Japan Today

Erik Lars comments

Posted in: 150 suicides last year attributed to failed job hunts See in context

Mash Theme Song

It's M.A.S.H. as in Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, not "mash" as in "mashed potatoes" nor "do the Monster Mash."

Come on, people.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: 150 suicides last year attributed to failed job hunts See in context

failed job hunts is a subset of financial difficulties

Check the dictionary for the word "subset", not only are you using it incorrectly, but you don't need to use it at all.

People need a support system

What kind of support system? Emotional? Psychological? Monetary?

Get of the net ironchef. You lose.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: Al-Qaida bomber was CIA informant See in context

U.S. foreign policy is not geared towards curbing the tide of Islamic fundamentalism. In fact, it is quite the opposite. The significant development of “radical Islam”, in the wake of the Cold War in the former Soviet Union and the Middle East is consistent with Washington’s hidden agenda. The latter consists in sustaining rather than combating international terrorism, with a view to destabilizing national societies and preventing the articulation of genuine secular social movements directed against the American Empire.

Washington continues to support — through CIA covert operations — the development of Islamic fundamentalism, throughout the Middle East, in the former Soviet Union as well in China and India. Throughout the developing world, the growth of sectarian, fundamentalist and other such organizations tends to serve U.S. interests. These various organizations and armed insurgents have been developed, particularly in countries where state institutions have collapsed under the brunt of the IMF-sponsored economic reforms. These fundamentalist organizations contribute by destroying and displacing secular institutions. Islamic fundamentalism creates social and ethnic divisions. It undermines the capacity of people to organize against the American Empire. These organizations or movements, such as the Taliban, often foment “opposition to Uncle Sam” in a way which does not constitute any real threat to America’s broader geopolitical and economic interests.”

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Al-Qaida bomber was CIA informant See in context

A BBC article from July 2004 called “Al-Qaeda’s origins and links” reveals that Osama Bin Laden was a CIA agent in the 1980s. The article states: “During the anti-Soviet jihad Bin Laden and his fighters received American and Saudi funding. Some analysts believe Bin Laden himself had security training from the CIA.” It is highly possible that Osama Bin Laden was still an agent of the CIA on September 11, 2001. As they say of the CIA, once a member, always a member.

J. Michael Springmann, a 20 year foreign service official, and a former Consulate officer in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, has publicly stated for many years that the CIA brought over Muslim radicals to the United States for secret terrorist training. Most of these radicals were brought through Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where Springman was stationed from 1987 to 1989 before he was let go by the State Department because he raised questions about the weakly enforced VISA qualification process.

In an interview in May 2002 Springmann pointed out that 15 of the 19 hijackers in the 9/11 attacks entered the United States after CIA officials in Jeddah approved their visas. “According to the Los Angeles Times,” said Springmann, “fifteen of the nineteen people, the Saudis who were allegedly responsible for flying planes into the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon, they got their visas from the Consulate at Jeddah.”

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Bra with built-in ice packs aims to keep women cool See in context

Japanese underwear has got to be the MOST un-sexy in the world. Besides, some girls I know just go without underwear when it's really hot, only wearing tight tank-tops and light, flowing imported skirts from India.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Posted in: Japanese comedian barred from Olympic run for Cambodia See in context


He's a damn good runner.. Have you every seen a crappy runner? "Man, that guy can't run worth shxt." Can't imagine it. You're just saying stuff just to say stuff without thinking.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Posted in: Al-Qaida bomber was CIA informant See in context

But the man the terrorists were counting on to carry out the attack was actually working for the CIA.

was actually working for the CIA... was actually working for the CIA... was actually working for the CIA...

Military dog = CIA good, smart. I like CIA. CIA good guys.

Human = CIA is a terrorist organization that carries out espionage, bombings and assassinations to support COG (continuity of government)

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Men in Black See in context

The only movie I saw Josh Brolin in was Goonies (his first flick)....

