Japan Today

Everton2 comments

Posted in: U.S. Congress clears historic health care bill See in context

Gombei424Canada: that is indeed instructive for all of us, including those Republicans whose moral fiber or (lack thereof) is build on right wing cliches and dooms day rhetoric.

Those who immerse themselves in the politics of devision are never short of vaporous pronouncements about the impending disaster of health care reforms. It naturally follows that their political and social contrivances don't work in the real world where millions are being denied adequate health care.

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Posted in: Israel: No building restrictions in east Jerusalem See in context

We need to do something about that renegade state that is Israel. The world should be appalled that it allows one country, which is the state of Israel to maintain an apartheid based society, largely discriminating on the basis of ethnicity.

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Posted in: U.S. Congress clears historic health care bill See in context

Its funny, the AMERICANS are he only country prior to today that had an health care system that was primarily geared towards the interest of the insurance industry. Imagine that, the insurance companies rather than the sick. That 60% of all bankruptcy was attributed to health care cost, a significant factor that seemed to have been lost on the bulk of those hillbilly Republicans who voted for the status quo.

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Posted in: Obama, Republicans clash at heated health summit See in context

Man, I thought America had the best health care system in the world, at least that's what all the Republican senators are saying. Maybe they are just looking at it through the prism of their own senatorial perks, which provide an excessively generous cover, but what about the rest. Ho! forget about the rest, they are just lazy thats why they can't afford health care.

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Posted in: KFC pulls Australian ad over U.S. racism complaints See in context

USAFdude: Clearly you know very little about Australia let alone to trust your knowledge on which end of a cricket bat is up. West Indian Cricket fans are no more rowdy than those inebriated beer gosling Aussies for whom streaking (that is running on the pitch stalk naked during a game) has become a national past time. Mate you dont have a clue what rowdy is until you visit one of those pubs in George Street, Sydney on a Friday night.

The Australia I am talking about is the one that is bordered by the Indian Ocean and the Corol sea and not Austria as most Americans mistakenly assume.

The latest pole in Australia is overwhelmingly suggesting that the add was insensitive and racist, and for those reasons it will not see the light of day in Australia.

And by the way political correctness, which has become the whipping boy for every neo-recalcitrant finding their archaic views under siege has not even entered the debate here. So there you go mate!

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Posted in: KFC pulls Australian ad over U.S. racism complaints See in context

USAFdude: To say "The fault is entirely on the offended, not the offender". speaks volumes about a lack of understanding.

I live in Australia which provides a front seat in relation to the context of this advertisement.

The most distinguishing feature of the comment about "political correctness" is its similarity with those who relegate global warming to being the fantasy of liberals. It is the same kind of disconnectedness that for years refused to acknowledge the indignity contained in the racism faced by many minority groups across the world including Australia.

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Posted in: KFC pulls Australian ad over U.S. racism complaints See in context

USAdude: Yes great comment. You should be Aborigine in Australia and you would have a different opinion. Lets just blame the victims, so anybody who suffers racism should look at themselves as being the problem .

It is this kind of thinking that confirms that there is still a lot of work to do in educating our fellow humans. It has nothing to do with political correctness, it is a clear act of insensitivity towards a particular group of people.

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Posted in: Arrest made in Newark airport security breach See in context

Still don"t really understand what this guy did

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Posted in: KFC pulls Australian ad over U.S. racism complaints See in context

I live in Australian and the bulk of you here would not have a clue about the real attitude of Australians. They may have abandoned the "white Australian policy" for fear of being an international outcast, but old attitudes die hard. Australian television is riddled with offensive adds that could not get to first base internationally.

Australians live in their proverbial cocoon thinking that they have a special culture that gives them a license to behave in a Jurassic manner.

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Posted in: KFC pulls Australian ad over U.S. racism complaints See in context

Yes, of course the add has been well understood by Australian cricket fans. The understanding is that black people are essentially uncouth and one way of mitigating this abhorrent behavior is to serve up some fry chicken. This notion that other people particularly Americans don't understand their brand of humor is a copout by Australian who are essentially too stupid to realize that they are offending people.

