Posted in: Japan's 2nd big helicopter carrier enters service See in context
Kaga as in Kaga-han, the medieval name of the state situated around current day Ishikawa prefecture. Same goes for Hyuga or Yamato or Musashi and the like. All medieval names of Japanese Hans.
To say that something is wrong with these names cuz of acts that were committed in the past with ships that shared the same names, is the same as saying that Japan should abolish not only their naval flag, but national flag and anthem as they were used in like manner prior to 1945.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and mine is that neither the names, flags, nor anthem have any fault as all these things existed prior to Japan's expansionism (were not things that were specifically created for the advancement of said expansionist agenda)
Hence theres nothing wrong with them being used post war.
10 ( +15 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan successfully launches spy satellite See in context
@rough and smith
The US and any other respectable country also announces all their satellites. Theres a limited number of slots for satellites with their own orbits such that they don't go colliding with one another.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Health diets from overseas flooding Japan, but are they right for Japanese bodies? See in context
Once again, JT commentators using any opportunity available to unleash their poorly hidden sense of superiority to the Japanese people.
Cornell University
National Institutes of Health
Its only absurd when Japanese people proclaim it right?
-13 ( +3 / -16 )
Posted in: Vietnamese PM urges more investment from Japan See in context
@ dcog9065
Stop it man, the ppl here don't care about facts. They're just here to consolidate one another's fantasies about how they're all morally and intellectually superior to the majority of Japanese people who vote for/support Abe (latest poll shows support at 67%).
The fanatic dogma of JT posters against Abe and his supporters is tantamount to that of the KKK's stance toward coloured people. Reason has absolutely no place in their ivory tower.
-2 ( +4 / -6 )
Posted in: Sensoji selfie See in context
Justifying your inability to distinguish races by framing the race as being "racist" for claiming their differences are real? Fresh.
I have no clue about internal physical features like intestine lengths of various races, but there are defining external features (both physical and fashion wise) that give off what race/culture one belongs to.
Being from Vancouver I can distinguish between a Japanese person and a HK person 90% of the time, much like how I can distinguish an Italian from a Dutchman or a Scotsman 90% of the time.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Nicholson's colonialist mentality was on full display. It was unbelievable. See in context
@ Travelin Sales
US suffered under UK, JPN/Okinawa still suffers under US.
The "abusive husband"-esque comments by americans ("you wouldn't last a day in the world without me protecting you from it") are really telling of US-JPN relations.
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: Diet enacts law to allow casino gambling at 'integrated resorts' See in context
"Diet enacts law to allow casino gambling at 'integrated resorts"
This title is misleading. They enacted a law that says that the Japanese government will produce a law (a separate one) within a year that will allow for casinos to be built into IRs. Conditions apply to the "to be" law, where measures against gambling addiction etc have to be put in place for such a law to be enacted.
There's still a chance the law will face significant troubles, as many of the conservatives behind Abe are demanding a "no foreign capital" or "majority ownership by Japanese capital" clause be written into the new law.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Anti-Russian protest See in context
@ Aly
That only means that your beloved leftists are beginning to question their traditional leftist party affiliations as it can no longer win them any influence over political matters.
My main point, which you are trying to avoid, still stands - these events calling for norther territory repatriation are by no means dominated by right leaning groups and individuals, if anything the traditional left are more vocal and extreme in their demands. You and Saiko are still wrong.
-10 ( +1 / -11 )
Posted in: Anti-Russian protest See in context
SaikoPsycho / Aly Rustom
Actually you're both quite wrong.
The biggest flag you see right up front is the Rengo flag, which is the Labour Union Confederation and is affiliated/closely tied to the Democratic Party of Japan (your beloved Renho).
Furthermore, the Japanese Communist Party are the ones making the most extreme demand against the Russians; All of the Kurile Islands as opposed to just 4 demanded by the Liberal Democratic Party et al.
4 ( +9 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan to conduct first major survey on racism: report See in context
I've had acts that can be deemed racist done to me by Japanese people, but in most cases they're acts done in good will that have backfired or just plain "had no idea how to deal with the situation" syndrome. Other than a case or two, I almost never got the sense that the individual did what they did because he/she thought I was by nature inferior to them, or that the act was done out of hatred for gaijn.
On the other hand I see quite a bit of thinly veiled racism (sometimes blatant) by expats against Japanese people, with obvious connotations of superiority (usually cultural/moral but also physical) against the locals. These racist expats all share a really strong sense of entitlement.