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Do you support torture as an interrogation method if the objective is to prevent a terrorist attack or capture criminals? See in context

Yes because obama (the leader of the free world) says it's acceptable.

And he got the Nobel Peace Prize so he's an expert on violence.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: British woman makes marathon history in bionic suit See in context

True british spirit. Well done

@Clinton Walton What does being British have to do with it?

How about.. "I walked on the MOON." -American guy

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: 9 Hokkaido students hospitalized with alcohol poisoning See in context

Societies that preach abstention or prohibition only promote such over-drinking. @Herve Nmn L'Eisa Japan is definitely NOT one of those kinds of societies but there is rampant over-drinking...Fail to see your point.. Look at all the advertising of people drinking.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: 9 Hokkaido students hospitalized with alcohol poisoning See in context

Upperclassmen pressuring lowerclassmen to drink, especially the girls. See it all the time out here in University Land. A lot of upperclassmen are total losers that hang around preying on the freshmen girls until they're nearly 30. First-year students are too young to drink so some of the upperclassmen should be arrested.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Microsoft offers $99 Xbox consoles with a catch See in context

Why does the Xbox HAVE TO be bundled with Kinect? Not everyone uses it, just like not everyone buys a Wii.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Microsoft offers $99 Xbox consoles with a catch See in context

This has nothing to do with a "pricing strategy." Microsoft just wants to be able to WATCH YOU (with Kinect) and they're lowering the price so more people will let Big Brother in their house. Kinect is always on, I repeat, ALWAYS ON and it has facial/vocal recognition capabilities.

Smartphone companies do the same thing because they want everyone to have a GPS device in their pocket.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: U.S. foils al-Qaida bomb plot against airliner See in context

What really happened Christmas 2009 with the "underwear bomber": http://www.infowars.com/kurt-haskell-exposes-government-deception-in-underwear-bomber-case/

Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I (NY Times article) http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/29/opinion/sunday/terrorist-plots-helped-along-by-the-fbi.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Do you support torture as an interrogation method if the objective is to prevent a terrorist attack or capture criminals? See in context

"Do you support torture...?" What a sad sad world we live in when we actually ask this question. Unbelievable. I'm ashamed of being human.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: 9/11 mastermind, co-plotters to be arraigned See in context

“trial of the century” <-- Holy Hyperbole, Batman! We're only a little more than a decade into this century.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: French prosecutors examine gang rape allegation in Strauss-Kahn case See in context

“aggravated pimping in an organised gang” <-- nice definition of government as a corporatocracy

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Organic farms yield less produce, require more land See in context

The study also found that organic yields rose over time as soil fertility and management skills improved.

"Slow and steady wins the race." Learned that in kindergarten.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Organic farms yield less produce, require more land See in context

According to whose study? Monsanto's?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Minivan hits group of children, killing 6-year-old boy in Chiba See in context

"...he was preoccupied thinking about his work." He's a PART-TIME worker. Probably full-time smart-phone user with over-time.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: Nuclear power only option despite Fukushima: industry See in context

Hydrothermal. Japan could produce enough energy for itself and to sell to other countries.

The first and only system to unlock the awesome power of deep-ocean hydrothermal vents for energy, mining, and water desalination. http://www.marshallsystem.com


1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: 2 more U.S. troops killed by Afghan partners See in context

The American military seems to have no respect at all for the people they are "helping."

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Posted in: 12-year-old girl killed after lying down on railway tracks See in context

The suicide of this 12-year-old girl makes one wonder why AKB is being used to deter suicide. You have to admit that some girls and young women might be very depressed if they feel they don't match the AKB standard of "cuteness."

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

Posted in: 2 police officers acquitted in fatal shooting of robbery suspect during getaway See in context

How about shooting the tires out instead of the people in the car? The police just panicked. Simple.

the Nara District Court said there was no evidence that the police officers intended to kill the suspect

OK, so instead of a murder charge it should be a manslaughter charge. Duh.

Final Verdict: The judge protected the police.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

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