This is a country that for years had enshrine in its constitution a policy of only accepting white immigrants rooted the notion of the yellow peril based on a psychotic fear of Asians and non white people.

For years white Australians have with impunity presented the indigenous Australians as lazy simply wanting to live on the system. In fact, is has become part of common accepted behaviour in Australia to be as abusive as possible to the aborigines. For these reason other new comers to Australia have adopted this attitude and the cycle of abuse for these people is perpetuated.

What amazes me is the kind of thinking that would conceive and ultimately disseminate this kind of stereotype image of black peopke. Who are the people that are creating it? where have they been educated? What world are they living in?

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Posted in: Polanski stuck in jail; must pay full $4.5 mil bail See in context

jail his ass!!!!

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Posted in: Karzai renews call for Taliban to lay down weapons See in context


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Posted in: Ex-soccer player Honda, wife divorce after 6 years of sexless marriage See in context

please just give me one shot,i will sort her out, just one shot

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Posted in: Polanski wins $4.5 mil bail; house arrest likely See in context

I have one word for this guy, PUNK!

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Posted in: Israel brushes off Obama criticism over Jerusalem settlements See in context

We need to call for sanctions against Israel. It is amazing that in the face of what is essentially world condemnation Israel remains firm on that path to thuggery. It is the same recalcitrant behavior they exhibited in relation to the world's united stand on apartheid, and here we are again in what is a blatant land grab. I am just freeking over Israel's behavior! If ever a country represents a threat to world peace Israel falls in the same category as Iran and North Korea.

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Posted in: 85,000 Iraqis killed in almost 5 years of war See in context

yes we can accept those figures, but how many are killed because of the insurgency, suicide bombers, sectarian violence perhaps 98% of that figure.

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Posted in: How to stay beautiful in Japan through your diet See in context

2020hindsight: Great! hahaha you are very claver, perhaps even on par with these Japanese girls. Mate, I am not seeking a fight with you. If you want to revel in the fact that they prefer whiter skin then more power to you.

I am only stating the facts that relates to skin and the erroneous reasoning behind it, and whatever their preferences are do not mean much to me except that I find it alarming.

In addition, Japanese people are not inquisitive enough to seek the facts about anything that they have not been told. For these reasons they persist with these archaic 19th century notions of skin color and preference. What I am saying is that there is a collective stupor in Japan about issues that require brain power and individual application. They seem to follow trends and adopt the worst of American values and we know how the issue of race and skin color play out over there.

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Posted in: How to stay beautiful in Japan through your diet See in context

dbung10: sorry about the "you guys" expression it is definitely inappropriate.

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Posted in: How to stay beautiful in Japan through your diet See in context

Furthermore, I don't understand why so much ignorance prevails on this subject. All the relevant information is easily available that points to the innate superiority of black skin. Just look up the word "melanin" as a starting point.

Is it because you guys just don't want to know or truly recognize things for how they are? You may dance around the subject a much as you all want to but the facts are pointing to one thing, the darker the skin the more capable it is for dealing with the conditions we find here on earth.

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Posted in: How to stay beautiful in Japan through your diet See in context

dbung10 I just can’t believe that you could even remotely entertain the notion that black people don't show wrinkles because they have darker skin and therefore harder to see. With all due respect that is categorically ignorant, that is how stereotypes are born. If you understand how radiation and aging impact the skin then you can begin to fathom the whole process as to why black skin is more suitable for conditions here on earth.

Black skin naturally has high levels of melanin, which protects the skin. The higher the concentration of melanin the darker the kin and therefore the more protected. Melanin is both a moisture giving agent as well as furnishes protection from radiation or UV rays.

When skin ages it is essentially the moisture that vacates it, thus undermining its elasticity or its ability to be held tightly. It is in these respects that black skin is superior in both its resistance to UV rays and its ability to maintain its moisture content. That is why they look so much younger than other races for their age.

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Posted in: Netanyahu: No war crimes trials for Israelis See in context

Israel is really selective about justice. It has a way of using the UN when it suits its purposes. Israel is currently in violation of at lease two UN resolutions that relates to building in the occupied territories.