7 ( +12 / -5 )
Posted in: Carmakers forced back to bigger engines in new emissions era See in context
Means lower RPM ranges.
That's generally not true. You're saying that more often then not, a Hummer (which has more torque) is more economical than a corolla. This is plain asinine.
Bigger engines typically need bigger cars, which are heavier and require more energy to move. Its why compact Japanese cars took over the gas guzzler market during the oil shock in the 70s.
@ Reckless You are right in saying that number of cylinders does not equate to how strong the engine is, but you're also wrong to say 4 cylinder is more efficient. How strong the engine is is largely determined by displacement, but a 6 cylinder is generally more efficient than a 4 cylinder even if you consider the added mechanical loss.
I think the 3 cylinder trend was not a pursuit of efficiency, but a solution to the physical constraints of pursing smallerlighter engines and balancing durability with that aim. Fitting 6 cylinders in a small engine would likely compromise the structural integrity of the combustion engine.
This whole issue was set off by California's very strict+rigid+devoid of logic regulations. The question resonating throughout the entire industry was "how did VW do it?", well as we now know, they didn't - they opted to cheat.
At the same time, cars like the Mazda sky activ-D were rejected as a result of being too clean. (The car doesn't have a emissions sensor required by regulation because it produces so little emissions. Even if the sensor was added , it wouldn't produce readings in the required/permitted range. And so it was rejected authorization to go on the Cali market - Instead of Mazda investing time and money in dumbing down the engine, they just gave up trying to sell it there.
1 ( +4 / -3 )
Posted in: Do you think automatic translation technology will get good enough one day so that we won't need human interpreters or translators? See in context
First to go will be the Eikaiwa ladies and gents
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Increasing number of women leave rice behind at revolving sushi train restaurants See in context
I don't eat rice that often neither, but I think its two different things to avoid eating rice by not ordering it, and ordering something with rice and leaving it to be thrown out.
The latter is just class-less.
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Ready for battle See in context
Same goes for most people here with Abe. No tag backs only applies to kids games.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Koizumi backs sick U.S. sailors who blame Fukushima radiation See in context
Whether or not the Fukushima radiation was the cause, Tepco is scum and needs to be shut down after they clean up their mess. Its great that Koizumi is setting up a private fund.
Having said that though I'm against any public funds going into this:
A private owned factory next to my house blows up and the fire spreads to my house, volunteers (as far as I know, the J-Gov't didn't issue an official request for operation tomodachi, so the US servicemen came to help out of their own benevolent volitions) come put out the fire on my house, they get sick from the fumes (radiation), and I (taxpayer) have to pay for their med bills, while I'm still paying to rebuild my house and my life.
More like operation ATARIYA
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: The gang's all here See in context
@ BurakuminDes Suu Kyi is pretty scary in her own right. In her own words she is above the president, and you can infer from the following statement that she sees the constitution as below her as well.
Something tells me you don't really know all that much about each leader you denounce. But after all they're dodgy (aka asian) men so they must be scum by default right? S-xpat superiority complex in asia never ceases to be funny.
-6 ( +0 / -6 )
Posted in: Philippine president regrets 'son of a bitch' remark referring to Obama See in context
-6 ( +1 / -7 )
Posted in: Consumer prices fall for 5th straight month See in context
descendent: "I'm no expert, but "stimulus" just sounds like the artificial propping up of the stock market. If your economy is dependent on this, it's not sustainable, and you're distorting the principles of the market itself. Just let it shrink to more natural levels, which the market will dictate."
Where do you draw the line between artificial and natural? Currency itself is an artificial item used to prop up entire economies. I get the feeling that you see "principles of the market and the invisible hand" as intangible things, much like god and having faith in his plans.
As you say yourself, the market IS dictating how things are going according to market principles - namely by supply and demand. Furthermore, ALL money in circulation is an artificial creation that was supplied by either the government or the central bank. So then why would you think that the amount of cash currently in circulation is natural while any further addition of supply is artificial?
Situation where an economy's demand for currency surpasses its supply exists just as legitimately as situations where the opposite is the case. Adjusting the money supply to optimize is only as artificial as the introduction of the use of currency itself.
You acknowledging that you're not an expert, but from there on you go full assertion mode.
