Japan Today

ensnaturae2 comments

Posted in: A new take on an old classic: Takarazuka presents 'King Arthur' See in context

Only ever seen them, once, on telly, middle of the night when I couldn't sleep because of jetlag. A performance of traditional? Kabuki? Style ... Fabulous sets, and costumes, plus acting dancing, and the women as men were brilliant! Acting the nobility of great, honourable men, as any myth or saga might best describe it. This show I imagine must be a colossal hit, around the world. They don't act 'gay', but as closely observed cultural gender roles, and they carry that off superbly. Ace for them all!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: 16-year-old boy falls to death at Yokohama shopping center See in context

"Why run if you didn't steal anything?". Theres an overwhelming naïvity in such a question!!! It is similar to the intelligence test.."how many uses can you think of, for a brick". The idea that all authority is good, and that all those confronted and accused...must be guilty, is a mind blowing and terrible piece of amoral nonsense.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

Posted in: Cyclist falls onto tracks, then is hit and killed after bike flung into him by train See in context

Tokyo..all Japan..wonderful for cycling. Many, huge wide pavements so you dont have to ride on the road ..

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Wider role needed for 'womenomics' to succeed See in context

. “This is not about women; this is about organisational transformation”, she said. “As human beings, people can learn to see and respect other people without any preconceived perceptions or expectations: unconscious bias”. Hooray for that lady! Am I REALLY SEEING!..all that dreadful nonsense about WHAT WOMEN WANT! ..How dare you! How dare ANYONE presume to know and to speak on behalf of, women!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Woman in motorized wheelchair hit, killed by truck See in context

Both might have been capable drivers, regardless of age.You never had an accident? You sure that women should not be shut away out of sight? Especially old ones! Got any more prejudices, folks?

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Posted in: Woman in motorized wheelchair hit, killed by truck See in context

Why ever should they both NOT be behind the wbeel?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Terror attacks a growing economic threat: G20 ministers See in context

The world needs to stop thinking of itself like a vast shopping mall, stop consuming and start actually living. Terrorism is the cheapest kind of warfare, that almost any nation or tribe can wage against any other. The two conditions are not compatible and the shopping is certain to end.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: High school student expelled for having sex, sues school for Y6 million See in context

I agree with all comments concerning the actual details. There may be a number of reasons why the details are, at present, unknown to all except the people concerned. From my own point of view, sex between consenting adults, taking into account any pacts/ agreements established as binding, is absolutely nobody on the planets business but those consenting adults who choose to take part. And 'choose' is important. Any kind of coercion is unacceptable.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: 820 treated with heatstroke symptoms, one dead See in context

I feel most comfortable wearing thin clothes, sprayed with cold water....a damp t shirt works very well...no probs..

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Newborn baby found in bag in Naha See in context

Jack and the Beanstalk!I think you must be quite unusual in having no memories of pre five years old.!! I have very many, and can easily recall suckling my mothers breast and I'm sure many people do! But a 24 week old infant is most certainly not a zygote! The laws in Japan may be quite different than Europe but the point is, no one has yet set a time when an infant may be viable or not. Perfectly fine healthy fetuses, that would otherwise have grown to healthy viable infants, are indeed, treated as trash, or used as material for different experiments. They simply are aborted for a number of reasons.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Newborn baby found in bag in Naha See in context

Hayashi San...the father of this child ...is out there somewhere.... Yes ..it is true that he may be no part of the mothers life, and The abandonment of his child by the mother, might show how true that is. However, even if those two, mother and father...feel nothing at all for each other, even if they have hurt each other ..that does not change the fact..that the child has two parents. Not one. At present, we have no other information, we only know about the plight of a small and vulnerable infant, who needs love and protection. Whether or not either one of its parents may be considered "excused" ...for whatever reason...from taking care of it. That decision must come later. Yes, the child may have been conceived in rape, or any one of a number of circumstances, that have caused the kind of despair that reverses any inclination in a woman to care for her child. Still, the first and most important issue, is the well-being of the child. The first people to turn to who maybe willing and able to support or love it...are its parents. Both of them. And the families of those two. The child has a family somewhere. It perhaps has grandparents, siblings, a whole network of potential carers. From both of its parents. The child must not be deprived of its right to know and be known by those people who may be inclined to love it best. No, I don't choose toThink of the abandonment of an infant, in the same way as a sack of abandoned puppy dogs. Sad as that cruelty is, my first responsibility is to this child, and that would be my best approach. The mother, father and all their families, belong to the little one.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Newborn baby found in bag in Naha See in context