In addition, any adequate assessment of Israel must be viewed in the context of how they treat the Falashian Jews, brought to Israel in great fan fair only to suffer discrimination and humiliation on a daily basis. If they can't get a fair shake in Israel how can we seriously expect anyone else will let alone the disenfranchised Palestinian majority.

The regime in Tel Aviv is by all definition a carbon copy of the regime that imprisoned Nelson Mandela, the world most respected statesman for 27 years without trial

Moderator: Comparisons with South Africa are not relevant. Stay on topic please.

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Posted in: Netanyahu: No war crimes trials for Israelis See in context

The apartheid regime in Israel simply cannot be reasoned with.

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Posted in: How to stay beautiful in Japan through your diet See in context

It is all a matter of genetics. Black people in general have much better skin than all other races. It naturally has more moisture making it to a large extent more resistant to wrinkling. As a result they tend to look much younger for their age never ever exhibiting that leathery effect that whites tend to get when they have been overexposed to the sun. They hardly ever get skin cancer or melanoma. If one really examine the facts, the darker the skin the better it tends to fear in respect to the effects of disease and aging.

It is just that white skin people has perpetrated this myth (and of course the Japanese deep down wants to be white), which erroneously attached superiority to white skin which is not supported by the facts. This misconception is rooted in colonialism as a way of justifying racism and dehumanizing darker skin people. Well we all know its all crap now and white people were simply just projecting

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Posted in: Iran to 'blow up the heart of Israel' if attacked See in context

Kinniku it is simple. The point is that Israel and Iran are both guilty of ignoring the call of the UN to stop pursuing certain policies at home and abroad. This involves enriching Uranium to weapons grade, building homes in the occupied territories or covertly built a nuclear weapon which you have refused to confirm or deny. The connection is that both countries have displayed unmitigated thuggery in their behavior and should be regarded as equally a threat to world peace.

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Posted in: Iran to 'blow up the heart of Israel' if attacked See in context

I think it is time the UN start calling for sanctions against Israel for its many breeches of UN resolutions.

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Posted in: Obama says he'll accept Nobel Peace Prize as 'call to action' See in context

I certainly wish all you Obama haters would stop whining. Now every dog's body is an expert on the Nobel Peace Prize process, offering their tired opinions and why the President does not deserve it. I say give us all a break! I suppose you would prefer to have a President that gets shoes thrown at him rather than one who is simply recognized for something positive.

It is no secret that Republicans want this President to fail. They have said it openly and applauded when Chicago lost the bid for the 2016 Olympics. Obama did not asked for this award neither did he in anyway lobbied or push for it. In fact the man was so surprised by the honor. I am sure an award of this nature can only operate for the good of America than any negatives.

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Posted in: Divorced, separated Japanese fathers also fight to see children See in context

It is shocking to know that the reason the Japanese authorities give for not bringing their divorce and child custody laws in line with the develop world, is protection of Japanese women from abusive foreign husbands. It seems to me that they should be more concern with how Japanese men treat their women. The case for foreign men abusing Japanese women would be less of a problem, since Japan as long been a society where it is acceptable or at least considered to be part and parcel of a marriage to occasionally hit your wife.

The Japanese authorities need to look more closely at their own society with its paternalistic approach that tacitly seeks to undermine the rights of women. It is often when a Japanese woman has had some foreign experience that they realize that their condition in Japan is to a large extent oppressive.

The idea that only women are capable of taking care of children goes to the heart of how Japanese society (or Japanese men) view women. It is rooted in the archaic notion that taking care of the house and children are mainly a woman's role.

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Posted in: Polanski loses first round in extradition battle See in context

extradite his ass!!!!!

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Posted in: Rich, poor nations divided over climate talks See in context

I wonder what the discussion would be like: We the rich country have already exploited the hell out of the planet to enriched ourselves with no concern for the impact on the environment. But you developing countries cannot do what we did you have to abide by a set of rules governing the environment and even if that means no development for you. We got in first hahahah

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Posted in: Letterman admits affairs; claims extortion See in context

hoserfella wtote: > everton2 - congratulations! You've just exposed your ignorance (Its Wailing wall) and anti-semitism in one sentence.

My spelling might be off and I appreciate the instruction,but anti-semitism! Please give us all a break with this nonsense. For all you know I may be Jewish myself.

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