Posted in: Trump likens Capitol rioters to WWII Japanese American internees See in context
The blame for the absurd reality facing Americans of having to go to the polls to vote for or against this septuagenarian Looney Tunes felon must be placed on the shoulders of the Biden/Garland DOJ who have let him run amok ever since January 6
Not true. While Biden hasn't been perfect (and still fails to get the credit he deserves for steering the economy in a competent manner), the reason 45 seems to have gotten away with it is that he stacked the judicial system with his pick of ultra-conservative judges around the country, and most particularly with the 3 new troglodytes in the supreme court. This was the most devastating legacy of his first (and PLEASE ... last) term.
8 ( +11 / -3 )
Posted in: Trump likens Capitol rioters to WWII Japanese American internees See in context
Of course he's completely unfit to be president. My neighbor's cat knows that.
More worryingly, it's become clear to me recently that a significant percentage of the MAGA nut jobs know that too, but still don't care! For many of them, it's just a case of "Our jobs have gone, our little towns are falling apart at the the seams, and we prefer to vote for chaos. Let's bring everything down!" The fact that their towns have been crumbling for 40-odd years doesn't seem to dawn on them.
Then there's the narcissistic tech bro crowd led by Musk, even further up his own backside than Trump, who smell dollars and heightened status down the line. What a miserable wreck of a country the USA has become.
18 ( +20 / -2 )
Posted in: Usyk beats Fury by split decision to become first undisputed heavyweight champion in 24 years See in context
Usyk clearly won. Very surprising that one judge gave it to Fury.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: 'Joker' pairs up with Gaga as sequel hype hits CinemaCon See in context
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: Ceremony held to mark 79th anniversary of U.S. firebombings of Tokyo See in context
History repeats itself, sadly. Winners continue to write the history books and the losers pay a heavy price, but we all pay some price, as these wars and conflicts take a heavy toll upon all of humanity in one way or another.
No one would argue with that, although it's worth emphasizing the "no one wins" part of that. Sometimes the "winners" suffer as much as the "losers", if not more so.
Britain in 1914 was the most powerful nation on the planet, but 4 years later was seriously wounded, and by 1945, after "winning" twice, was devastated. Moreover, the "losers", Germany & Japan, got massive post-war assistance from the US which helped them race past Britain in later years.
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: Ceremony held to mark 79th anniversary of U.S. firebombings of Tokyo See in context
I wonder would they conduct that much carpet bombing against a Christian nation?
What was done to Germany in WW2? Dresden is the classic case that everyone knows about (Yes, that was a British raid, but if the US had said "don't do it" it wouldn't have gone ahead), but many of their cities were reduced to ruins... beyond isolated industrial targets.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Ceremony held to mark 79th anniversary of U.S. firebombings of Tokyo See in context
BTW Japan attacked a military base. What did the USA do? Slaughtered thousands of Japanese civilians.
What did Japan do in Nanjing? Raped and slaughtered countless thousands of civilians, for no even vaguely justifiable military reasons, with international witnesses in the city. This is just one example of the barbarity of the Japanese in WW2. The Japanese military of that time were animals, pure and simple.
The fact that they brought retribution on their own civilian population is regrettable, but something that the current generation ought to come to terms with (but never will, because that's air-brushed out of their school history texts).
1 ( +8 / -7 )
Posted in: Nowadays, for fear of child predators, it is no longer considered safe in many countries to let young children go by themselves to and from school, to a friend's house, play in parks or at the beach, go to shops and so on. What was it like when you were growing up? See in context
I have a daughter who's nearly 15 now, so I've loosened up a bit these days. But when she was an elementary school student I was absolutely NOT okay with her walking alone in the neighborhood here in Japan.
a) Common sense, based on the number of stories you see in the news about kids being groped/ dragged into toilets (and worse) by creeps here. I'm not saying it happens every day, but it's definitely FAR more common than in my home country.
b) The number of signs I see attached to park fences, plastered on the sides of buses etc. with illustrations of devil-like figures lurking behind kids, reading "Stop attacking our kids", or words to that effect.
