Posted in: Why are Japanese homes so poorly insulated? See in context
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Japanese houses are considered disposable, and that's why they lose value? The only winner in resisting insulation are greedy builders. Good builders, which there are plenty, insulate homes. For instance, my house, built in 2018 included sprayed expanding foam insulation and it's amazing how well the home holds temperature. Developers building cookie cutter homes for max profit? They are the issue. Even then, some are insulating.
21 ( +26 / -5 )
Japan seems to be happy with its kleptocracy, but for how long?
Posted in: Debate over raising ¥1.03 mil tax threshold gains steam in Japan
Posted in: Debate over raising ¥1.03 mil tax threshold gains steam in Japan
Posted in: Price to climb Mount Fuji will double, trail gates will close earlier if new plan is approved
Posted in: Shibuya’s Hachiko statue will be covered up for New Year’s Eve, pedestrian barricades installed