Posted in: Have you ever shopped online from foreign countries? If yes, why? See in context
Large, heated composting toilet (from Canada, to France), lots of stuff from USA, clothes etc, flowers in Japan, for Japan, books/toys from uk/usa/ hi-tech goods from cant remember, not France, Towable Dog Carrier, from Germany, Sim cards from anywhere they are cheap. Always price first, is what counts, second - is the sheer joy of Global Shopping - from the total comfort and stress-free zone of my fake futon, in fffffrance. only one small disappointment so far - a really naf book - I thought i was ordering something else. Plan to do MORE. Almost everything from everywhere. Boo to SHOPPING ON LEGS.
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Posted in: JR to press charges against train hobbyists for disrupting services See in context
there are some wonderfully ancient trains still in service, in Japan, keen photographers are probably doing a public service in collecting photographs of them, as those trains are not likely to survive much longer.
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Posted in: Father of Akihabara killer quits work; mother hospitalized See in context
What a horrible world itd be if everyone believed that revenge is justice. I cant think of anything much less resembling justice - than revenge.
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Posted in: Father of Akihabara killer quits work; mother hospitalized See in context
It's hard to think of any of the people involved, the people who were injured and died, the man who took the inexplicable path and killed them, his parents, his family, even the neighbours and fellow workers - without feeling desperately sad. The fact is - that 'mistakes' are made at every moment, and there's not one person in the universe, who can be sure that his/her next act - will not be at least a small part of the cause - of someone elses grief. Thats why dealing with, managing, guilt, shame and blame - has to be among the most significant of emotional lessons to be learned. Before that though - is the even more important lesson of personal responsibility - ie - that one is capable, (& single handedly, no matter what influences), of making or breaking lives. Ones own, as well as those of loved ones, and strangers. Parents do well if they can talk about that, so that their children appreciate and understand that they have that kind of personal power, and that they learn to have care, & respect, for themselves & for others, for their own sakes as much as anyone elses. To learn to care, to teach ones children to care, to love - is not easy. By example, is probably best - love your children, and they learn.
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Posted in: Namie Amuro turns down offer of special Grammy TV show See in context
certainly gives the media a whole lot more to sell as news, if all that 'stars' are NOT doing, or NOT going t'do, is lapped up as vital information.
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Posted in: Michael Jackson's 'This Is It' DVD rakes in Y1.6 billion in one day See in context
Its as foolish to attempt to obliterate the dark side of his character and make him a saint, because of his music, as it is to obliterate his music because of the dark side of his character. He is likely to be an inspiration for many decades, for many reasons, for millions of people. Hopefully - not for his reputed taste for young boys for sex, etc.
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Posted in: Michael Jackson's 'This Is It' DVD rakes in Y1.6 billion in one day See in context
It would be such a crying shame, if any of the wonderful talent of mankind, was, even in part - disregarded because of mankinds infinite errors. Let beauty, all 'goodness', always redeem whatever faults there are. That doesnt mean that there must be no retribution for faults, only to make sure that darkness, evil, doesnt 'win'! - and that the best may be permitted to shine through, whatever the worst may be. I have heard people say, who I would never imagined in any 'pop' scenario, that the movie is remarkable and very entertaining. I hope you all enjoy it.
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Posted in: Michael Jackson's 'This Is It' DVD rakes in Y1.6 billion in one day See in context
the guy made good music, good in the sense that millions of people liked it. I dont see why its necessary to consider whether he was also morally reprehensible, or not, or if he was a child molester or not. Is there any real reason why someone who is in any way 'evil' could not also be gifted, musically? Is it necessary to invent imitation people, in order to enjoy music?
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Posted in: Vitamin tablets to relieve fatigue See in context
and dont forget to watch the Eisei company 'marketing concept', movie.
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Posted in: Susan Boyle arrives in Japan See in context
Subo's voice is ok, but there must be millions who can 'sing' as well as she can. Her global popularity has much more to do with her having broken through rigid, accepted social barriers, concerning physical appearance, that currently operate on a world scale.
