Posted in: A resigned Horiemon prepares for life in prison See in context
if he gets the Kurobane prison, he'll have a cake walk threw it. the place is like a big ryokan with a little work.
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Posted in: Miyagi has estimated 146,000 damaged vehicles to deal with See in context
I see china frothing at the mouth for all the scrap. could mean billions, but who would profit.
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Posted in: 49-year-old man dresses as woman, enters female public bath area See in context
Yeah it's a crime when a man enters their side, but perfectly alright when they come to yours. I'm not just talking about the obasans cleaning toilets either. Been to a few onsens too where the birds mixed with the bee's too.
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Posted in: Leah Dizon secretly divorced stylist husband last year See in context
The 24-year-old model of French, American, Chinese and Filipino descent
How does that work?
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Posted in: U.S. weighs response to Somali pirates' hijacking of yacht with 4 Americans See in context
29 ships and over 600 hostages. Isn't it about time the world stood up and did something. What I find really peculiar is that they have been payed millions yet they don't seem to have anything to show for it. Where's the money going, I'm sure they are not investing it.
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Posted in: Acquaintance of missing woman attempts suicide in Kanazawa See in context
Could be the husband found out and wrung her neck as well. They guy (nhk) could have pulled a Romeo and Juliet.
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Posted in: Palin rejects gun law changes; stays vague on 2012 See in context
Like the uprising around the world. The people of the united states should just change the channel when palin comes on.
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Posted in: Philippines confirms fugitive stripper Minako Komukai arrived in Manila See in context
Maybe she's holed up with LILO.
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Posted in: FBI raids U.S. offices of Japanese auto parts maker See in context
They make more than race harnesses. Could be for some oem recal stuff.
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Posted in: 2 U.S. soldiers killed while training Iraqis See in context
Your right sarge, but I'm wondering what the body count would be had it gone a different way.
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Posted in: Drunken driver crashes car; back behind wheel 4 hours later See in context
Well not to far back in time, that was the norm in japan. If you were stopped you could sleep it off in your car, maybe call a cab, or like these two, keep on driving.
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Posted in: Sarah Palin arrives in Haiti with mercy mission See in context
When did she become a polititian again?. If I recall she quit, joined faux news, stars in a reality show, but when did she join back into politics?.
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Posted in: Do you agree with WikiLeaks' decision to release sensitive documents? See in context
Reminds me of that Bernie Madeoff, or Enron BS. Both were the greatest thing since sliced cheese, then they were outed for the scoundrels they really were. It's just sad that some people can't stomach the truth that needs to be told, or the hypocrisy they will use to bring someone down for telling the truth.
Look it's a website that posts info that has been passed on to them. How many of you were screaming for Erin Brockavich to be hung for her outing the truth.
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Posted in: Noose tightens around WikiLeaks' Assange See in context
Wow dick dodger is wanted in Nigeria and Assange is wanted in the UK, at the same time. So which will be apprehended and sentenced to the maximum. Dick for his 180m bribe while the head of Halaburton, or Assange for a on again off again rape charge.
By the way which one has done the most damage to world piece?. The guy the does the lying, or the guy that posts the lies.
By the way if both ( read that nigeria wants cheney added) were on interpols most wanted, which one would get the most attention.
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Posted in: What is your view on all the fuss this week about pat-downs as part of security measures at U.S. airports? See in context
My daughter is 13 now. That means when we travel to the states for the holidays she'll get her first plane ride, and molestation in one trip. God I'm so happy to be an American.
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Posted in: Docomo to begin selling Samsung GALAXY Tab on Nov 26 See in context
Nice little tab, but a little small.
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Posted in: Pilots to be exempt from some airport checks in U.S. See in context
Those who refuse a body scan can be forced to undergo time-consuming fingertip examinations, which include clothed genital areas and breasts, by inspectors of the same sex as the traveler
Are we under arrest here. What if someone is uncomfortable with either, do to sexual orientation, or maybe they have been molested, raped, or could be tranzgender. If you never thought the US was a police state, well now it is. Honestly other than tranz oceanic flights I think it would be wise to boycott the airlines. They will let the TSA know how butters the bread.
