Posted in: Man arrested for keeping bodies of mother, brother at home See in context
Recently...Not a day goes by that you dont hear about this happening ! , second only to 60+ year olds killing their aging parents....what is going on in Japan ?
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Homework will 'never be the same,' says ChatGPT founder See in context
People...this changes EVERYTHING.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Fukushima nuclear plant begins tests of wastewater release plan; fishing officials remain opposed See in context
Fighto!Today 07:26 am JST
The diluted water being released is safer than most drinking water.
I would love to see you drink the first glass of released water from fukushima, and then they could give you a years supply of bottlled water so you can drink it everyday.
0 ( +6 / -6 )
Posted in: IATA reports substantial increase in unruly passenger incidents See in context
Instant life time ban should cure the problem. If your an unruly passenger on my will get' Knocked out ' ! Cold.
-5 ( +3 / -8 )
Posted in: China's air patrols with Russia spark Japanese security concerns See in context
Hopefully, all can recognize futility of War, with enough mutual deterrence, need for guard-rails and start focusing on more productive safer activities together!
Humans will never do that....theyre just not intelligent enough !
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Eyewitness videos proving useful to police, but experts warn of risks See in context
Luckily these videos are good at prosecuting the police as well,especialy when they choke people to death !
Recently in the UK the police were caught out when they denied chasing two teenagers on a e-scooter which resulted in the teens dying !! ....then members of the public came forward with their own video evidence and the police had to back track with their LIES.
-4 ( +2 / -6 )
Posted in: Destruction of Kakhovka dam takes Ukraine war into uncharted territory See in context
Damn !lol
-6 ( +0 / -6 )
Posted in: Cyclist attacked by bear in Fukushima Prefecture See in context
There are folk in Japan who follow up bear sightings, dart or trap/sedate them, and release them in areas away from habitation.
There are also folk in japan who eat bears and sell their meat in vending machines as reported a few weeks ago.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Sean 'Diddy' Combs accuses liquor giant Diageo of racism in lawsuit See in context
I will bet if you walk out go to Shibuya crossing ask 10,000 people if they know him you will be lucky if 1% even heard his name.
Some of the high school kids I teach have never heard of Micheal jackson !!....I bet half of the people at Shibuya crossing couldnt name the current prime minister of japan !
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: 19-year-old woman arrested for abandoning newborn baby See in context
Im lost for words.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Fukushima explanation See in context
South Korea's Nuclear Safety and Security Commission Chairperson Yoo Guk-hee announces the results of their inspection of Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant during a press conference at the Government Complex Building in Seoul on Wednesday.
Yeah ............japantoday..........and the results are ??????????????????????????????????????????????
Terrible reporting ! Doh !!
-1 ( +4 / -5 )
Posted in: Cholera vaccine shortage to last until 2025 as cases surge See in context
Of course who cares the disease mostly affect the so called third world countries in Africa, Asia, South America & etc. Developing vaccines for these countries doesn't have much profit for the pharmaceutical companies in the so called first worlds. So why should they care? So in short they are saying die you bastards until after 2 years maybe we will make a few more vaccines. It's disgusting.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Man arrested over attempted murder of acquaintance by pouring gasoline on him, igniting it See in context
I would rather be pushed off a building than burning to death in intense pain for a long time.
Id rather not be murdered !! Lol.
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: Ukraine's Zelenskyy arrives in Hiroshima as G7 leaders sanction Russia See in context
Ukraine's Zelenskyy arrives in Hiroshima as G7 leaders sanction Russia
On the same day that the russians completely take embarrassing !
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Civil rights groups warn tourists about Florida in wake of 'hostile' laws See in context
Florida lawmakers are “openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color
Oh well....No change there.....america has always been like that, ......probably the most racist country in the world.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Positive trial results for RSV infant treatment: Sanofi See in context
It makes all the sense in this crazy world and has a deep relationship with the article.
