Posted in: Trump pledges a series of Day 1 executive actions to end 'four long years of American decline' See in context
Good! Reversals of the left implementations and other decisions that will benefit the U. S. in the short term and long term benefits as well. 46 isn’t a number that will go down positively in American history. You’d think that Americans at this point would be cheering for its success instead of doing and saying everything and anything to try to have him fail. Let the man work. If he does a bad job, he’ll be voted out. If Biden was successful and everything was going really well and the party was doing what the average American wants the Dems would still be in office. Take the L and hope that whatever happens in the next 4 is good for America.
-8 ( +3 / -11 )
Posted in: Trump to ring New York Stock Exchange bell as Time set to name him Person of the Year See in context
Me … my … LOL
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump to ring New York Stock Exchange bell as Time set to name him Person of the Year See in context
can still recognise the difference between "loose" and "lose"?
just quickly sending some comments. Already saw other mistakes (auto text) in my previous comments. I bow to you as you are perched on your high horse….. Keep on believing what you will.. let’s reassess our positions in 10 years. You do you and I’ll do my. Have a good one mate.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump to ring New York Stock Exchange bell as Time set to name him Person of the Year See in context
Downvotes on reality and facts. Very interesting….. Ever wonder why independent media is flourishing and mainstream is loosing viewers at alarming rates??
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: Trump to ring New York Stock Exchange bell as Time set to name him Person of the Year See in context
speaks volume of how imbecile Americans are!
funny how people think they are better than others based on certain parameters on political beliefs. Reminds me of that clip online where a group of strangers rate each other on IQ ( who they think had the higher IQ) just after some short introductions and some various question. One gal who had 2 degrees and work for a pharma( I believe) ranked the young man who hadn’t gone to college as quite low afterwards had them take an IQ test and she was much lower than him.
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Trump to ring New York Stock Exchange bell as Time set to name him Person of the Year See in context
Ring the bell. Person of the year, etc… This site is full of left leaning types. Just like mainstream media. How about let the man work, stop the relentless attacks and see what happens after 4 years. If it’s going well leave the man alone( mainstream media). And if it’s going bad vote your side back in. I think that the Dems and their cohorts are worried if he has success they’ll never get back in power. God forbid the country is actually going well and most people are doing well and the future looks a little brighter. How about trying to look at a few areas where most agree and trying to build something better for Americans and regain so of their trust back. Now all time lows in trusting government agencies and mainstream media. Why is that???
-4 ( +2 / -6 )
Posted in: Trump says he will block Nippon Steel from taking over U.S. Steel See in context
Crazy how anything Trump decides on is instantly hated on by the leftists out there. He was in office before. Overall things were relatively positive and strong before the pandemic. One might think that maybe just maybe he can do something a little better than what we had during the last 4 years. Time to drop the tribalism and say “let’s just see what he can do” After all, there will be another election in 4 years if things go bad. Hard to think how it could be worse than Biden regime.
-3 ( +2 / -5 )
Posted in: In CNN interview, Harris vows tougher approach on migration, supports weapons for Israel See in context
What a gem to luck up to. They won’t let her interview off the cuff. Leader of the US. what a joke. But we all know peeps behind the scenes are controlling her. Just like Biden. Left will ignore all because “ I dislike Trump “ even if the country continues down the drain( just in today’s news * immigrant group taking over apartment complex ) just let it burn, “ but I dislike Trump “
-3 ( +5 / -8 )
Posted in: There's no reason to avoid seed oils and plenty of reasons to eat them See in context
Carnivore diet with butter, ghee and your body will thank you. Do the research
-3 ( +3 / -6 )
Posted in: There's no reason to avoid seed oils and plenty of reasons to eat them See in context
Trust the science. When you find out why cooking oil was changed back in the day, you start waking up. I’d bet this was paid by_____?
-3 ( +2 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan lifts megaquake warning See in context
Some earthquake scientists will say there is/possibly a relation to full moon and typhoons happening around the same time. So don’t let you guard down quite yet. Full super moon coming on Monday. Good thing with this mega quake warning is that it got many people to get their emergency supplies in order. Let’s hope is was all for naught.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Biden drops out of 2024 race; VP Harris gets his nod See in context
“What can be, Unburdened by what has been”
Thats a quality DEI candidate right there. I’d be willing to bet the left is extremely burdened by what has been over the last 4 years.
-3 ( +4 / -7 )
Posted in: Biden drops out of 2024 race; VP Harris gets his nod See in context
Rumor has it, Hilliary is waiting in the wings. Proven to be behind the Russian hoax, etc. so many good choices on the left. NOT
-1 ( +5 / -6 )
Posted in: Biden drops out of 2024 race; VP Harris gets his nod See in context
DEI hire proves again it better to choose from accomplishments. The most unpopular VP ever and couldn’t even get over single digit support in primaries. Yet they put her in and now regret their choice
1 ( +5 / -4 )
Posted in: Biden drops out of 2024 race; VP Harris gets his nod See in context
What can be, unburdened by what has been” word salad master, border czar with so many accomplishments and extreme popularity. I totally believe in her like I believe Biden has no mental decline and the Russians are behind it all. Wink wink….
2 ( +5 / -3 )
Posted in: Obama tells allies Biden needs to reconsider his re-election bid: Washington Post See in context
Not too classy to make fun of a speech impediment.
Then again, Trump supporters loved it when he mocked a disabled journalist.
still pushing this lie??? Come on man. Look beyond legacy media to find out some other info
-7 ( +6 / -13 )
Posted in: Obama tells allies Biden needs to reconsider his re-election bid: Washington Post See in context
I will not shed tears to see Biden out of the running. Believe it or not, I once teared up when Obama was sworn in and was pitching his yes We can. I was pulled in to believe him. Over the years, found out what he really was about and became independent. I reluctantly voted for Trump because thought it couldn’t be worse than Hillary. Have to say, teared up again seeing and listening to him speak at the opening.