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Posted in: A Walkman obit: Remembering the portable player See in context
I couldn't afford a Walkman when they first came out. I had to settle for a $50 ghetto blaster until I could afford one. When I came to japan my wife gave me hers which had the wireless system. I once rode my bike from Kyushu to tokyo on one set of batteries in it. Sony always had great stuff. I'm sorry to say I wish they would have kept up their ground breaking ideas, sadly I write this from a iPad.
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Posted in: Paris Hilton leaves for U.S. after being denied entry into Japan See in context
Well at the end of the day she got back on her private jet, which we all seam to have, poured a nice champagne, stretched out, and blew this pop stand.
Doesn't matter what she does, how many of us can do that.
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Posted in: Paris Hilton leaves for U.S. after being denied entry into Japan See in context
What a waste of time. I'm no Paris fan, but this is BS. This is a nobody at immigration trying to be a somebody. Did they scramble the riot police?. She came in on a private jet, its parked outside. Check her belongings, and let her go do her thing. Its not like she can blend in like waldo if she decides to run.
This reminds me of the time one of those immigration twerps let Arnold in with out a passport, he said he forgot it,WTF you dont jet around the world with out one.
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Posted in: Smoking scenes on the decline in movies See in context
One episode of mad men will have you smoking a carton of luckys and downing a fith of scotch.
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Posted in: Paris Hilton to avoid felony in Vegas arrest See in context
We have all seen what happens to the local talento when they are caught with minuscule amounts. A Brit was arrested and served 6 months for a poppy seed off a dinner roll in Dubai.
Here are the SA penalties for drugs
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Posted in: Paris Hilton to avoid felony in Vegas arrest See in context
In Japan that would have got her maybe 3 years. Malaysia she could have been hanged. Las vegas she gets a slap on the wrist.
But why?, she has a record, just recently got a staff member to accept her crime in SA, and she is still out getting loaded. This just proves there are two sets of rules. One for them, and one for the rest of us.
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Posted in: 2010 continues on track to be record hot year See in context
Its all right its supposed to cool off in december...................2012
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Posted in: Clinton, Gates denounce planned Quran burning See in context
Pastor Jones doesn't just want to burn ONE Quran, he wants a big bonfire of hundreds of them and been asking people to send copies to be burned publicly. And I am sure some people actually went and bought some to be sent to him.
Do you think any of them opened it up, and read it before they sent it.
Food for thought.
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Posted in: Wrong corpse presented to family; correct remains cremated See in context
I went to a funeral in nasushiobara once. I have to say i wanted to punch the guy at the crematory, had no respect for anyone. The guy was pointing out the different bones to the family as if he was selling fried chicken. On top of that as the ashes were being placed in the box he was scooping them up like he was making okonomiyaki (sp). Theres a few places there, 3 that I can think of but, sounds like the same place.
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Posted in: Do you believe that Al-Qaida was responsible for the events of 9/11 See in context
Branded at 12:35 AM JST - 4th September stevobevo- what do you want ? An explanation as to how two buildings, designed the same way, built from the same materials, having two fuel filled jetliners crash into them... would fall identically ? Really now- you still don't get it ?
That works for you??. How about the rest of the equation. What was the air speed of each jet?, what floor did each jet hit?, what sides did the jets hit on?, Angles of impact. Sorry but nothing was Identical. Also notice how the jets never penetrated the towers but one miraculously made it threw how many fortified rings in the pentagon.
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Posted in: Do you believe that Al-Qaida was responsible for the events of 9/11 See in context
Um remember oil is traded in petrodollars/ usd, there was talk of petro euros IIRC. Iraq as well as Iran were trying to build support for it just before the attacks. I know you all want me to dig up sources and proof.
Also IIRC that questioning your government was part of being a patriot. The day we as people stop we no longer have government.
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Posted in: Do you believe that Al-Qaida was responsible for the events of 9/11 See in context
Do any of you think its beyond our government to kill a few for its agenda. If not ask the American Indians, Iraqis, Afghanis, and a few others how well the government cherishes life.
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Posted in: Rallies over mosque near ground zero get heated See in context
Like him or not Olbermann was on target.
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Posted in: Iran supreme leader says U.S. talks 'not intelligent, wise or honorable' but doesn't rule them out
Posted in: Ishiba says Trump isn’t as frightening in person as on TV
Posted in: Hamas accuses Israel of ceasefire breaches ahead of next hostage-for-prisoner exchange
Posted in: Trump says U.S. Steel will get investment from Nippon Steel, instead of being bought by it