What I'm trying to point out from your comment about the article is that humans would rather spend vast amounts of money on foolish space travel, rather than spend the same money on saving the lives of innocent children. We as a species can survive without space travel and have done so for 1000s/ millions of years, but will not survive if we dont protect and nurture the next generation. You brought up the cost of these drugs and I'm saying money ain't the problem....its how we collectively choose to spend it.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Positive trial results for RSV infant treatment: Sanofi See in context
That makes absolutely no sense and has no relationship with the article, !!!
It makes all the sense in this crazy world and has a deep relationship with the article.
What I'm trying to point out from your comment about the article is that humans would rather spend vast amounts of money on foolish space travel, rather than spend the same money on saving the lives of innocent children. We as a species can survive without space travel and have done so for 1000s/ millions of years, but will not survive if we dont protect and nurture the next generation. You brought up the cost of these drugs and I'm saying money ain't the problem....its how we collectively choose to spend it.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Harry, Meghan in 'near catastrophic' New York paparazzi car chase See in context
Oh ! the trails of being rich and famous..........Who cares !!! this is NOT news !
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Positive trial results for RSV infant treatment: Sanofi See in context
this means a reduction of costs is difficult and the drug too expensive
Yes, I agree, far to expensive to save an innocent childs life, especially when that money can be used to create more military hardware or even pay for ' Pie in the sky' schemes like finding water on the moon ! Doh !
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Employee of regional police department arrested for assaulting man with umbrella See in context
, “The umbrella I was holding happened to hit the man while we were arguing.”
Yes, quite ! umbrellas do have a tendency of doing that ! Lol !
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Quantum physics proposes new way to study biology See in context
It would still be a huge advancement even if only because this kind of study can help understanding much better biological processes
True, but that will have to wait, because at the moment humans are to busy spending money, time, resources and endeavour on finding water on the moon !!! Doh !!!
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Coming years 'critical' to slash plastic pollution: U.N. See in context
People just talk about enviromental issues, (Blah ! blah, blah), but nobody wants to change their convenient life style. Humans will never change until theyre backs are against the wall....and then it will be to late...if not for us...for our grandchildren.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: WHO warns against using artificial sweeteners See in context
The WHO telling us what we already know........its been common knowledge for years !! Yawn.
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: ChatGPT chief says AI should be regulated by a U.S. or global agency See in context
I fear that its already to late, thats why elan musk , jeffrey hinton, sam altman are all suddenly appearing warning of the dangers , when they themselves have invested in it and produced it !!!! the cat is probably already out of the bag, the horse has already bolted....Human kind....Just shut the gate behind you......Bye !
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Dozens rally against Fukushima plant water release plan See in context
Truth is they have probably been secretly letting it out into the sea already, because there is no way they could have stored all that water since 2011.
-2 ( +6 / -8 )
Posted in: Dozens rally against Fukushima plant water release plan See in context
Dozens is about general Japanese dont do protests no matter what the cause is.
-5 ( +6 / -11 )
Posted in: Kishida to meet Biden in Hiroshima on Thursday ahead of G7 summit See in context
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: Kishida to meet Biden in Hiroshima on Thursday ahead of G7 summit See in context
AssToday 07:04 am JST
I'm really looking forward to the day the west has competent leadership once again
Ass...dont hold your breath.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: 54-year-old man arrested over murder of 82-year-old mother See in context
Kotani turned himself in at a koban (police box) about 550 meters from the apartment. He had a bloodstained knife wrapped in a towel in a bag with him.
Case closed.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: North Korean hackers stole $721 million in cryptocurrency from Japan: Nikkei See in context
Doh !
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Was it a Swiss knife? Let's try this again. No, Pukey2, it was made in Xinjiang by forced labor.
Posted in: Knife-wielding Swiss man arrested at train station in Kyoto Prefecture
Posted in: Nutrition advice is rife with misinformation
I went to a hockey game and a soccer match broke out.
Posted in: Hong Kong officials denounce attack on ice hockey players at Asian Winter Games
Posted in: What would happen if Japan is attacked?