Japan Today

Drew Sager comments

Posted in: Trump tweets video with 'white power' chant, then deletes it See in context

Ok... Now I know that I am going to get reamed by folks on the left for this comment, but I'm going to leave it anyway - just b/c I think it's worth consideration. Could it be possible that the guy shouting "white power" is actually just being sarcastic? Basically, what it appears to me is that he is being accused of being racist just b/c he supports Trump, so he responds by sarcastically saying, "white power, white power" - in a way, mocking the accuser who is calling him racist. Of course, regardless of whether it's sarcasm or not, it wasn't in the best judgement of Trump to post it (unless, as some people think, he was doing it intentionally to either 'drum up his base' or create a distraction for the media.

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