Chubby, plain people are expected to accept second class citizenship and it is very few who would dare, even for a moment, to consider serious competition with popular glamour, and deal with the inevitable, ensuing mob ridicule.
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Posted in: Between work and the long commutes, people are exhausted when they get home. We need to regulate work hours to create a system in which men will be able to participate more in housework. See in context
Using the word 'HOUSEWORK' to describe the work that is essential to maintain tranquility and healthy living of a 'HOME' ....was a major MEGA goof. It conjures an image of a lot of dumb 'women', or house'wives' who cant figure out how to switch the TV off, and the juicer ON.
Keeping a HOME fit to live in, and return to - for peace and relaxation, to share with the family, after a day at the office or any place where humans rub shoulders and exchange connections - needs the kind of skills that few people can learn without a lot of useful experience, from their own childhood and upbringing. It isnt something that gets done in an hour or two of shuffling clothes, edibles and crockery through this or that machine.
'HOUSEWORK' - the cleaning mending part - is microscopic in comparison with 'HOMEMAKING', although to anyone who thinks of it as easy or undemanding - I suggest they go at once to their own cupboards, bathrooms and toolboxes and check out the level of organisation, and cleanliness, before commenting further. (Timtak - hallo!)
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Posted in: Compact pocket pedometer See in context
I will go for the 100 yen shop model, it's a very strange world you live in, nemoflow, where all 'human needs' must resemble so closely, your own.
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Posted in: Super compact mouse See in context
There are a lot of variations online, at around 40$ - laser 'pointer' mice. They do all the same things as ordinary mice but are wireless and can do it from 40 feet or more, away. Dont see the point of 'compact'.
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Posted in: 10 Keio Univ students face charges for streaking through station See in context
a very weedy thing to think about... I dont think anyone would have noticed or cared, even if thay had done it it the rush hour, unless a big crowd of running men with or without clothes, looks like some kind of protest, or was in some way threatening?
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Posted in: American arrested in Fukuoka for kidnapping own kids from ex-wife See in context
There are so many very emotional issues between making and breaking cross-cultural families - that anything so sensitive as decisions in law, concerning the childrens' upbringing, should not be considered without court representation and full support for both parents and the children, taking CULTURAL DIFFERENCES into account. I cannot understand how anyone is surprised if someone fails to keep laws imposed in any other way - that seriously affect the lives of parents and their children. I repeat, USA law - is not the voice of god.
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Posted in: Iran to 'blow up the heart of Israel' if attacked See in context
'Working harder for peace only makes sense if there is an obvious determination (no matter what kind of mess they are in) on both sides to find the peaceful way. If there is not that shared determination, its just like a sad, bad marriage where one partner offers themselves as a sacrificial lamb, in the 'hope' that things may change. They very rarely do, & may only get worse. If one side is committed to total control, and to any subterfuge necessary to bring that about - then ALL 'working harder' amounts to rattling peas in a tin can.
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Posted in: Elizabeth Smart says she was raped daily See in context
hmmm - I just thought of something - what if there was an international sign, a facial gesture, or a hand gesture - something like international road signs, that might be read and understood by anyone. It might be very very small - but specific - so that the abductor did not notice it being communicated. Then if its taught in schools - or is generally available as useful information....
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Posted in: Elizabeth Smart says she was raped daily See in context
From the evidence - it seems that this girl has been immensely brave. Im interested to try to work out ways that she - (or anyone who ever finds themselves trapped in tight corners like this situation) - might find ways to communicate their difficulties, without exacerbating the situation. Something along the lines of the guys in those prison camp photographs taken by Nazis to demonstrate all was well for the prisoners, when it was not. I suppose statements that are very obviously wrong to anyone who might suspect that all was not well - but which the abductor would not understand, or some kind of gesture.... there must be something.
