family line.
It shouldn't be that way, but unfortunately that's how the LDP works.
Case in point: Tarō Kōno won the non-binding consultation by 74%, in the 2022 LDP primary. Kishida came in second with 49% according to local membership ballots.
But since Kishida is an aristocratic descendant and Tarō Kōno is not. It weighed earlier in the final decision when legislators voted for Kishida at the last minute.
For that very reason Koike left the LDP in 2016, to run for governor of the Tokyo Metropolitan Region as an independent.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Go-kart driver crashes into taxi after ignoring road sign in Tokyo See in context
And regarding my previous message. I wanted to specify that I was referring to foreign tourists visiting Japan. Those that come once in a lifetime, in the form of a vacation.
Not to foreigners who have their permanent residence or who have a Japanese driver's license.
I hope the above message was not misunderstood.
1 ( +5 / -4 )
Posted in: Go-kart driver crashes into taxi after ignoring road sign in Tokyo See in context
As a general rule, foreigners should not be allowed to legally drive any type of vehicle in Japan. Since many signaling systems are very much destinations from other countries.
A foreign driver who is not familiar with Japanese road signs. He might confuse a sign, which in his home country means a different thing.
I am a bus driver and have driven in practically every country on the European continent. Especially in the 90's. And I can tell you that there were very different signals from one country to another. And in former Soviet bloc countries I could tell you personal stories.
-8 ( +3 / -11 )
Posted in: Tokyo Gov Koike declares intention to run for 3rd term, setting up showdown with Renho See in context
In this election, Renho has a very serious chance of winning. And in the event that Koike wins, it will be by a very slim margin.
Bad times are expected for the LDP all over Japan.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Kishida says he won't dissolve Diet during ongoing session See in context
The LDP is dead in the water, no matter what Kishida does. They deserve it for making both political and legislative mistakes.
Let them learn once and for all that going against the voters takes its toll. Among them the appointment of Kishida himself in 2022. When the real winner of the primaries was Tarō Kōno. In the non-binding consultation of LDP militants and councilors.
That was the beginning of the end of the LDP.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: High-profile opposition figure Renho to run for Tokyo governor See in context
In this election Renho has a good chance of defeating Koike. This is understandable for several reasons:
1). Weakness of the conservative bloc, which will lead to a high abstention of its voters.
2). Age. Renho 54 years old, Koike 71 years old.
3). Unity of all left-wing parties and blaming everything on the LDP and Kishida.
The left-wing parties have a golden opportunity in these elections. Thanks to the mistakes and incompetence of the LDP.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Tokyo Gov Koike plans to run for third term: source See in context
Jonathan Prin Today 07:13 pm JST
Being 71, she is not old enough to stay politicians (irony).
This is what I was referring to. Because of his advanced age he should retire and propose a younger candidate.
But hey. If Kibō no Tō wants to commit electoral suicide by making the biggest mistake of his life. Let no one on the right cry later, when the CDPJ's triumph becomes a reality.
“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” Sun Tzu (544 BC – 496 BC).
0 ( +4 / -4 )
Posted in: Kishida calls for speeding up debate on revising Constitution See in context
"It is not possible to protect the peace with military power."
These words by Tomoko Tamura of the Japanese Communist Party. They make me terrified and panic and laugh at the same time. And it is because of these stupid words, they are the main cause of the almost interrupted LDP government.
Imagine if Vietnam had had no army when China invaded in 1979.
Imagine if South Korea had no army, leaving it at the mercy of its northern brother.
Imagine if Ukraine had no army right now, when they are invaded by Russia.
The left-wing parties are disgusting and pitiful. And the worst thing is that there are people who believe this nonsense. And while I don't like the LDP at all, it is clear to me that the CDPJ and its leftist allies are far worse.
And yes, Article 9 is currently an obsolete and totally anachronistic text. And it must be updated to adapt it to current and near future needs.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Kishida denies he will step down over his party's loss in 3 by-elections See in context
Kishida politically speaking was from the beginning a lame duck. I am going to remind you of one very important thing.
When the LDP primaries were held 2 years ago. In the non-binding consultation of the party's membership and rank-and-file, the outright winner was Tarō Kōno and not Kishida.
It was the legislators in the Diet who voted for Kishida, against the will of supporters and delegates from each prefecture.And that is a weight that added to the corruption scandals. That turn the LDP into a zombie, politically speaking.