The child has a father, what part did he play in causing this child to be abandoned?. Why do you think, at once, only of its mother? What kind of stress was she feeling, to treat her child in such a heartless way? Does the infants father know or care that his child needs a loving home? I hope both parents may be found, and required to support this little one.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Posted in: High school teacher arrested for drug possession See in context

With regard to personal vices, Jack and the Beanstalk, and others, I do not suppose that there is any realistic way to approach a ruling that would force all teachers/educationalists into any kind of higher plain than any other part of society. The most important issue is that the children/young people in their care are given best examples and shown best choices, and that there is no general assumption that any kind of drug dependentcy, is encouraged or considered worthwhile as a life choice. This must, of course, include not only the current range of illegal drugs, but also alcohol, one of the most potent, most destructive, most easy to obtain drugs of our time, in most parts of the world. Education, life skills, would-be best taught, if up to date information about the use, abuse and effects of all of these drugs was provided, along with the opportunity for young people to discuss all aspects of the their effects, from economic to health, on societies around the world.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: British PM says Brexit poses huge risk to economy See in context

Not too late yet.... "The referendum result is not legally binding - Parliament still has to pass the laws that will get Britain out of the 28 nation bloc, starting with the repeal of the 1972 European Communities Act. eferendum result is not legally binding - Parliament still has to pass the laws that will get Britain out of the 28 nation bloc, starting with the repeal of the 1972 European Communities Act.eferendum result is not legally binding - Parliament still has to pass the laws that will get Britain out of the 28 nation bloc, starting with the repeal of the 1972 European Communities Act. The withdrawal agreement also has to be ratified by Parliament - the House of Lords and/or the Commons could vote against ratification, according to a House of Commons library report. In practice, Conservative MPs who voted to remain in the EU would be whipped to vote with the government. Any who defied the whip would have to face the wrath of voters at the next general election. One scenario that could see the referendum result overturned, is if MPs forced a general election and a party campaigned on a promise to keep Britain in the EU, got elected and then claimed that the election mandate topped the referendum one.e referendum result is not legally binding - Parliament still has to pass the laws that will get Britain out of the 28 nation bloc, starting with the repeal of the 1972 European Communities Act. The withdrawal agreement also has to be ratified by Parliament - the House of Lords and/or the Commons could vote against ratification, according to a House of Commons library report. In practice, Conservative MPs who voted to remain in the EU would be whipped to vote with the government. Any who defied the whip would have to face the wrath of voters at the next general election. One scenario that could see the referendum result overturned, is if MPs forced a general election and a party campaigned on a promise to keep Britain in the EU, got elected and then claimed that the election mandate topped the referendum one".

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Police officer arrested for filming up skirts of high school girls See in context

Astonishing ...still there are people who feel quite sure that all women must be responsible for male lack of control! Listen, you will not be able to demand protection on the basis of "female temptress" for very long now. YOU, if you have a male organ, and you alone, are responsible for all actions taken as a result of your own desires and lusts. No one else in the world may be held accountable. No accusations of Evil Eve...will get you off the hook. Got it?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: New hires shock Internet with their sameness See in context

“They’re drones! Where is their queen?!” “Even their hair is all the same….” “The lack of individuality is painful.” “Are they newly hired Matrix agents?”

