Japan Today

Emily Millar comments

Posted in: CNN newscaster can’t stop laughing at crazy Japanese mascot See in context

Has anybody else seen the 35 year-old lawyer who wants to marry Funassyi? Like, LITERALLY wants to marry him? Funassyi doesn't just attract the kids, it seems! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUxDEP2fLn4

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Posted in: Truck driver arrested for dumping 2 tons of snow on Sapporo street See in context

It's pretty infuriating to think just how much money is spent on snow clearance during the winters up here (this one's been obscenely long and snowy), and it goes to waste on 'workers' like this guy.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: 11-year-old boy throws himself under train near Osaka See in context

A child dying is tragic. A child wanting to die.... I can't even fathom. Seeing words like 'child', 'boy' and 'student' in such an article just breaks my heart.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: AKB48 singer shaves her head as act of contrition for dating See in context

Sigh...yet another case of bullying and power play. And what will happen to her gentleman friend? Precisely nothing.

12 ( +17 / -5 )

Posted in: Man held after bodies of missing banker, wife found in Saitama See in context

According to whatever morning news show I was watching yesterday, it's possible the person who tried to buy the tickets may have wanted to resell them to one of those discount ticket shops to pocket actual cash. Apparently the buying rate is as high as 97% of the original cost, so that was a possible motivation. The couple had lots of investment properties, very wealthy.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

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