I said it 2 years ago and I repeat it again. Not electing Tarō Kōno at the time was the LDP's biggest mistake. And that can lead to an unprecedented defeat, against a very bad CDPJ.
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: S Korea, U.S. and Japan condemn N Korea's alleged supply of munitions to Russia See in context
@Samit Basu a small remark
Japan is an artillery shell importer, not an exporter, due to the collapse of Japan's domestic arms industry and company exit from business
Japan has no arms industry. So you can't collapse something that never existed. What there have been are small national companies, creating armaments practically in secrecy. Consequence of the existence of Article 9 and a strong rejection by the left-wing parties in the Diet. That they have blocked the existence of that remote possibility, that it could exist.
Korea is setting up two ammunition factories in Europe, one in Poland and another one in Spain, to supply Ukraine since those ammunition are counted as European origin and not Korean origin.
The Polish factory is under contract with the government. Because Germany blocked the acquisition of German-licensed weapons with sanctions. And because they were fed up, they looked for a higher bidder. South Korea.
The Spanish factory was sold by the Spanish government to a South Korean company in 2008. Because the country is technically bankrupt. And the government could not, and cannot. To keep that factory in property, because of the high public debt. 111,2% of the GDP.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Kishida cabinet's support rate falls to record low 32%: poll See in context
@Simon Foston
Doesn't really matter as long as the LDP can keep winning elections, i.e as long as no other party has enough money and candidates to properly challenge them
That's a cheap excuse. People don't vote for the opposition because their ideas are worse than the LDP.
Only the Ishin election program offers a real and pragmatic alternative for Japan.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: LDP wins 4 of 5 Diet by-elections See in context
Analysis of these elections.
The LDP recovers, returning to a 50% approval rating.
The Ritsumin is losing support in its traditional voting strongholds to the Reiwa Shinsengumi. And worse. In absolute number of votes, Ishin has surpassed them. That severely threatens the leadership as the main opposition party, in the next general Diet elections.
Absolute rise of Nippon Ishin no Kai, surpassing Ritsumin in votes. He is the main beneficiary of these elections. This party has collected votes from former voters of Komeito, Ritsumin, and the DDP among others.
Komeito has also lost electoral strength to Ishin. Which means a rather important defeat, because it could change or even break the coalition with the LDP in the future.
Absolute defeat of CPJ, in favor of Ritsumin and Reiwa Shinsengumi, especially the latter. I believe that carrying the name of Communist, penalizes it severely.
Reiwa Shinsengumi was the second winner in this election. But to the detriment of Ritsumin and CPJ. Which means that there has been no change among the global forces, in the left forces.
And the DDP also lost electoral strength to Ishin.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Kishida says ruling coalition must deliver before upcoming elections See in context
In these elections, the LDP lost significantly in the Kanto region against the opposition. The sharp rise of Nippon Ishin no Kai was to be expected, but not to this extent.
The CDP obtained 185 legislators in these elections, compared to Ishin's 124. With an overall difference of 61 seats, which is currently the difference between the two groups.
Ishin is slowly approaching the same level as the CDP, slowly but surely. Both Kenta Izumi and Nishimura should start worrying. Because in 10 to 15 years, Ishin could overtake them as the main opposition party. Making it clear that Ishin is a serious choice to govern Japan and not the CDP.
And there are still the April 24 elections, which are also by-elections in some districts in the Diet.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Voting for governors, mayors held across Japan See in context
Tomorrow I will probably comment on results, but I can anticipate some great news.
Major defeat of the LDP in the prefecture of Nara, with the resounding victory of the opposition.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan, South Korea drop export claims against each other See in context
Xavier Today 12:56 pm JST
I've just searched for "Yoon Korea treason" etc. and can't find anything.
As a noteworthy fact, the word "Traitor Yoon" was trending topic on Twitter South Korea, for several days. And it is a reflection of the majority opinion of the South Korean people.
@Samit Basu is right about that. Most Koreans hate Yoon, and that is an unquestionable reality.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Why should I pay for the train, hotel and entry ticket there? Sorry, but if I should ever feel the…
Posted in: Osaka Expo preparations hit home stretch with 2 months left until opening
Posted in: German car attack may have been religiously motivated, prosecutors say
The container handling facility sure makes for an attractive venue.
Posted in: Osaka Expo preparations hit home stretch with 2 months left until opening
How dare anyone gamble on things beside boat racing, motorcycle racing and bicycle racing!
Posted in: Record number of online casino users detected by Japan police in 2024