Posters who might want to mouth off about me being "overly protective", or or something like that, most likely don't have a daughter of their own. (In the case of @kibousha, maybe your neighborhood is a little different to mine, but I'm particularly talking about letting young girls walk alone, whereas you are talking about groups gathered in the park etc., which is a bit different I suppose).
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Charred body of man found in container at Ibaraki waste collection facility See in context
I'm with the mouse on this one. Someone not up on their payments, or not complying with the "rules" in some way, I'd guess. Then again, there would be many worse areas to dump a body for anyone (except an employee).
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: 'Moshi-Tora' speculates on how Trump's election might impact Japan's economy See in context
Trump did provide Ukraine the anti-tank and other defensive weapons, but he constantly at meetings with Putin and Zelenskyy encouraged them to both 'work it out', the ongoing Civil War in Ukraine.
You want to air-brush history. What actually happened is that Trump tried to blackmail Zelensky by delaying military aid until he agreed to co-operate in a bogus smear campaign aimed at the Bidens. Zelensky was too honorable to cave in.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: 'Moshi-Tora' speculates on how Trump's election might impact Japan's economy See in context
Resolving Ukraine in everyone's benefit across world, including Japan, but especially Ukraine. Peace is necessary for prosperity. Japan will not prosper nor will any other country while this now global conflict continues to spread and risks dangerous escalation.
Yes comrade. You've learned your lines just as your master Vlad wanted you to write them. Well done.
Peace is what everyone wants, but not at any price, when success will embolden the aggressor. Remember Neville Chamberlain? He wanted peace too. Putin made a big mistake, and will eventually pay the price. NATO is gradually waking up to the realization that half measures won't work, and that this bully will have to be put in his place by more robust action.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Spy row erupts in Australia over 'traitor' politician See in context
I'm not trying to stir up racial tensions (honestly), but who would want to work for China? Someone Chinese? Sounds reasonable. How about Mr. Dio Wang, briefly a federal politician for the Palmer Nutjob Party around 15 years ago.
According to Wikipedia, "Wang migrated to Australia in 2003, and has been an Australian citizen since 2009...
Wang courted controversy in 2015 when, shortly after the 26th anniversary of 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, he defended the protest's violent suppression by the government of the People's Republic of China. A few days later Wang spoke again to defend China over territorial claims in the South China Sea."
Hmm. If I was an investigative journalist, I'd trying digging there.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Spy row erupts in Australia over 'traitor' politician See in context
Yeah, almost certainly China.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Spy row erupts in Australia over 'traitor' politician See in context
@Politik Kills
Who thinks it’s Morrison? Or Barnaby Joyce?
"The former politician did, however, organize an overseas conference..."
Given that the above two couldn't organize a piss-up in a brewery, I think they're in the clear. (I take that back. Piss-ups are probably the one thing Barnaby could organize.)
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Boeing given 90 days by FAA to come up with plan to improve safety and quality of manufacturing See in context
The FAA did not indicate what action it might take if Boeing fails to meet the 90-day deadline.
Surprise, surprise. Doesn't make one very hopeful about meaningful change.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: New visa rules to allow more foreign students to find jobs in Japan See in context
John-san is spot on. Read below.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Do you spend more time on social media than ideally you would like? See in context
I do not use social media.
I do not spend ANY time on social media because it's a sewer!
You do realize that YouTube is part of the social media scene, right?
Still zero? No use at all?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Man given prison term for food prank at beef bowl diner in Osaka See in context
@Mr Kipling
Nice example.
Acting like a tit was just a bonus charge to show what what typical pot heads are like.
For the anally-retentive posters with a clear certainty about what many hundreds of millions, if not billions, of pot heads are like, please educate us all. Does kidnapping children and hiding them in tunnels under pizza parlors come into it somewhere?
