Posted in: Denso to release fuel-saving spark plug See in context
1.2% isn't bad if you combine it with all other available fuel saving gadgets, slightly over inflating your tires and use some hypermiling driving techniques. Serious hypermilers rejoice on every possible new gadget that slightly increases mileage...
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Posted in: Is Miki Ando's skating coach a Japan hater? See in context
He should be go through extradition immediately and never be allowed entrance in Japan again. Such losers like this bimbo coach should be knocked out first, sent to prison for a few days and then sent back to their country. If you can't love Japan then get a f... out of here!!
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Posted in: Man arrested for abducting four young girls for 17 hours See in context
The guy did commit a crime, however, he didn't touch the girls in an inappropriate way or any other way so to speak. Yet, if he took my daughter like that he wouldn't be amongst living...This whole thing was so weird.
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Posted in: Comedian Hikaru Ohta’s wife admits sexless marriage See in context
Oh poor lady, sexless marriage huh?! Contact me baby and papa will take care of all your sexual needs free of charge,lol...
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Posted in: Nissan gives preview of prized electric car See in context
Gasoline prices can be expected to go only one way, north!! Nissan has recognized the need for a dirt cheap transportation and the need of growing number of people who are environmental and responsible towards future generations. 160km range is at least decent and good enough for a normal, everyday city driving (which drains our money for gasoline more than anything else). I believe nissan will be able to upgrade the range to 250km or 400km over time. Nissan, if you put on some nice solar panels on the roof of this car that would extend range a bit more (but also would make the car more expensive), so put it as an option for an extra range extension :) Exciting future for the car industry with nissan being one of the leaders in EV technology :)
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Posted in: 62-year-old Gunma man arrested for beating sleeping wife to death See in context
Pure woman, she didn't even have time to wake up and realize what was happening, her monstrous killer husband had no mercy, he kept punching her until he used up all his force. This monstrous crime must be punished properly, i mean at least 20 years in prison without parole...
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Posted in: Man sentenced to prison for groping insists on his innocence See in context
Wow, it's good to keep both hands up holding the rings, nothing worse could happen than a false accusation...end up in prison for bloody nothing. Japanese girls have turned very very bad...will get out of this country pretty soon, and for good...too dangerous. I'd rather deal with hells angels gang all alone than with one of these evil Japanese girls. It is rare thou, but still makes me sick to my stomach to read what happened to above mentioned innocent guy who spent his life savings to prove his innocence...
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Posted in: N Korea warns Japan that intervening in rocket launch will be act of war See in context
It's time for Japan to become a mighty force capable of defending itself. At this moment Japan is pretty much a sitting duck for for evil regimes to play with it as they wish. Of course big brother USA is there to interfere but how many people would have to die from nuclear attack before big brother jumps in? Aegis destroyer? Thats a joke. We all know aegis is not almighty device and it can easily fail. Japan must start arming itself with the most powerful defence system ever made.
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Posted in: Former teacher arrested for kidnapping, confining 12-year-old girl with stun gun in Nagasaki See in context
Another example of a "sicko" and "weirdo" individuals in Japan. But wait, we are talking about a school teacher, someone who was supposed to be trusted around kids, someone who should protect children from sicko's like, ahem, himself...
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Posted in: Toyota's U.S. hybrid sales surpass million mark See in context
Let the better, more fuel efficient and a cheaper car win the market. For me a hybrid is still a "gas-guzzler" and i will decide to replace my daihatsu mira only when they make a long mileage electric plug in car that will take me out for a real darn clean ride and make me feel good knowing that i am doing my best in reduction of green house gasses...
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Posted in: 'Marriage-hunting' is latest buzzword See in context
Where did you get 47% mark about japanese women in their 30ies being single? My research shows over 58% of women in their 30ies and early 40ies to be single... This is pretty much "singles"country...
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Posted in: Firefighter arrested for filming up high school girl's skirt in Ibaraki See in context
They should change the type of japanese girls' uniforms in high schools and adopt it in new laws...maybe those skirt-pants that completely obstruct the view even if they spread their legs sitting on the bench...Problem fixed for good. p.s. the main problem is that perverted fat chairs on highest positions don't even wanna consider imposing such laws and thus removing the "fun" element from the society.
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Posted in: World's 1st solar-powered phone goes on display See in context
Come on Japanese phone makers! Respond to the Samsung challenge and create even better solar powered keitai, and if you build in a compass and make it water proof then you will get most outdoor enthusiasts extremely interested in your product. The first mobile company that puts such a phone into their lineup will have me switching from softbank and signing a contract with them without second thoughts....
