Japan Today

Eric L Hanson comments

Posted in: Tokyo’s Setagaya Ward to begin legally recognizing same-sex partnerships See in context

Liberalism isn't just a mental disorder... it's full blown syphilis... and spreading.

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

Posted in: In U.S., is it rude to ask guests to remove shoes? See in context

Gottlieb defines rudeness and she and her "cute" shoes will be stopped at the front porch.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese, Chinese citizens back Obama for second term: poll See in context

It also is well worth mentioning that Obama has the unique credential of being the only standing US President to be endorsed by the US Communist Party!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Japanese, Chinese citizens back Obama for second term: poll See in context

It's be most unfortunate to see him make a mess out of Japan, but he'd be a fine leader of China... We'll gladly send him... how do we set this up!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Beat Takeshi compares same-sex marriage with bestiality See in context

@tmarie... actual rights already ARE equal!

-7 ( +4 / -12 )

Posted in: Beat Takeshi compares same-sex marriage with bestiality See in context

@zichi... there is no historical example in any Buddhist culture of anything but the non-hyphenated version of actual marriage of a man to one or more brides, all consummated via compatible gender parts.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Posted in: Beat Takeshi compares same-sex marriage with bestiality See in context

@Thunderbird2... and the culture of Japan is better described as a blend of Buddhist and Shinto... and the Shinto did not promote "gay marriage" either (unless you have something to share indicating greater wisdom on that topic)

-3 ( +5 / -9 )

Posted in: Beat Takeshi compares same-sex marriage with bestiality See in context

@Thunderbird2... Buddhist culture? I know a bit about Buddhism, I was not aware that "gay marriage" was among the teachings. Perhaps you can share... I was honestly looking for any examples in all of the world's history and hadn't found anything so silly, not even from the Greeks! And by the way, understanding how marriage works is not any form of "pop at gay people" Bub.

-3 ( +5 / -9 )

Posted in: Beat Takeshi compares same-sex marriage with bestiality See in context

@tmarie... much of Japan's present Constitution is derived from the best case preservation of individual liberty exemplified in the Bill of Rights. There is no expiration date on inalienable rights missy. And totalitarianism is only fun for some for a short while.

-5 ( +4 / -10 )

Posted in: Beat Takeshi compares same-sex marriage with bestiality See in context

Enough with all the falling over oneself on hyphenated "rights". The only meaningful rights are those enumerated in the Bill of Rights (of the US Constitution) and among these are freedom of expression. The age old societal institution of marriage requires consummation via compatible gender parts. A man laying with another is a lot of things, but the unfortunate sexual actions certainly don't consummate any sort of marriage.

Whereas there are indeed humans disturbed enough to marry an animal, Beat's point is simply to serve as example of the extremes that might count as a logical next step in taking such an "anything goes" approach as the buffoon in the oval office "evolved" to now embrace.

As a libertarian, I could care a less if some poor numb nuts wants to have his way with a horse. Just do not expect me to address her as Mrs. Numbnuts when the same chap puts lipstick on her and rides her into town.

People can certainly "do what they want", but getting me to do what they want in recognizing as a married couple whatever absurd pairing is where I will draw the line, and especially at the retraining mind rot that would necessarily be delivered to our children to prop up the fantastic nipple twist on an essential and age old societal value of actual (unhyphenated) marriage.

-12 ( +5 / -18 )

Posted in: Death toll climbs as heavy snow grips northern Japan See in context

@Nessie... until a body is WARM and without heart beat... it is not necessarily a dead one. Sudden hypothermia can sometimes be protective of a patient, though this is more common in children than in adults, so, it’s medical tradition not to declare someone dead until they’re back to normal temperature.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Posted in: Zapping testicles with ultrasound could be male contraceptive See in context

Wonder what this might say about the safety of ultrasound as generously dosed on unborn babies especially with the fancy long and recreational 3D imaging sessions?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: LA woman takes unique road to sue Honda over mileage See in context

@GW, "clearly hybrid cars aren't worth the $$" is a simple minded statement. Depends on the hybrid and the application and there are many other advantages apart from cruising range and fuel efficiency that are seldom considered by the car rags that mostly look only at the number of years of operation for a "payback" at a given assumption of a future cost of gas. Nothing good would come from any form of "victory" from this foolish and self-indulgent mental midget of a twit that is encouraging the misuse of small claims courts for grand theft. Hopefully the small claims judge will have a big enough brain to dismiss, and the class action is also bogus unless it's filed against the EPA. Perhaps someone can sue GM for an out of warranty lemon that does not run at all on the grounds that the broken down heap no longer achieves the promised fuel efficiency promised by the EPA. That would be no more nor any less stupid than this twit's crusade against Honda.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: LA woman takes unique road to sue Honda over mileage See in context

Gonemad is not entirely right... after the EPA reset the entire method of measurement and rerated every 2008 car (with the same power train hybrid and non-hybrid) of earlier model years, the mileage is more reflective of actual driving. I know RX 450h owners that get the EPA rating without much effort of 30 mpg, and as a complete lead foot I got my own 25.9 MPG over a week of mostly city driving without the slightest concern for efficient driving style, and again this is in a very heavy SUV with 300 hp... and the same driving would have had me in the teens in my 01 TL which peaked 27 mpg on a long trip (doing 80 with the air on).

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: LA woman takes unique road to sue Honda over mileage See in context

... typo... I meant "has the right to cite specs"

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: LA woman takes unique road to sue Honda over mileage See in context

This horrible twit should try sue the EPA which is entirely upon which the "sales force" claims were based. Honda does not provide EPA ratings nor does any auto maker. These are entirely provided by the EPA. The test that the ever dopey EPA perform were not especially good and they actually changed the measurement and ratings for the same vehicles one or two years after. Any fool knows that a car salesman has the right to specs and that obviously includes the published EPA mileage rating.

Also there is no perfect way to predict mileage which is entirely variable and driving dependent. Like many current and ex-lawyers, I am certain she is not the least bit bothered by the simplest of facts nor concerned with the slightest show of integrity, so the horrible exploitation of "lax standards" of small claims is what her "case" is all about. If the judge presiding over the "small claims" cases does not throw this out (since it is clearly not an individual case nor a "small" claim) then he or she should be reassigned to a role that bears the burden of no decision bigger than what socks to wear under their robe at the mental hospital.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan may buy more European bonds, finance minister says See in context


-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan may buy more European bonds, finance minister says See in context

apologies... "Noda" not "Nobu" (late night typo)

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan may buy more European bonds, finance minister says See in context

clearly just another shakedown (I believe the Japanese government is being "encouraged" a bit on this and this announcement after another example of Nobu's commitment for Japan not to "turn inward" as they clearly should (unless considering whatever the latest threats of international NWO goon banksters)

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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