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Posted in: American arrested in Fukuoka for kidnapping own kids from ex-wife See in context
gogogo? at 12:08 AM JST - 2nd October you quoted me.... ensnaturae:
Theres only one way to deal with any of it - and thats to make every possible effort to find a peaceful solution for the children to see both of their parents regularly without neglecting the concerns of either parent, either extended family, either social group, either culture, either nationalityThey already had one, she decided to break the separation agreement and run away.
Roll in, garbage trucks - this comment is loaded pro USA justice. I dont accept USA as the voice of god, sorry pal. I see this as a very sad set of circumstances that absolutely will not benefit from any kind of 'SHE did this' and 'HE did that' Of course she ran away! OF COURSE she ran away!! Alone in a completely different culture from her own, away from all contact with her family and friends in Jp. The sad thing is - that the only place she could run to, for protection for herself and all the things she considers important for her kids - ie - to her home country - doesnt YET take the needs of those children - to associate with their father, as seriously as it MUST, and will.
All attacks on either parent are ad hominem. Not logical and destructive nonsense.
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Posted in: American arrested in Fukuoka for kidnapping own kids from ex-wife See in context
Hear hear Chuckers, extra sympathy for the kids. although it is very sad and difficult for all of them. Who really knows what kind of people the parents are, or what they have been to each other - only that so far, they have been unable to create a peaceful home for their kids to share with both of their parents. Unlike 'adult' men and women, the kids cannot choose to duck and run and find a place to be, by themselves without the hassle.
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Posted in: American arrested in Fukuoka for kidnapping own kids from ex-wife See in context
What a mess this situation is, For pity's sake cut out accusations, character attacks, and rubbish about which countries laws should be regarded as the most holy, and everyone, focus on how these people - especially the children - might live without the grinding anxiety & distress of endless fighting.
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Posted in: American arrested in Fukuoka for kidnapping own kids from ex-wife See in context
Klein2 wrote; "In short, if you take care of your wife and baby, everything will work out just fine. Give twice as much as you take and people will rally to you when you need them". ***aaah,
K2, if only that could be a guarantee! Youve never discovered, then, that there really is no father christmas? and for you theres no such thing as a true martyr to any cause? No people who put every ounce of strength into what they know or believe to be good and right for those they love, their families, their fellows, and yet - still have to find the strength to deal with rejection or cruelty of every kind?
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Posted in: American arrested in Fukuoka for kidnapping own kids from ex-wife See in context
Theres only one way to deal with any of it - and thats to make every possible effort to find a peaceful solution for the children to see both of their parents regularly without neglecting the concerns of either parent, either extended family, either social group, either culture, either nationality. USA is a wonderful country - but its customs and ideals are vastly different from those of Japan. The people from both cultures need and deserve equal respect. The custody laws in this case did not give it. I just read Noriko's comment about not wanting her children to lose their Japanese identity - does anyone here have a clue how important that might be for a loving mother? Ive already quoted DIET - food - as one of the basic USA/ JP differences. Those children were already getting into the American way - and might have been on the road to life threatening high blood pressure, like their pa who was hospitalised in Jp and is suffering now.
If you had to watch your kids learning to eat big and maybe die early - what would YOU want to do about it? That by itself could be reason enough to take the kids and run. It all needs very much more careful thought than trite throwaway ideas of rights and freedoms.
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Posted in: American arrested in Fukuoka for kidnapping own kids from ex-wife See in context
First - the children, apparently, love both of their parents. There is nothing to be gained in abusing/attacking either parent. However - no matter what the court decision in USA was regarding the custody of the children, and no matter how much their father was judged in USA to be the better parent to have greater custody - there is no way that I can blame the mother for doing as she did. She was clearly in a very weak position - in terms of keeping her children safe from whatever she was likely to consider to be serious dangers - which in Japanese culture are nothing like USAs. An example - as a far away, very foreign outsider - Id say - without the slightest intent to be unkind to their father - Noriko must have watched in anguish while her children were led into the USA big, happy eater mode - of overweight and high blood pressure, while their stepmother is happy to go on air talking about the money grabbing, cheating Japanese mothers, who try to get money by false pretences. Noriko must have been heartbroken, anxious, to see the growing influence of the USA, at the cost of what she may have considered the best of Japanese care. And all the while - to live like a 'second class' mother - close - but not too close - to her childrens' USA second family, and their new, stand-in mother. I feel the horrible pain with her. Of course the laws must be changed that prevent those children seeing their father too - but to expect happy aquiescence - to USA child care standards - without question, is too much.
