Japan Today

Dualta comments

Posted in: Execution chamber at Tokyo Detention House opened to media See in context

What's most important about this issue is the fact that many innocent people are jailed for crimes in every country. Japan has a serious issue with miscarriages of justice, as recent cases have shown, and it's fair to assume that many innocent people have been murdered in custody by the Japanese state in this way. The death penalty is abhorrent and should be abolished everywhere immediately.

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Posted in: New language learning tool, Japanese Flash, launches on App Store See in context

As Frungy said, Katoba! is a free dictionary app for the iPhone and you can find out more about it here:


It's a fantastic dictionary based on JMdict with example sentences for many words, animated stroke order diagrams, the ability to save words on to lists for future reference, and loads more funtionality. Also as Fungy said, you can enable the Chinese keyboard option and you get an excellent kanji recognition facility for inputing words to find, or just for finding kanji themselves. It doesn't have a flashcard facilty yet, but you'd expect it's developer to add one some time in the future as it's the most rational choice for an added function.

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Posted in: Sakura Uehara divorces husband after his punchup with cameraman See in context

Marriage has been extremely kind to me. Best thing I've ever done. I've had two kids with my best friend and we have a home full of warmth and security. Don't let the haters put you off. Divorce is the escape hatch, if you ever need it, but go into marriage fully commmitted and determined to make it work. Expect hard times, they will come, but maybe they'll not be so bad as to make you want to divorce your partner.

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Posted in: Gov't to encourage jobless to work the land See in context

If there was enough meaningful and decently paid work to go around in rural areas fewer young people would leave in the first place. I teach a private class in a rural area and the people there have told me that within living memory most of the people in the village worked in agriculture, but now, no-one is even full-time in agriculture, with farmers taking on part-time jobs in conbinis and gas-stations to suppliment their incomes. Neither argriculture nor the fishing industry is crying out for more workers.

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Posted in: Japan should acknowledge sex slaves' pain: British MPs See in context

mcheeky, The Japanese government needs to make amends, that is without question, but to be told that by a bunch of hypocrits will just get their backs up and, therefore, make them less likely to move on the issue.

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