Japan Today

Erin Okamoto comments

Posted in: Living in Japan, which food or drink item do you miss most from your home country? See in context

BBQ. Especially smoked brisket, ribs and chicken-fried steak.

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Posted in: Now hear this See in context

Knock down the Minsyuto, foreign power opposition hoo-hah...Same old, same old. Just keep walkin'...

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Posted in: Which country's beef gets your vote for the tastiest? See in context

Argentine. Preferably with a glass of Malbec.

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Posted in: Maple taffy summit See in context

Most unflattering.

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Posted in: Managing gaijin teachers See in context

"Why is it fair to ask foreigners to work in a Japanese style environment? Just because we're in Japan?" You're here. Its Japan. Get used to it.

"How about not calling non Japanese people gaijin, it sets a bad example to people wanting to learn english." Again. Get used to it. That word isn't going to magically dissappear from the lexical stock any time soon.

"Start fighting for the very people you are supposedly trying to speak for here." Again. This is Japan. No fighting.

"No I don't know what speaking Japanese has to do with teaching or learning ENGLISH." Ahem. Right. Try dealing with non-English speaking staff for one. Try minding unruly kids or those that can't comprehend a word you've just said using only English. Just learn teh Japanese.

Relating to Japanese in business and daily life is not brain surgery if you become as astute and observant as "they" are of "us."

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