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Posted in: The cheering gets nasty at a pro baseball game See in context
perhaps all sports that could translate easily into physical violence by their actual use of body with equipment, are likely to have violent supporters.... eg kicking balls and using a baseball bat (which looked like a weapon before anyone thought of the game)?
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Posted in: The cheering gets nasty at a pro baseball game See in context
Never understood what being a 'fan' is about. It looks dangerous in all but a few sports (I havnt seen riots or blood at swimming galas, pingpong, or badminton) but whatever it is about, nothing would induce me to take a 5 yrea old where crowds of emotional humans get together. Football around europe looks like a blood sport.
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Posted in: Miniskirt Police singer nabs groping suspect on train See in context
I think there could be good reasons she did nothing for 10 mins. 1) Theres no way of knowing in advance, just HOW weird a weirdo might get to be, when any attempt to stop their actions is made. He might have been carrying a knife. 2) Having made a decision to have him arrested somehow, it would take a while to think of the best/safest way. 3) Giving him the idea perhaps she liked it, or didnt mind, made him MUCH more vulnerable to being caught when the best opportunity arose. 4) Taking him by the wrist, without making a scene, might easily have convinced him he was onto a good thing, so that until she handed him over to the station cop, he was still hopeful.
The poster who write about 'little tarts' and all those who make comments against innocent women whose style of dress they disapprove of, show support for gropers, & are probably gropers themselves.
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Posted in: Should marijuana use be legalized? See in context
alcohol is more poisonous, its use causes more health problems, and premature deaths, than smoking.
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Posted in: Michael Jackson dies of reported cardiac arrest at 50 See in context
I surprised myself, cried some real tears...there are no 'famous' deaths that touched my heart, not at all, not one bit, except whacko Jacko's. I suppose he seems to me to be the most human, having made such diabolical and offensive mistakes, so publicly, but having enough of whatever it is that the world requires, to keep on bouncing straight back, and survive the worst of the world's disapprobation. Imagine, jumping around like that in serious pain a lot of the time. Of his music, I know almost nothing, a bit irritating, is my impression, his werewolf and zombies, dull, but his energy, and dance and total committment.... plus all those errors = one memorable man, who never gave in or gave up. RIP, Whacko.
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Posted in: Sarkozy says burqas are 'not welcome' in France See in context
Sarkozy is brave and an excellent fellow to make these statements about 'burqas'. He makes it abundantly clear that the burqua is 'unwelcome' not as fashion item nor fabric 'prison' nor religious dress, BUT it is 'unwelcome' as the clothing dictated by female subservience, which is incompatible with the spirit of La Republique. Vive la Belle France! What he achieves by so doing, whether the laws are constructed or not to support his view, is to have made a very public statement so that all over France, women who may have felt obliged by their male partners to wear the burqa, will understand clearly, that their true legal right in France is to be FREE of such subservience, and not to be subject to male domination.
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Posted in: White House says Musk not in charge at DOGE, but is advising Trump
Now he should be removed just on the principle that quid pro quos are unacceptable.
Posted in: New York governor meets top political leaders as she weighs removing Mayor Eric Adams from office
Posted in: Russia, U.S. agree to work toward improving ties and ending Ukraine war
Of course, we can't have anyone preventing the geniuses in charge from doing their thing.
Posted in: Tax enforcers, rocket scientists, bank regulators fired as Trump slashes federal workforce