Typical western kind of comments, really...whoever made them. As if originality of thought and independence could be witnessed via such trivial details, as clothing and face expression. The ability to strictly conform, is much more easily understood, learned and demonstrated, by those who have free and open minds. So many people in the West struggle to look special, to wow the public by appearances. Appearance is nothing. Independence is a state of mind, not the place on your body, decorated and arranged to please, by approved suppliers.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Missing 7-year-old boy left in mountains by parents as punishment See in context

Hooray!!! Boy is safe! Not lost any more. Wonderful news!!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: A-bomb survivors want Obama to meet them, apologize in Hiroshima See in context

Anyone hoping to make the case that West has a mountain of hideous war crimes, genocides etc on its hands, is up against the obvious brick wall, that generally speaking, most people like to feel justified and 'right', in their actions. Being obliged to rethink themselves into new positions as monstrous as those categorised as 'evil' etc, will not meet with easy success. The need to 'belong' is primal and a survival instinct . Facing judgement of the kind that makes apologies for genocide etc. necessary, in hindsight, can be a face to face meeting with seeming annihilation. Be sorry. Apologise. No matter how terrible the crime.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Man in wheelchair, helper die after being hit by car in Yamaguchi See in context

At night...high visibility clothing is really essential...I sometimes see walkers and bikers on country lanes..late at night...with DARK clothes..they are barely visible...and put themselves in real danger. I'm getting dog lights...and a hi-vis jacket...for my dog...for evening walks..

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: German authorities trying to find out if New Year's Eve assaults were planned See in context

Having an identity tag..of 'Muslim' ....says no more about any individual...than 'Christian',etc.... How many of you..questioned and compared religious differences and moralities..as you grew up in one culture or another...making NO choices at all about your religion or ideology?. You just accepted...whatever you were obliged to accept..as the way of life. Muslims, Christians, Bhuddists, atheists...Of course there are people who think and change...but how intelligent is it...to expect refugées arriving ...from war zones..to do so pronto? There's no rational judgements to be made about 'Muslims', and to do so ..shrieks of bigotry. What CAN be discussed..is religious doctrine and its interpretation...and how big differences might affect societies. What clashes are there...between Islam...and Xtianity, Buddhism etc.? Any attempt to install some aspects of Sharia law..in Europe/USA...are guaranteed to cause problems. Sharia law clashes strongly with a number of already established rights and freedoms. Much more serious issues than wearing headscarves or not. A current issue in France...concerns 'halal' meat...with vets as well as the general public..protesting the cruelty of Sharia obligatory, ritual slaughter..while supermarkets cash in... It's important to discuss differences, and refuse to take any steps backwards. There are already academic and in depth examinations and debates...about bringing Islam into 21st century..from Muslims themselves..research http://www.irshadmanji.com/irshad.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Posted in: Pachinko is ‘recreation for morons,’ magazine claims See in context

Astonishing amount of holier/wiser/just plain better-than-thou nonsense here...I have never played patchinko...but I have looked in...to see what goes on...and for the most part...I guess that there's very little real interest in thinking about winning a lot of money...as a sense of joining in some kind of speechless camaraderie...same kind of appeal in my opinion...as those small size travelling fairs....in Europe. Loud music...flashing bright lights...may all be a way for old people to manage soliude, or a too solitary life.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: 12-year-old boy jumps to death in Nagoya subway; leaves suicide note See in context

Many people who have survived bullying ...or who are in a bullying environment..simply..do not recognise, or acknowledge that experience for what it is. Bullying..in all its disguises,is abuse. Criticism that is constructive and results in 'improvement'...is not the same process. It is based in respect and love/care for the 'pupil'..or whoever is being 'critiqued'...and NOT.in any attempt to force a required response...for some other reason A parent who induces a child to perform in a required way...by destructive criticism..is not offering constructive criticism...but is likely to be more concerned with ownself image...for example...A child nagged to do well in school..may produce similar results...at least temporarily...to one who is beaten and orridiculed...but his/herreasons for trying hard and attaining therequired

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Woman arrested after remains of 5 infants discovered at home See in context

How odd...to guess at circumstances about which you all know so little, and to be so willing to award guilt, and blame.. Possibilities are endless.Establishing paternity,.will not be difficult.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Another Japanese celebrity claims discrimination in France; netizens not so sympathetic See in context

