Japan Today

eiver comments

Posted in: Police find human bone in sewage drain in Tokyo after murderer's confession See in context

human bones are not small...he must have dumped most of them. man, what a sick guy. I cannot fathom the mess and gore.

yeah, it must have been a gruesome sight. and how he was able to eat, sleep, and use the toilet in that same room afterwards is even more disgusting.

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Posted in: Man held for killing grandparents, torching their bodies in Shimane See in context

Naoki Arita, 23, was arrested for allegedly stabbing his grandparents, Takashi, 81, and his wife Tsurumi, 76...

Arita,23 has a wife who is 76 yrs old? =p

Anyway, killing-a-family-member-or anybody-turning-himself-up news is so common nowadays that I just turned my attention to the grammar of this sentence.

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Posted in: Platinum See in context

with all the rants and raves here, all i can say is "beauty is in the eye of the beholder".

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Posted in: Digital pencil camera See in context

hmm, what is the purpose for this invention? i dont think this can be fully released in public. in the hands of wrong people, this can become a spying device on confidential matters.

unless, they have also designed it like that of the celphone's. creating a sound if being used.

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Posted in: Man held for vandalizing flower beds in Saitama See in context

Perhaps local residents should be invited to trash Miyamoto's flat, allowing them to let off steam?

ha ha ha... especially the ones who planted and grew those tulips will unhesitatingly participate on that.

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Posted in: Two women, tied together, leap from apartment to death in Maebashi See in context

ive been reading a lot of suicide news in japan ever since i lived here and since it has already been prevalent, it doesn't surprise me anymore. but i still feel sad and pity them, as they dont understand that there is more to life than what it seemed to them. like these girls, at age 22 there is still a long path ahead to explore.

i think there are a lot of reasons why suicide rate in japan is high. we really cant blame them, coz basically its in their culture. for one, the society here is really prone to pressures. japanese are also known for their "gaman" mentality, they tend to supress their feelings until they can't contain it anymore and crack up. they are also quite perfectionist and are sensitive to shame and losing integrity. so the only way to fix their imperfect life is to reset it from scratch, thus committing suicide. this is based on their belief that after they die, they can renew their life in another being/form.

if somebody can just educate these people during their childhood years and instill in them that this belief is insane, plus family conseling improves, perhaps suicide rate in this country will lessen.

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Posted in: Repeat sexual offender held for abducting, molesting 9-year-old boy in car See in context

the boy must be in trauma now. a lot of awful things might have happened to him within that 1 hour especially he's with this child maniac. i hope he gets proper psychological treatment so that he will not carry this experience with him when he grows up.

good thing his friends are smart enough to be able to memorize and tell the plate number of the car.

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Posted in: Tulips chopped up in Yokohama See in context

i dont know what's gotten in the mind of this tulip chopper...seems miserable.

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Posted in: 8-year-old girl drowns while trying to save brother in Kagoshima river See in context

isn't this news the same with a news just this month wherein a little boy of quite the same age died when he tried to save his younger brother who had fallen off a river bank? this gives me chills... nway, parents could fail on their supervision of their children, but they should not fail to forbid their children on playing near river banks.

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Posted in: 5-year-old boy dies after being hit by train in Wakayama See in context

The mother told police she didn’t notice that her son had wandered away from her.

well i can sympathize with the mother for the lost of her child. but, really, its her fault. first of all, she should've not walked near the tracks if there is an oncoming train. second, she should've gotten a strong grip on the hand of her child especially that danger can be foreseen here. awareness really counts.

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Posted in: 17-yr-old arrested for beating 14-yr-old boy with baseball bat after Internet insult See in context

the one who first gives in to the insult is the loser

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Posted in: Tulip vandal strikes again in Maebashi See in context

"poor tulips"? Err... what is the normal fate of a tulip then?

Tulip beds with their bright colors are supposed to be seen and cherished especially that it symbolizes early spring, not to be chopped up. Insensitive and incompassionate people like you and the perp of course dont understand that.

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Posted in: Tulip vandal strikes again in Maebashi See in context

perhaps they should install a hidden video cam to catch this weirdo on his next strike, as this has already happened twice... poor tulips.

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Posted in: Mother arrested for strangling 4-year-old daughter in Tokyo See in context

lame excuse & option...she could've spared the child's life and sent the girl to the orphanage instead. besides, she doesnt love her daughter that much, she already thought of killing her.

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Posted in: Miss Universe Japan See in context

they kinda look a like. ;)

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Posted in: What do you think of the new Japan Today design? See in context

its better to arrange the comments from the latest(being on top) to old ones.

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Posted in: What do you think of the new Japan Today design? See in context

im quite lost with the new page layout...perhaps im used to the headline links being on the left. i think making the font size a little bit bigger will make this site more readable especially to people who skim through the news.

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