-4 ( +1 / -5 )
Posted in: SDF to start training for overseas rescue operations See in context
That's exactly what the SDF has been facing, like when Megumi Yokota was kidnapped. The SDF knew the NK ships were going in and out of Japan, but cabinet (LDP) didn't ever give the green light of intercepting said ships fearing the inevitable backlash from the Shakaito, Kyosanto and the media.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Sea Shepherd to battle on after Japan whaling court deal in U.S. See in context
I work with a Balenine in my line of work. Pretty promising stuff.
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan's trade shrinks in July; exports sink 14% See in context
Anyone heard of Adam Smith or David Ricardo? No? Didn't seem like it.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Do you think mega-sports events such as the Olympics are good for the host city’s economy and infrastructure in the long run? See in context
Within the context of this poll question, hosting the olympics is an economic tool just like how QE or fighting wars are.
Like with any tool of this sort, you can't just use it anytime you want and hope for good effects. Both the global and domestic economies need to be at a specific point on their respective cycles for such events to bring about the economic benefits that are associated with hosting them.
The difficulty with matching the timing to the sweet spot lies in how the olympics needs to be bid for, and hosted several years down the road - by which time the situation may drastically change.
So "if all the stars align" events like the olympics can be great, but the possibility of it backfiring is much greater IMO.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Do you think children of past generations had better manners than kids today when it comes to gestures like saying "please," "thank you" and showing respect for their elders? See in context
I once read an anthropology article that found ancient Egyptian carvings on unused pyramid boulders that read "young people these days...".
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Mass killing sparks debate: Why didn't the system prevent it? See in context
@Just a User
Yeah totally eh? If the Japanese authorities detained someone to "prevent" an incident, it would be like a birthday party at Mcdonalds for these boys. (IE Kawabegawa198 - the police in Japan simply react to crimes....they don't prevent them)
Like I've always been saying, people here give 0 consideration about the consistency of their positions so long as they are bashing Japan. They talk about how the Japanese educational system is a complete failure, but all they're doing for me is proving that educational systems in the west is just as impotent.
-2 ( +3 / -5 )
Posted in: If you vote for me... See in context
This guys done after that scandal, and with him goes any chance of a left of centre individual being voted in. Not that it matters as this election is regional and not national.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Critics question economic impact of Abe's maglev decision See in context
Where is the objectivity? Everybody here's cognitions are so clouted by their dogmatic hate of Abe.
Why do people here ignore the fact that the Japanese economy is actually in better shape now than it was during DPJ? How can this be true if Abenomics is a total farce? Does anyone actually look into this stuff? I don't mean anti-abe commentator written articles but actual numbers.
People talk about how Japan's debt problem is out of control but it owns nearly 1200 billion USD in US treasury securities alone. The J-government hasn't even attempted selling off any of its government assets, which is the first thing governments do when they are in financial trouble. Mind you there are still many levers that can be pulled to offset the current debt.
Tax revenues went up, stocks are still double. I don't by any means believe that the "trickle down effect" is a real thing but even with that aside, Abe/Kuroda-nomics is still doing better than DPJ/Shirakawa-nomics.
How is this move a waste of money? I'd wager some of the critics here praise FDR's new deal, but if its done by a Japanese politician it has to be wrong by default. racists...
-9 ( +5 / -14 )
Posted in: Japan ruling bloc election win threatens regional stability, says China's Xinhua See in context
We here can criticize Abe et al all we want without having to worry of any repercussions. JT can keep these comments here without worry of any government censorship. Sealds can throw up Hitleresque effigies of Abe and not worry about being thrown into jail.
Seriously folks? Has your hatred for Abe caused you all to lose your ability to reason? Equating the Chinese and Japanese leaderships is as preposterous as saying using a condom is murder.
0 ( +4 / -4 )
Posted in: Japan denies its jets were provocative in Chinese encounter See in context
Everyone except 95% of JapanToday commentators lol. Japan is guilty of any and all charges, so pile em on.
-14 ( +7 / -20 )
Posted in: 17-year-old girl hit by train while using smartphone on platform See in context
I see people using their smartphones while riding their bicycles all the time when I'm driving around town. It's pretty scary how much confidence bike riders here have in the attentiveness of car drivers.
Cyclist mannerism one of my biggest pet peeves here in Japan.
0 ( +4 / -4 )
Mom's just need to tell their kids to go outside more. The kids will figure out things to do. If…
Posted in: Australia plans age limit to ban children from social media
Posted in: China announces joint naval, air drills with Russia
Posted in: Apple unveils new iPhone built for AI
Posted in: Apple unveils new iPhone built for AI