Posted in: Global vaccine trust rising, but France, Japan, others skeptical See in context
In Finland 86% say they will take the vaccine. Which is a good number to create herd immunity after which by next Xmas life in Finland will be back to normal.
The problem is if only half of any nation takes the vaccine, the virus will keep on circulating.
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Gov't eyes punishment for refusal to comply with COVID-19 measures See in context
Why would anyone refuse to go to the hospital? I mean you have to be pretty sick if they suggest hospitalization. How are you going to survive at home?
5 ( +9 / -4 )
Posted in: Japan to lift virus ban on re-entry of some foreign residents from Aug 5 See in context
What does this "From Sept 1, those conditions will also apply to foreign nationals in other categories, including permanent or long-term residents and spouses and children of Japanese nationals or permanent residents." mean? Does it mean people in these categories stranded abroad?
10 ( +10 / -0 )
Posted in: 568 new cases of coronavirus reported in Japan See in context
"But how do you go about that? You don't want people with coughs, runny noses or fever flooding into hospitals or clinics."
Different countries have come up with different systems. In S. Korea they have movable test stations on streets, in America they have drive-in test stations, In Finland they separated ER and clinics into two: special ones where you come if you have corona symptoms, and the rest where you should go with any other problems.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Warnings fail to stop Japanese crowds from viewing cherry blossoms See in context
Now UK shut down everything, and Boris Johnson said on TV that it is only work, shopping food and necessities, medical needs, and one walk, jog and cycling a day that you are allowed to do.
Is Japan's gov. even following what other countries are doing?
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Posted in: Warnings fail to stop Japanese crowds from viewing cherry blossoms See in context
The problem is also the Japanese thinking of the mask as a talisman, that protects you like a religious object. If you have some kind of thing in front of your mouth nothing can happen, seems to be the common thinking. Even public information is always wear a mask and gargle. No one talks about proper 30 second hand wash with plenty of soap.
0 ( +5 / -5 )
Posted in: Warnings fail to stop Japanese crowds from viewing cherry blossoms See in context
Have you thought another option: that Japanese government is deliberately going for herd immunity tactics? The same that UK gov. was still going for one week ago, until after public cry and the Imperial College report they were forced to change their tactics.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: 6 types of Japanese people you’ll meet while living in Japan See in context
There is the one subcategory of Free English lessons hunter: the ones who suppose that all countries in Europe and Americas have English as their native language, and who are shocked to hear that yes, people in Sweden speak Swedish and people in Finland speak Finnish.
8 ( +9 / -1 )
Posted in: Gov't to release flight, other info on anyone suspected of being infected with Ebola See in context
Agree. In some other country this might work, but in Japan - no. Those people on the same flight have to say goodbye to any normal life for at least for a year.
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: Unraveling how children become bilingual so easily See in context
I read somwwhere that to gain a native accent of any language require that you move to that country before you reach 16. After that you cannot gain a perfecr accent. This I found true: I moved to both U.S. and Japan as an adult and was never able to gain a native-sounding accent of either American English or Japanese.
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Posted in: Filmed on location in Tokyo...not quite See in context
I talked with one European documentary filmmaker, who was invited by NHK to shoot a doc here, and she had a lot of trouble with shooting and permissions. For ex. you are not allowed to shoot in the trains. If you shoot a scrnery where the electricity poles show up, you have to get permission from Tepco. Ridiculous rules like this.
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Posted in: Pushy French are world's worst tourists; Japanese are top: study See in context
Re: trying to help other foreigners in Japan, this came to my mind. I was at Yurakucho, when 2 American women asked me where the International center is. I pointed where it is and explained where they have to go. They started whining really unpolitely that I pointed towards a building. Well, I did, as the int. center was right behind that building. Some American man came to the same spot and the women immediately turned to him, asking the same, and then thanking him with all smiles etc. without giving even a look at me or thanking me. I swore this was the last time I try to help American b-tches with no manners nonesoever. Any Japanese woman in a similar situation would have looked at everybody and thanked everybody who tried to help.
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Posted in: Finnair launches A330 service on Osaka route See in context
Great! I fly mostly Finnair, when I go to Europe.
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Posted in: Takeo Doi, scholar on Japanese psyche, dies See in context
I read this at the university as well. It did make me understand some things, but beware of overt nihonjinron-type of interpretation. After all, not all of us WEsterners behave according to Freud's theories either. Or do we?