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Mary J. Blige, Mariah Carey, Cher, Sade, Oasis and Ozzy Osbourne among Rock Hall nominees See in context
'Funk rock'? KATG is a prime example
He said "folk rock", not funk rock. Can you imagine what folk rock might be? Joan Baez having a bit of a croon and then suddenly breaking out into some head banging in the chorus, backed by a wild drummer and electric guitarist suddenly going nuts? No, I don't think so. Folk and rock are like budgies and alligators: similar in the most basic sense (types of music & types of creature living on Earth). The similarities become more elusive after that.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: The move is aimed at encouraging the proper use of ambulances among residents. See in context
That's an interesting story, and I don't doubt it's true. My sympathies for what you went through. Nonetheless, the article says 7,700 yen for an ambulance. If you took a taxi between 4 different hospitals it must have cost at least that much. I would have thought that the moral of your story is call an ambulance if you're in pain. After hearing about your experience, that's what I'll do.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Finnair asking passengers to voluntarily weigh themselves before boarding flights See in context
It's not about penalizing people for being fat. It's about calculating total weight on the aircraft, to allow for safe flights.
That said, at some point you have to accept that insisting on one's "freedom" to be obese is a denial of another person's freedom to enjoy a comfortable flight, if the two are seated next to each other. A line needs to be drawn somewhere. For example, anyone over a certain weight, for example something like 180-200 kilograms (seriously obese, no matter what the height), ought to pay for (and occupy) two seats (in economy class).
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Don't spread out See in context
Also, am I the only one noticing the two women in the picture each blocking a seat, one with her purse, the other with her coat?
Probably. Coat issues can easily happen by accident (I'm sure you've done the same thing, at least momentarily. Who hasn't?) and are easy to address. The "purse" is a shopping bag. The woman has one by her right side. I think the one you're referring to is meant to belong to the man.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Mary J. Blige, Mariah Carey, Cher, Sade, Oasis and Ozzy Osbourne among Rock Hall nominees See in context
I guess we all have our own images of "rock music". There's hard rock, jazz rock, folk rock, punk rock, blues rock, etc.
You forgot classical rock. Beethoven and Bach were serious rockers. (That's known as sarcasm, in case you were in doubt.)
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Coming in 2026: The Oscars will add Academy Award for casting directors See in context
Really?? On the contrary, I'd say that most serious movie watchers (i.e. millions of people) would be able to make appropriate choices of that kind.
And yet...they don't because there's a lot that goes into it that people who don't know much about filmmaking are aware of. But go on, then. Maybe you will get an Oscar.
No I won't, because I don't work in the film industry. My point is that it's not difficult to see who might be suitable for a role. The Original Wing (inadvertently) gives some nice examples to back me up. Will Smith as Neo in The Matrix? John Travolta to be Forrest Gump? Only a moron would consider those choices. It's not rocket science baby!
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Have you found it cheaper to book your flight directly with the airline or through an online travel agency? See in context
With the airline.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Coming in 2026: The Oscars will add Academy Award for casting directors See in context
Casting directors are some of the unsung heroes of film making.
Really?? On the contrary, I'd say that most serious movie watchers (i.e. millions of people) would be able to make appropriate choices of that kind. What's next? Academy award for the best caterers?
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: 'Mob wife' is flashy fashion look of early 2024 See in context
Pass me a bucket.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: 'Blade Runner' Pistorius released on parole 11 years after murdering girlfriend See in context
Ridiculously lenient! Make him serve his full sentence. He got off lightly in the first place. This is a joke!
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Arsenal limps into 2024 after 'worst performance of the season' See in context
Arteta is the problem. A horrid person when losing, and awful when winning, too.
I think you're a bit out of order there Reggie. I'm a long term 'pool fan, so have no special sympathy for Arse. Arteta is not a horrid person. He gets upset at times, as we all do. That ball over the goal line at Newcastle that was considered "in" would be enough make any manager sick. Also, if a team wins, the manager, staff, and players are entitled to get excited about it if they feel like it, in my opinion.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump unleashes a supercharged MAGA agenda and Republicans come aboard
Posted in: Trump unleashes a supercharged MAGA agenda and Republicans come aboard
Posted in: On eve of summit with Japan PM, Trump reportedly meets U.S. Steel CEO
owzerFeb. 7 11:19 pm JST Trump is a busy boy! He did more in his first 100 hours than Biden…
Posted in: On eve of summit with Japan PM, Trump reportedly meets U.S. Steel CEO