There is very good service...in many French shops and restaurants.... Just remember that the people who work there...are not to be patronised. Thats to say...treat each person as an equal...with friendship and politeness. Restaurants are not places where you go to get food, eat and leave...no one is in a hurry in French eating. You will not be ushered out...if you sit and talk for a long time... and if that's what everyone seems to be doing...and not thinking about your needs...then be glad to be a part of a relaxed eating community. Almost everyone here gets 2 ..maybe,2 and a half hours...for lunch break ..it is not polite to demand that the custom changes to make a nation of fast-serve food.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Another Japanese celebrity claims discrimination in France; netizens not so sympathetic See in context

can't find the post again where it is pointed out that anyone providing a 'service' in France...might ...very reasonably ...expect to be treated as an equal...not any kind of 'slave'. I have known two Americans driven to paroxysms of rage...by Parisien exchanges with people they expected to be much more subservient. Having sufficient money to pay for someone's time, almost anywhere in France...does not give you the right to claim it...or to decide the kind of behaviour from them..that you are entitled to. Come to France without any sense of entitlement...is best... I'm most familiar with the complaint 'bad service'....from British travellers or new residents in France. (Born in London but ...with several different cultural influences)... All cultures that have a strong class structure, whether based in wealth/property..or lineage/ancestors etc....no matter where in that structure anyone might identify as an 'own place'...tend to teach expectations that do not work well in less class divided societies. Do not expect anyone to behave as if you have any right to claim his/her attention, or time. If you are a millionaire or a pauper...have the courtesy to recognise that égalité means much in France. ...Not always...but very often.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Modern etiquette: Umbrellas, backpacks and selfie sticks See in context

Wearing/carrying babies/luggage strapped to your chest ...must be an obvious way to take better care of it...both for safety of baggage...and safety of unseen others who are out of sight...

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: 60-year-old man, 7-year-old girl drown in pond See in context

Yes of course you are right, Brian... there are better ways to take care of the children than I suggested...There are certainly mother.. and even very tiny baby ..swimming pool clubs..Compulsory swimming lessons could work...but I think that Japan in many ways... is exceptionally watchful over its children...I do not know the stats on water dangers/accident/drownings for children in Japan...but it may well be the case, as a previous poster suggests... that more elderly people at home, drown in bathtubs....popularly deeper/wider... than western baths... than children in rivers and lakes etc, so perhaps extra precautions would not be acceptable?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: 60-year-old man, 7-year-old girl drown in pond See in context

Those people who think there ought to be life saving kit available....that sounds curious to me...Japan is one of the wateryest countries I know ...with rice paddy fields......(water deep enough to drown a child)...lakes, streams and rivers in every city...After heavy rain ..even the tiny streams are dangerous... Ive often thought about safety, but there`s no way, short of fencing it all...that could keep children right away from any risk.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Video shows kids reacting to strangers dropping their wallets See in context

amazing in the vid from USA ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFkGhpy10u8 (Timtak) where the first thought of the interviewer was... that the boy was lucky to find 20$...and would have that 20$ to spend on himself... no thought of finding OWNER at all...!!! The child gave it to a soldier, but still no thought of who had lost it... someone who may have been very poor themselves and really needed that 20$

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: 1,000 line up for Starbucks' opening in Tottori See in context

I suppose... that the attraction of Starbucks... apart from wifi access, might be that it offers a slice of a different culture...? i cant think the food or coffee has much to do with anything...since the prices are enormous, for nothing very amazing. it might be nice to open an all brit chip shop, or real french patisserie/cafe...with authentic people style, and goods etc..I imagine that would be a huge success... Im impressed with most French local cafes...theres a true french style ...part of it is... you can bring your own choice of food ...from anywhere you like...dont have to buy it in the cafe...just drink their coffee and talk the talk.. ...read the journals...bring your dog in... if it doesnt fight with the resident dog... etcetcetc and stay a long time...

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