Japan Today

ebisen comments

Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall See in context

Global warming doesn't mean snow won't fall!!! It means summers are much hotter and the climate change more abrupt and difficult to predict.

Actually global warming can even trigger heavier snow.

... That much I read in an article predicting this situation 30 years ago. It's amazing how we allow ourselves as societies to be led by the uneducated thinking that if they elect billionaires as leaders they'll strive to make the lives of normal people any better.

4 ( +12 / -8 )

Posted in: Ex-world number one Halep announces retirement after home defeat See in context

Her career was destroyed by unbelievable double-standards - just recently other players, when tested positive due to contaminated nutritional supplements received no punishment whatsoever and could continue to compete freely. This is all modern, Western Europe, high-class, civilized style corruption. Nobody in those Zurich-based institutions got yet arrested for their involvement.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Casio to release G-SHOCK commemorating 30th anniversary of DW-6900 See in context

Namahage, many Gshocks come with solar panels and radio clocks synchronisation. I have one that kept perfect time for 15 years and still going strong. No battery replacement or other fiddling needed.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Boeing posts $3.8 billion loss and has lost more than $35 billion since fatal crashes in 2019 See in context

This is what happens when the CEO's salary depends solely on profit - which itself was made by cancelling investments in new product R&D. Boiiiing' best seller and still the company's hope for recovery is the 737, an incredibly antiquated design kept in production by a shoddy patchwork of add-ons with grandfathered (inherited, not rechecked) safety.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: Ask the Tokyo Dietitian: Is white rice healthy? Plus your nutrition questions answered See in context

White rice is about as healthy as white processed bread. It contains almost no nutrients, being all washed out or separated, and it is almost pure energy. Don't eat it if you have alternatives.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Posted in: Man arrested for kicking rabbit on island where 77 animals have died See in context

gaijintraveller - you are perfectly right. In Japan (and Asia in general) animals are seen much lower and valued much less than in the EU and USA. I've seen firsthand dog breeders abusing their "stock" without any intervention from police or other witnesses. It is still common to see dogs and cats (animals highly intelligent and self-aware) kept in extremely brightly illuminated glass cages to be sold in department stores (something unimaginably cruel for a European nowadays).

So yeah, it's a small wonder that police actually did something. But again, they didn't catch this scumbag subhuman until he killed almost 80 times.

You can -1 this comment as you want, it still won't change that Japan is a country of generalized animal abuse.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump invited to Hiroshima for 80th anniversary of atomic bombing See in context

More victimism from the Japanese. How many Japanese prime ministers visited Nanjing or other place where their country committed unspeakable atrocities in the past? Here's a handy list:


-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan cannot accept Russia's scrapping of education centers: gov't See in context

I can think of many much better things to do with that money than teaching Japanese to Russians. I feel sorry for the students though...

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Dead disabled girl has same rights as unimpaired person: Japan court See in context

Who was the cretin judge deciding otherwise in the lower Court? He should be impeached and never allowed on the bench. He doesn't know Japan's constitution stating that all citizens have the same rights.

18 ( +18 / -0 )

Posted in: Bank of Japan poised to raise rates to highest in 17 years See in context

One thing is clear - Nobody teaches bank of Japan how to do business, LEAST of all some American bank bailed-out by the government on American tax payers' expense. Usually the Japanese get it right, keep it stable and limit damages the best.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: TV host issues on-air apology to Djokovic over 'insulting' comments See in context

There's a difference between joking and being an idiot. That commentator was an idiot (the same as the dude getting his face slapped at the Oscars). It's funny if everybody laughs, not when you laugh at someone else's expense.

But I actually got the jokes the presenter was trying to make. If he would have said something like "he's too good, let's use the COVID strategy", etc. it would have even been funny. The Djoker himself can actually take and make jokes himself, just not those this offensive regarding one's nationality. East Europeans have a lot of complexes about that, given the region's issues.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Posted in: Toyota considers revamp in domestic production to address disaster risks See in context

Five families, it seems you're claiming Toyota makes rubbish cars, in terms of their reliability? By all indexes, the most reliable brand is Lexus (fancy Toyotas) followed by Toyota itself. Your Korean, Chinese and American brands make shtboxes by all accounts.


4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Man arrested for attempting to kill father after argument over taking out trash See in context

In other words, the police took out the trash themselves.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Posted in: Boeing 2024 plane deliveries tumble on labor, safety woes See in context

Amazed that the entire company's future it's dependent on an antiquated design (the 737) with what can be described as a patchwork of add-ons (the Max variant) that noone knows how it got certified and how dare it actually is...

