Posted in: Woman, child not wearing seatbelts fall out of car at intersection See in context
wow what a bunch of idiots. They deserved to be hurt. 26, grow up, you are a MOTHER!!!!
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Posted in: British film board bans sale of Japanese horror movie See in context
wtf, why can Japan make this kind of movie but video games with exploding heads and limbs and excessive blood get banned?!
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Posted in: Poll in U.S. finds support for World War II atom bombings See in context
It was absolutely the right thing to do.
the Japanese military were dirty agressive fighters. Their tactics were merciless and cruel. Anyone who knows the culture and the way J ppl think would understand that easily.
Just imagine all the moronic loyalty they have now to their jobs/companies: That used to be applied to their love of country.
It still was a terrible thing and innocent people did suffer as is always the case in war. The sooner it ended the better for ALL involved.
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Posted in: Man arrested for refusing to pay taxi fare from Kyoto to Tokyo police HQ See in context
the guy is nuts but the taxi driver is just as nuts for driving him so far without checking if he had sufficient funds.
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Posted in: Burger King adds 'angry' burger to Japan menu See in context
BURGER KING!!Get your butt to KANSAI!!!!!
I second that!
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Posted in: My first run-in with the police See in context
If you got pulled over for doing nothing (like I used to in my old town) I might feel bad for you. Of course you DID break the law and even your husband had enough sense to know how stupid you were. almost all cops I have dealt with here or back home ask stupid questions and have a holier-than-thou attitude. If you break the law, you deserve to have to listen to their stupid questions.
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Posted in: Aso says world religions can learn from Japan See in context
This guy is the biggest idiot. Every other day he makes some asinine statement. Japanese people work LONG not HARD. That is a big difference. They think staying in the office until midnight makes them a hard worker. Like someone said, their productivity per hour is pathetic.
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"A cacophony from senior members of the US administration has sown confusion and alarm in Europe."
Posted in: Trump team makes confused start to Ukraine diplomacy
Posted in: Trump team makes confused start to Ukraine diplomacy
Posted in: Germany's Scholz rebukes Vance; defends Europe's stance on hate speech and far right
The US position is clear as mud. In one sense. In another, it's clear as the light of day: we…
Posted in: Europe will not be part of Ukraine peace talks, U.S. envoy says