-4 ( +5 / -9 )
Posted in: Obama tells allies Biden needs to reconsider his re-election bid: Washington Post See in context
Correction that the other side refuses
-3 ( +2 / -5 )
Posted in: Obama tells allies Biden needs to reconsider his re-election bid: Washington Post See in context
fighting the battle as usual. Kudos to your dedication and shedding light that the other side. As they refuse to even consider the possibility that their media might be hiding the truth.
-2 ( +5 / -7 )
Posted in: Obama tells allies Biden needs to reconsider his re-election bid: Washington Post See in context
We have known he would bow out. It’s been in the play book for months if not years. Question is will they throw away their DEI hire Harris?? This admins policy and choices for official positions have often ended in disaster.
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: 98% with mixed Japanese heritage experience microaggressions: survey See in context
What’s next? Nano aggressions. “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.” Guess where we are at now…..???
4 ( +10 / -6 )
Posted in: Phony 'news' portals surpass U.S. newspaper sites, researchers say See in context
Preferably someone who had been leaning left or were on the left but now are leaning right is a good start
-7 ( +0 / -7 )
Posted in: Phony 'news' portals surpass U.S. newspaper sites, researchers say See in context
Rachel Maddow recently claiming she’s worried Trump going to throw her in a camp. While not too long ago Clinton and others were saying conservatives need deprogramming and reeducation camps. mainstream media is scared and they are loosing viewership in droves. The mass propaganda isn’t working as well as they like anymore. So next thing you know ‘Newsguard’ (wink wink) is a neutral party supposedly telling us which news sources we should trust. As usual follow the money for who is behind newsguard
-5 ( +1 / -6 )
Posted in: Phony 'news' portals surpass U.S. newspaper sites, researchers say See in context
Newsguard- that right there is a red flag!!! look into who funds ‘ newsguard’ and how it came into being. Until you know this, you chaps attacking the right should zip it.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Japan enacts revised law for swift removal of defamatory online posts See in context
I’m Always amazed that people think that this is somehow a good idea and in the long run it will only benefit politicians and eventually will be used against you and your children in the future. Watch the downvotes come in which in turn proves my point.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Raccoon numbers surge in Tokyo, causing damage to crops See in context
Seen two of them cruising the neighborhood in Adachi-ku at around 10:30 at night. Had to do a double take to verify what I was seeing. This is a neighborhood with houses and apartments. No nature to be found, but Arakawa is about 800m away.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. public health agency CDC sets up office in Tokyo See in context
oh that’s reassuring…. NOT !!! Corrupt to its core and in bed with pharma’s. It’s not science anymore. It’s “agenda science” and money is at the drivers seat. Look at all the research these days. If you do this kind of study, you won’t get any future funding. All major mainstream media theses days get up 50% of their revenue from pharmas, thus they won’t report on anything negative as their adds will get pulled and these major cable news groups will shutter with dwindling ratings and add revenue. Shionogi is in clinical trials now for a Japan COVID jab. Wonder if it’s the same or completely different?
-1 ( +15 / -16 )
Posted in: 3 foreign-born residents sue over racial profiling by Japanese police See in context
Oner 25 years and as a white American, I have only once been questioned by police when I was parked along a riverside road and it was late at night 11:00-12:00. It’s a space for 4-5 cars to pull off and can park as long as you stay in the car. Unusual for cars to park there at night, so I get the suspicion. I told them I was blowing off steam after arguing with my wife. Then they asked if they could search my car. I agreed, but felt a little irritated. What would of happened if I refused?? There was a Morniaga milk processing plant just on the other side of my car so maybe something had happened there before. I did notice they raised the level of the fence by several feet from what it had been before. I had a Sri Lankan friend who told me he got stopped often. So I get it that in Japan I had or have “white privilege” (as much as I hate that term and it way over used in the clown world of America right now). Over the years we’ve all heard stories of discrimination, but considering how much safer Japan is compared to my country America, and even if I were stopped 2-5 times a year, I certainly wouldn’t try to go to court over it. Not proud to say that America is “sue happy”
6 ( +17 / -11 )
Posted in: How to deal with your Japanese neighbors See in context
The Gomi baba’s in Adachi are a real thing. They will spot you and admonish you. Even accused me of not being on their list (wrong- wife’s Japanese name was there) Yes all these points advised by the article are advisable, but in reality you may not experience it. We did have new construction gifts dropped off once and one new neighbor dropped off a gift because she heard my daughter had gone to the same school. It’s kind of hit and miss. By all means carry in the tradition because it’d be a shame to loose it altogether.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan to OK train fare hikes for holidays, weekends due to 'overtourism' concerns See in context
This is very common practice around the world. Airlines have been doing it for a long time it is cheaper to travel midweek than on weekends. If you want to travel please make plans appropriately.
have you not read the comments. This directly affects Japanese who have very limited times to take time off and they will bear the brunt of this policy. And it will not relieve the crowds. Just hitting the average “Jun/Junko” in the nuts after being slapped with crazy prices of gas, food etc. Sounds like some with connections to railway companies got greased to pass this. lobbyists ….??
4 ( +7 / -3 )
Posted in: The squad saving deer from tourist trash in Nara
Posted in: Is DOGE a cybersecurity threat?
Hawk, I'm not defending her behavior. She and her friend were drunk in a taxi. One of them was sick…
Posted in: Australia soccer star Sam Kerr found not guilty of racially aggravated harassment of police officer