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Posted in: World's 1st solar-powered phone goes on display See in context
This is an incredible solution for those who have an office with access to the sunny side, just leave your cell phone by the window and by the time you finish your shift it will be fully charged. Imagine being far outdoors and having no way to charge your cell phone? Solar power is a fantastic solution. I'm waiting for this phone to become available in Japan and will get it as soon as it hits the market. Cheers for Samsung :)
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Posted in: 27-yr-old police sergeant arrested for having sex with 14-yr-old girl See in context
It happens so often with police officers in Japan, so shameful as they represent the highest morals and ethics in society...This is just a tip of an iceberg I'm afraid...
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Posted in: Akiko Wada gives Will Smith 40-kg chocolate for Valentine's Day See in context
She purchased the chocolate for a real cheap deal, perhaps imported from "melamine enriched" parts of the world, lol...
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Posted in: Police baffled by Y360 million that disappeared from backyard See in context
Stingy guy like that who fired people before bonus payout and kept paying his employees the worst salary man can get in Japan finally got what he deserved. "What goes around comes around..."
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Posted in: Newborn left in Kyushu Expressway rest area toilet See in context
When my wife was about to deliver our first baby there was a minimum of 350.000 - 550.000 yen payment to be paid to the chosen hospital. They will not accept credit cards, only direct wire money transfer or cash. And they wonder why are people here so reluctant about having babies!! Yes, government will pay back up to 300.000 yen but only if baby is minimum 3 months old and has no health complications of any kind. Good luck folks but i'm not planning to ever have another child while we live in Japan. Whole world offers free hospital care for mothers who want to deliver their babies. This young mother was possibly in a desperate situation with no cash needed for hospital delivery so she had to do it "on her own"...
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Posted in: Security robot See in context
It's a nice beginning, a great idea to make such robot but i personally think that the net throwing feature isn't enough to stop the intruder. There should be an extremely loud siren that will cause some damage to his hearing canal, and then a video recorder and a rubber bullets gun that will constantly keep shooting at his lower body until the intruder leaves the home. Only with features like these would i put money down on table and buy one of them even if the price was a bit higher...
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Posted in: 16-year-old girl hit with axe in Ibaraki; older brother on the run See in context
She was just dating a few more guys than family strict code would permit so older brother took a revenge on her to teach her a lesson... Just a possible scenario.
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Posted in: Lexus unveils RX350 See in context
Just bought Daihatsu Mira 5 speed manual transmission metalic green. Wouldn't trade it for Lexus RX350 at no cost. Mira gives me a bit over 30km per 1 liter of gasoline (with application of some extra gas saving techniques and fuel additives). Just as Rajakumar said: pay only 6.000.000 yen lol, go for it...
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Posted in: 8-year-old boy killed by car while walking home in Ibaraki See in context
Its highly possible that the boy jumped onto the road...Seen "dangerous" kids like that a bit way too often when i drive, but then why not use that horn as often as possible...Elderly people are another "dangerous" group who don't care about riding their bicycles on the middle of the road... Piece of advice: slow down and adhere to speed limits traffic signs.
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Posted in: Honda develops ecological drive assist system See in context
Good work Honda! Keep up with a good work.
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Posted in: Japanese men need to learn to say 'You are beautiful' to women, particularly to their wives. The phrase is magical and can make both men and women happy. See in context
Japanese women are most beautiful creatures on the face of this planet. It should be a natural thing for every man to say such words to a woman every day. Just look deeply into her eyes and say it with honesty and passion, she will be more happy and with her happiness your happiness will automatically follow... you stupid moron...
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Posted in: Mother of murdered girl in Chiba says 'sorry to Yuki' See in context
Unfortunately not the only one, seen too many horrible moms around who don't keep their eye on their children...
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Posted in: Death penalty sought again for Akita woman over slaying of 2 kids See in context
Yeah, let her hang! Merciless murderer of her own children... This cannot be comprehended by a normal human mind. Hope she hangs soon.
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Posted in: Stalking the predators See in context
The writer clearly over reacted and made a poor example for his own kids. I don't care if someone takes a picture of my kids, but if i saw somebody trying to walk away with my child i would have probably killed him on the spot, no mercy for child rapers and molesters.
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Posted in: Google phone to debut Sept 23 See in context
I'd gladly welcome advertisements on my phone if it means a free mobile internet service.
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Posted in: Biden commends Nobel Peace Prize-winning Japanese anti-nuclear group
Posted in: Trump says it would be a 'smart thing' if he spoke to Putin, though he won't confirm he has
Posted in: Trump says it would be a 'smart thing' if he spoke to Putin, though he won't confirm he has
Posted in: Trump says it would be a 'smart thing' if he spoke to Putin, though he won't confirm he has