And they hope to compete with Airbus which, unlike "Boiiing"here has diligently done its homework and came up with new and much improved models every 6-8 years.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Blood, urine and other bodily fluids: How your leftover pathology samples can be used for research See in context

Just to give an example on how important this is, we're now able, using yearly taken mammography photos, to train AI capable of detecting cancer up to five years faster than humans could. Mammography is a very good example of the power of yearly taken data which can be stored and used for research for decades.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Iga Swiatek and Jannik Sinner discuss their doping cases ahead of the Australian Open See in context

Cry me a river. Simona Halep list her entire career on exactly the same situation. These two were allowed to continue. Discrimination, anyone? YES, discrimination! Why not, who cares about the Romanian? There are rules for some players and completely other rules for other players.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: 8 students injured in hammer attack at university campus in Tokyo suburbs See in context

She is obviously mentally deranged to begin with, I bet that's why she was avoided and ignored in the past.

Abuse, bullying, getting ignored, etc happens all over the world and non-divergent (normal people) victims find way to peacefully cope with it. They don't just start hitting others in there head with hammers.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Posted in: Ishiba noncommittal over nuclear ban treaty in meeting with Nobel-winning Hidankyo See in context

It would be absolutely irresponsible and mind boggling crazy for Japan to not develop its own nuclear weapons already!! russia has them, china has them, north-koreea has them. Trump is non committal at best and down right adversarial at worst. As it is now, Japan is a sitting duck.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Natural wines aren't just a category; they're a philosophy See in context

My family used to make its own wine of course fully natural, no additives except small amounts of sulfites - it's easy in small batches but it's a very risky business in large volumes. The process can easily go out of hand - for example did you know that the type of the yeast naturally existing in the air at any given moment strongly depends on local temperatures and humidity? A few degrees off and I assure you the taste of the wine will be of too.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Man who stole two packs of ground beef tracked by police for about 1,000 kms across Japan See in context

To those who think this is a waste of resources, it isn't! The tracking system is most probably fully automated, once you gave it a target it won't loose it.

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

Posted in: Ramen restaurant etiquette reminder follows altercation with angry couple: One person, one bowl See in context

I'm on the customers' side here. Perhaps one was hungry and the partner was not. Or perhaps they were both not very hungry but wanted to still have some ramen (of which they're (used to be) obvious fans).

They're never coming back there for sure, so the restaurant just lost revenue without gaining anything. Just give them the portion of ramen and two torizara (smaller bowls for sharing) and let them be. No need to ruin everybody's day over singing like this.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Posted in: Osamu Suzuki, who led Japanese automaker for over 4 decades, dies at 94 See in context

Suzuki knew back then that VW's diesel engines were crap, with software that enabled emission-reduction features ONLY on test stands. They even informed VW that their own testing showed differences between claimed (and legal) performance and the actual one. VW more or less ignored them, leading to a 30 billion EUR loss. THAT'S why Suzuki decided against buying VW engines.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Chinese man gets 8-month sentence in Yasukuni Shrine graffiti case See in context

A large proportion of Japanese families have at least one member (usually a poor soldier with no choice but to die for his country) interred there. Think well before you desecrate something like this. 8 years in a light sentence, should have been at least one year to properly give the scum time to reflect.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Russia says suspect detained in killing of senior general in Moscow See in context



Go do a Google search to find out when they started referring to their "special" child-murdering "operation" as "war".

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Russia says suspect detained in killing of senior general in Moscow See in context

Interesting how a terrorist attack isn't a terrorist attack when it occurs in a country the White Bloc is hostile to.

Go read about the international laws of war, get yourself educated before posting such cretinisms. russia declared war on Ukraine and invaded. Its entire command chain are legitimate targets. What makes you think that if they live in cozy mосква, with tea on vodka, they're magically protected?

When rassia bombs Kyiv, indiscriminately killing children, that is not terrorism?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Posted in: China urges Japan to fulfill obligations over treated water release See in context

China is milking this to the max. All while itself releasing water orders of magnitude more radioactive than Japan.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan’s year-end jumbo lottery See in context

The lottery is the "not mathematically inclined" tax.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump nominees should ‘steer clear’ of undermining polio vaccine, McConnell says See in context

320 million plus people in the US and the ones that have a different medical opinionated viewpoint than you are idiots?

Absolutely they are! Their opinions doesn't trump scientific facts. They don't have the RIGHT of an opinion unless they can back it up by scientific research. We can't just allow the loonie zoo Trump is employing to ruin an entire society.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Posted in: JR Tokai to install women-only toilets on Tokaido and Sanyo shinkansen lines See in context

The rationale is that males (and women, etc. with penises) have dvd can use the urinals, but actual females (with vulvas) don't and can't. All of the sitting stalls were gender neutral (aka normality).

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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