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Posted in: Fitness regime makes light weights heavy See in context
I met somebody, who had trained with this system. Her arms got a lot of muscle in 2 weeks!
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Posted in: Tokyo residents pedaling to work in increasing numbers See in context
Workplaces, fitness clubs etc. should put up free bike parking places, or come up with a very cheap monthly parking bike park. Workplace, of course, should compensate for it, they way they give money for train passes.
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Posted in: Drop in household income puts strain on many marriages See in context
Why do you have to spend time with your co-workers after spending 8 hrs in the same office. It is time for the couples to start builöding a real relationship - also in Japan.
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Posted in: The Otaku Encyclopedia See in context
IvanGoughalot: Both the JT review and Galbraith's book are about 100 times more interesting than your message.
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Posted in: Is Tokyo really top dog in global rankings? See in context
I've lived in L.A. and Tokyo certainly beats it.
Never heard before of this Tyler Brule, but checked on the web. He is some handsome guy, so he must have good time with the local ladies here. Good for him!
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Posted in: New flu fears stir swine to swindle seniors See in context
Bogus medicine salesmen started on the web around the world about the next day when news from Mexico appeared in papers in April. There are homeopathic medicine, pils, god knows what.
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Posted in: Is Tokyo really top dog in global rankings? See in context
sydenham: Tokyo is quite comfortable, especially if you think of it's size - the largest metropol in the world. It is safe, clean, offers a lot in terms of freetime activities, shopping, entertainment, good public transportation system. I lived 6 months in the Kansai area, which is better in some terms (not so crowded, easier access to nature, friendlier people).
I am not a true expat either, so don't know their criteria.
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Posted in: NHK and Johnny's reportedly feuding See in context
Non-scripted documentaries? What are those? I did film studies at uni, and never heard of such.
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Posted in: Suicide pacts, cults and violence shape director Sion Sono See in context
I like Love Exposire also a lot. It is 4 hours, but did not feel as long.
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Posted in: NHK and Johnny's reportedly feuding See in context
I think NHK is pretty decent as compared to the commercial channels. Sometimes they are a bit preacherly (the other night at the 10-min before midnight teach-in some specialist talked about why in Mexico 100 people have died of swine flu, kind of making the assumption that in Japan no worry, as there is national health and better knowledge...he forgot to mention the 90-something U.S.deaths..).
I guess soft focus conference is the kind is arranged with the release of Japanese movies: nobody asks questions about the meaning of the film, filmmaking choices or anything relevant, it is just goody-feel and the actors going one after another "It was an honor to work with director X and my co-stars. Please all enjoy the movie."
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Posted in: Japanese hiker lost in New Mexico repeatedly dialed for help See in context
flyingfish: Really? Can you give an example of this kind of story before?
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Posted in: 30 Japanese schoolchildren in Germany have swine flu See in context
I wonder how widely this news has been reported in Japanese-language is now Japanese bringing the disease to another country.
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Posted in: New graduates show lack of zeal for jobs and job-hunting See in context
Beerplease: I agree. The reason is not the yutori education at elementary, mmiddle or high schools, but the university education. A lot of students just sleep their way through the uni.
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Posted in: Tokyo's iconic buildings being lost to zoning laws See in context
Japan does not respect architecture at all. The nostalgic post-war buildings of Omotesando, with listeria on the walls, and a horribly ugly mall was built instead. I am surprised to read above that it is actually designed by somebody. In the U.S. they at least have the decency to put these malls outside of the city center.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: New graduates show lack of zeal for jobs and job-hunting See in context
Cleo: If somebody applies to a company as a bilingual (Japanese and English), clearly they should expect their bilingual skills to be used for the benefit of the company at some point.
In the same company, this foreign worker said the Japanese co-workers were often amazed that she initiated to do some tasks herself, when nobody had even asked her to do them.
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Posted in: WHO raises new-flu alert to highest level, declares global pandemic See in context
ViginJapan: around 550.
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Posted in: Six million people could die from HIV and AIDS if U.S. funding stops, UN agency warns
Posted in: Super Bowl Monday
The "Spandex game is on point, too." Ha, ha! Well-played, Sir!
Posted in: Eagles deny Chiefs Super Bowl three-peat with dominant defense in 40-22 rout
Posted in: Six million people could die from HIV and AIDS if U.S. funding stops, UN agency warns